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三、封建帝制崩溃前后"新史学"的倡导和推进戊戌维新虽然被顽固派扼杀了,但戊戌运动由此开启的思想解放的潮流是阻挡不了的。至20世纪初年,由于空前民族危机的刺激以及逐步形成的共和革命思想的推动,中国思想界出现了急剧变化的局面,掀起了输入西方新思想、新学理,用以分析中国历史与现实问题,寻找救国道路的进步潮流。十年之间,雨后春笋般地刊行了大量译著、杂志和报纸。梁启超对当时情况有过生动的概括:"戊戌政变,继以庚子‘拳祸’,清室衰微益暴露,青年学子,相率求学海外。  相似文献   
别一种真实--艺术的生存体验   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
高楠 《思想战线》2005,31(2):87-92
历史的本质真实不能成为艺术创作的根据.艺术的本质特征拒绝历史本质相对于创作的先在把握,这样的把握只能取概念形态,其创作也只能为概念而创作.概念地把握本质导致艺术创作对于非艺术的观念形态的依附,导致艺术的取消.艺术有另一种真实根据,即生存体验,其根据在于生存的有机整体性、融贯流变性及互动生成性.在生存体验中创作与批评彼此融通,体验的合于生存状况的真实性既是批评的根据又是创作的根据,二者在各自的自主性与自律性上被肯定并得以实现.生存真实是更为深刻的艺术真实.  相似文献   
对当前青少年生存和发展中某些悖论问题的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
和谐社会建设和治理的一个重要内容就是对各个社会群体的利益进行协调均衡,但当代青少年群体,无论是整体,还是强势或弱势部分,他们的生存和发展的权益都受到不同程度的侵犯。因而,建设与治理和谐社会首要的问题就是要重视青少年的生存与发展的权益保护,提供经济保证,整合教育模式,加大教育投资,构建适合青少年生存与发展的教育体系。  相似文献   
西夏刑罚是西夏法律制度的重要内容。本文在借鉴继承已有学术成果的基础上,认为西夏刑罚可分为主刑和附加刑。主刑形成了富有西夏特色的五刑制,附加刑的主要形式为财产刑和身体刑。  相似文献   
谭肇毅 《桂海论丛》2008,24(5):69-73
民团制度,是新桂系治桂时期最重要的一项基本制度。它对巩固新桂系的统治具有重要的意义,彰显新桂系治国安邦的理念、路向和方案。在特定的历史条件下,民团制度对维持地方治安,稳定社会,动员民众反对外来侵略,曾起过一定的积极作用。但其本质是军事专制,是反现代化的,体现了新桂系统治的军事专制性质。  相似文献   
阿Q是世界文学之林一个不朽的文学典型。从他诞生以来,不同国度、不同层次、不同时代的人们从未停止对他的争论。从他的精神胜利法、恋爱悲剧、革命三方面来分析他的生存困境,可看出阿Q精神是人类社会的一种带有普遍性的心理现象。再读《阿Q正传》时,我们面临的应该是灵魂的拷问。  相似文献   
抗日战争是全民族的事业,必须给广大人民群众以充分的抗日民主自由权利。中共中央北方局在抗日战争初期即遵照中央指示,改造旧政权,建立抗日政府。抗日战争进入战略相持阶段前后,又致力于抗日民主政权的建设,创立了“三三制”的民主政权形式,开展了广泛的精兵简政运动,巩固了抗日根据地,推进了中国人民的抗战事业。  相似文献   
Numerous new parties have emerged since voters became less loyal to established political parties. A number of these survived and have been analysed intensely, especially green and radical right parties; many other new parties disappeared and have been neglected by party research. This article analyses the fate of all 30 political parties that entered parliament in the Netherlands or Belgium between 1950 and 2003. Qualitative comparative analysis is used to identify characteristics of both surviving and disappeared new parties. Conditions related to party origin (roots in civil society, organisational newness, initial programmatic profile) are scrutinised, as are conditions pertaining to the party’s developmental process (party organisational strength and the occurrence of defections or party splits). Surviving parties are characterised by strong, rooted organisations that have not suffered defections. Most disappeared parties lacked a strong organisation and roots and have experienced shocks that they could not absorb. Organisational newness makes new parties vulnerable.  相似文献   
As semi‐presidentialism has become increasingly common in European democracies, so have the debates about the consequences of several of its political and institutional features. In particular, in those regimes, cohabitation between presidents and cabinets of different parties and cabinet dismissal powers on the part of presidents are thought to be a source of inter‐branch conflict and government instability. However, so far, most empirical work on government survival has failed to confirm any of these expectations. This article addresses this disjuncture between theory and empirical results by making a twofold contribution. First, it takes into account the internal diversity within semi‐presidentialism, modeling the implications for government survival of different configurations between presidential powers’ of cabinet dismissal, parliament dissolution and cohabitation in European semi‐presidential systems. Second, it reconsiders traditional government survival using the competing risks framework by adding a distinction between two different types of non‐electoral replacement: those where replacements imply a change in the party of the prime minister and those where they do not. Once such an approach is adopted, that presidential powers of parliamentary dissolution and cabinet dismissal indeed emerge as highly relevant for explaining government survival in these regimes.  相似文献   
信用证诈骗罪的客体是复杂客体,对此我国刑法学界并无异议,但是对于该罪的主要客体则有不同观点。一种认为主要客体是信用证管理制度,理由是金融秩序是整个经济秩序的核心。另一种观点对信用证管理制度说提出批评,并认为主要客体应该是公私财产所有权。刑法理论中的主要客体认定标准是立法者保护的社会关系的侧重点。公私财产所有权说对信用证管理制度说的批评不能成立,其对自身观点的论证也缺乏说服力。因此,信用证管理制度说应当获得肯定。  相似文献   
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