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公路危险地点的鉴别与改善   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前我国对公路危险地点没有确切定义,我们可将公路危险地点试定义为由于公路道路本身、交通设施、交通环境等因素作用,而使得行车行驶速度发生急剧变化,经常发生交通事故的地点。对于公路危险地点的鉴别是一项科学的工作,这对于公路的综合治理有重要的意义。  相似文献   
中国社会的复杂性、中国革命的特殊性和艰巨性 ,对中国革命的领袖提出了很高的要求。毛泽东同志在探索中国革命道路中所表现出来的优秀品质 ,对于我们准确把握毛泽东思想的核心和精髓有着十分重要的意义。  相似文献   
The aim of this article is to assess the creation of the China-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank within the scope of China’s smart power strategy, which will help not only to analyze China’s strategic use of its coercive and co-optive capacity, but also to understand better the concept of smart power. Given that the wisdom of statecraft can only be situationally determined, through this study I will propose the ability to achieve targeted objectives, the skill to use hard and soft power instruments in such a way that they reinforce each other, good interpretation of the existing regional and global contexts, time planning, and compatibility with long-term interests as criteria for judging the effectiveness of a smart power implementation.  相似文献   
中国特色社会主义道路是相对于欧美模式、苏联模式以及改革开放之前中国的社会主义建设模式而言的。中国特色社会主义道路相对于欧美模式的特色,主要体现为:"在中国共产党领导下"、"坚持四项基本原则"、"巩固和完善社会主义制度"、"建设社会主义民主政治"和"建设社会主义先进文化";相对于苏联模式的特色主要体现为:"坚持改革开放"、"建设社会主义市场经济"和"建设社会主义和谐社会";相对于改革开放之前中国的社会主义建设模式的特色主要体现为:"立足基本国情"、"以经济建设为中心"、"解放和发展生产力"、"建设富强民主文明和谐的社会主义现代化国家"。  相似文献   
应用于沥青路面的化学抑尘剂效果试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对一种应用于沥青路面的化学抑尘剂,进行了现场抑制排放浓度和排放量的效果试验。抑尘剂应用于郊区沥青道路,对喷洒抑尘剂和未喷洒抑尘剂路段两侧颗粒物浓度进行测量,结果显示抑制PM10排放浓度效率为22%;抑尘剂应用于城区辅路,通过对抑尘剂喷洒前后路面粉土负荷的测量分析,根据AP-42排放因子公式模型计算颗粒物排放量,10%和3%两种浓度抑尘剂,28 d内抑制PM10排放量平均效率分别为49%和30%,35%浓度抑尘剂由于受工地干扰,效率为18%;抑尘剂应用于工地出口破损道路,对抑尘剂喷洒前后路边颗粒物浓度测量分析,结果显示2 d内平均抑制PM10排放浓度效率为82%,与洒水4 h内的效率接近但持续时间比洒水长。  相似文献   
Motor vehicle driver fatalities (≥18 years) from the files at Forensic Science South Australia were reviewed from January 2008 to December 2018 for cases in which either positive blood sample for methamphetamine (MA) or an illegal blood alcohol concentration (BAC) >0.05g/100 ml were found. Three hundred driver deaths were found with MA detected in 28 cases (age range 21–62 years; ave. 37.8 years; M:F 23:5). Hundred and fifteen cases with a BAC > 0.05 g/100 ml were identified (age range 18–67 years; ave 35.7 years; M:F 95:20). No change was found in numbers of MA cases, although alcohol cases showed a significant decline (p < 0.001). Drunk driving-related fatal crashes tended to occur in the evening (5 p.m. to 11 p.m.), while MA-related fatal crashes had a longer peak extending from late evening until late morning (11 p.m. to 8 a.m.). This study has demonstrated that while roadside breath testing, legislative changes, and increased monitoring have resulted in reduced levels of drunk driving, similar safety countermeasures have had negligible effects on MA use in drivers. Continued monitoring of MA use by drivers will, therefore, be necessary to assess the possible effects, or not, of new countermeasures.  相似文献   

Since 2011, Myanmar has undertaken a series of domestic and foreign policy reforms, including democratisation and peacebuilding, before and after the watershed November 2015 elections in the country. These reform processes have called into question whether China, which has been Myanmar's dominant great power neighbour throughout the previous era of military government in the country formerly known as Burma, would find its strategic position eroding as Myanmar further opens to the international community. However, the concept of China ‘losing’ diplomatic ground to other actors, including the West, in Myanmar implies a zero-sum game that does not adequately address Beijing's still-formidable geostrategic presence vis-à-vis its southern neighbour. China has now started to implement a more multi-faceted, ‘resilience network’-building approach to maintaining its special status in Myanmar's foreign policy, a situation which will persist as Myanmar continues its uncertain path towards further reform.  相似文献   
在甘肃大开发中 ,应抓住其主要矛盾和矛盾的主要方面———甘肃商品经济不发达和教育、科技、民主法制建设落后及人口多、土地资源狭小这一实际 ,挖掘发挥甘肃的优势 ,合理地调整产业结构 ,走经济发展与社会的民主法制、国民教育、保障机制同步前进的路子。  相似文献   
王文成 《思想战线》2001,27(2):121-124
北宋初期,失去货币资格的绢帛与白银一道,常常被用于与其它商品互换.但仁宗朝以后,专用白银而不用绢的记载增加.尤其是神宗朝以后,不仅银绢同用减少,而且不少日常交易、支付事例中,出现了以银代绢的现象,甚至有的事例开始具有了以银买绢的意味.此时,商品市场上完成了从银绢并用到银绢分离的转变.这标志着,在当时的商品货币关系中,白银开始从包括绢帛在内的普通商品中分离出来,向充当一般等价物的特殊商品--货币过渡.白银货币化的序幕由此揭开.  相似文献   
未来十年影响交通安全形势发展的积极因素有 :经济继续保持高速发展 ,党委政府和社会各界更加重视和关注交通安全 ,交通参与者的交通安全意识逐步增强 ,建立了较完整的管理体系、积累了基本的管理经验 ,世界各国的先进管理经验提供了有益的借鉴。交通管理部门应通过抓“四危”管理以预防和减少群死群伤事故、抓“五重”管理以预防和控制重特大交通事故、抓“六安”建设在综合治理交通安全的治本措施上下功夫等方面 ,增强驾驭交通安全局势的能力 ,提高维护交通安全形势稳定工作的质量和水平。  相似文献   
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