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This paper examines the linkage between crack market activity and gunhomicide suggested by Blumstein (1995), who argues that the arrival ofcrack stimulated an increased availability of guns among juveniles. Thisgreater availability of guns, the argument continues, is responsible for thesharp upswing in juvenile homicide experienced in the United States in themid-1980s. Using city-level data on crack arrests and gun-related juvenilehomicide, we fit a change-point version of the Bass (1969) model ofinnovation diffusion. We find that, in most large American cities, thediffusion process for crack cocaine experienced an onset of dramatic growththat was followed by a similar, slightly slower growth in gun homicidescommitted by juveniles. We further use cluster analysis to find that thespatial patterning of the two processes is similar, starting on the East andWest Coasts and working their way toward other regions of the nation. Gunuse in homicide among slightly older offenders (ages 18–24) alsoexperienced a change at roughly the same time as the juveniles, but the rateof diffusion was considerably milder than for the younger group; offendersages 25 or older generally show no growth in gun-related homicide whatsoever. In addition, there is no detectable surge in juvenile nongun homicide activity. Based on these findings, we conclude that the crack cocaine markets–gun availability linkage is highly plausible, and we suggest directions for future research in clarifying the dynamics of the late-1980s surge in juvenile homicide.  相似文献   
相对于传统的物质世界,网络社会是一个全新的、数字化的社会。当代中国青年的政治参与在这两个社会形态中,呈现出消极冷漠和积极主动两种截然不同的态势。对青年政治参与的两极现象我们应该有客观的、清醒的、辨证的认识,以引导青年追求适度的、与政治制度水平相适应的政治参与,这不仅取决于青年政治参与能力的提高,也有赖于政治体制的发展。  相似文献   
In this article we examine how post-industrial Britain and Denmark undertake vocational training for low-skilled retail workers. Specifically, we evaluate whether leaders in training skilled industrial workers are also doing the best job with low-skilled service workers. While Danish retail is increasingly becoming a haven for low-skilled workers, British workers are gaining in skills levels with the transition to services even in the retail sector. While some suggest that social democratic countries have sacrificed the political interests of low-skilled workers in order to protect core manufacturing workers, we find no evidence of this. Rather, the high expectations of vocational training in Denmark have forged barriers to the easy admission of low-skilled service workers, while the British system provides more entry points for vocational training at different levels. The structures of coordination that had narrowed the gap between white-collar and blue-collar manufacturing workers during the industrial age are creating new cleavages in the post-industrial economy.  相似文献   
良好的资源环境和较多的就业机会,使资源型地区的多数农村青年选择留乡就业。但由于农村青年自身的某种局限,以及有色资源的不可再生,资源型地区的农村劳动力就业需要寻求新的机遇和新的增长点。在以工促农、以城带乡的发展阶段,进一步调整农村经济结构,大力发展农村服务业,可以为资源型地区农村青年就近转移就业提供一些前瞻性思路。  相似文献   
通过对浙江省"青少年空间"试点工作现状的分析,总结经验和分析存在的问题,对"青少年空间"在职业化和专业化方面作深入思考,发挥试点的作用,加快"青少年空间"项目在全国各地的推广工作,促进青少年社会工作的发展。  相似文献   
青少年对网络信息的消极选择、在网络社会的消极互动、不良心理意识在网上的强化及网络造成的青少年社会化的缺陷,是青少年犯罪心理形成不可忽视的因素。加强网络的管理,加强青少年健康上网的引导,重视青少年不良心理意识的疏导,是预防青少年犯罪发生的有效途径。  相似文献   
从近几年的冬季征兵、夏季特招士官和军校高招来看,当代青年再现应征参军热潮。这其中无论是普通社会青年,还是莘莘学子,促成其崇尚参军报国的深层背景中,有个人长期的军旅夙愿和传统的爱国情怀,也有国庆阅兵等时事宣传,以及"大学生好兵高明"的示范效应,更有国家新出台的对大学生入伍优惠政策等外部因素,是全社会共同营造的良性氛围点燃了这种热切与激情。  相似文献   
流行歌曲是青少年“亚文化”中最重要的组成部分,对青少年的思想观念和行为方式有着潜移默化的影响。近年来流行音乐流俗化发展的恶性趋势严重影响到青少年的健康成长和个性塑造,因此,引导流行音乐市场健康发展,加强对青少年的学校、家庭教育以实现青少年与流行歌曲的良性互动至关重要。  相似文献   
青少年作为社会现实的或潜在的力量是一支不可忽视的劳动大军.但是,我国在青少年劳动权益保护方面的现状令人担忧.提高全社会对青少年劳动保护的意识,提高青少年自我保护的能力,从立法、执法上完善、落实对青少年劳动权益的法律保护,将对国家和民族未来的发展具有重要意义.  相似文献   
由于行政执法程序是行政诉讼的先前程序之一,其证据的取得是否合法不仅影响到行政相对人的合法权益和行政执法案件的质量,同时也关系到社会秩序是否能够有效地维护。完全照搬诉讼法上的非法证据排除规则可能不完全适合我国行政执法的现状,所以,针对行政执法的现状,研究、确立一种行政执法中的非法证据排除规则对于规范行政证据的收集将具有很大的促进作用。  相似文献   
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