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1.China-U.S. Relations and the Setuv of Asia-Pacific China Institute of International Studies, a member by Shi Yongming, Associate Fellow, of the editorial board of "Peace and Development" magazine and a guest researcher of CPDS. The Asia-Pacific region is a confluence area where interests of China and the U.S. meet together. Development in China-U.S. strategic relationship will have direct impact on the the regional setup. Likewise, evolution and changes in that setup will also produce an effect on that alignment of relationship.  相似文献   
换届以来,我市人大常委会在市委的领导下,全面贯彻落实党的十八大和十八届三中全会精神,认真践行党的群众路线,紧紧围绕中心工作,依法履行各项职责,充分发挥职能作用,积极推动经济社会健康平稳发展。  相似文献   
一、逐步建立城乡统一的户口登记管理制度 1.进一步放宽中小城镇人口准入条件,逐步建立城乡统一的户口登记管理制度。加快制定和完善配套政策。  相似文献   
3 The Ukraine Crisis: What does it Mean to the World and China? ZHANG Wenmu
[Abstract] The Ukraine crisis and the return of Crimea to Russia has reaffirmed the limit and boundary of the eastward expansion of the Europe-dominated "New Versailles system". Instead of settling the border issue by military force as it has been always done, Russia managed, peacefully, to retain its border, the bottom line of its existence and the very foundation and prerequisite of its future revival, and consequently rendered it almost impossible for the EU to step up its eastward expansion in the foreseeable future. From the time of Peter the Great to that of Stalin, Russia had waged wars of attrition in the Baltic countries against Europe, and yet never lost a single one over Ukraine, except for the strategic contraction during the Stalin period in World War II and the Gorbachev period. In view of Russia's "victory" over Napoleon and Hitler in history, the Westerns are fully aware that Russians would allow for no exception in the neighboring territories wherever the land forces are maneuverablel The Black Sea, which neighbors Russia and connects land, is easily accessible for ground forces and yet lies beyond the reach of the sea powers of the west. Crimea is vital to Russia and yet, registers only as "important" to the European interest. Thus, Russia would mobilize all its resources in case of Ukraine crisis, but the West would not. Given the history of Russia in Ukraine, the Ukraine crisis marks only the beginning of Russia's strike back against the EU expansion. The impact of the crisis is yet to be felt globally and its warning lessons to be learned by China. [Key Words] Ukraine crisis, Russia, NATO, Versailles System, geopolitics [Author] ZHANG Wenmu, Professor at the Centre for Strategic Studies, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (Beijing 100091).  相似文献   
<正>《岭南学刊》是中共广东省委党校主办、向国内外公开发行的哲学社会科学综合性理论刊物。本刊竭诚欢迎广大的哲学社会科学专业工作者、各级党政领导干部赐稿。一、本刊的办刊宗旨是:坚持以马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论、"三个代表"重要思想和科学发展观为指导,贯彻理论与实际相结合和百家争鸣的方针,着力反映探索建设中国特色社会主义过程中提出的重大理论问题和实际问题,反映广东改革开放实践的经验和学术成果,并发表哲学  相似文献   
为进一步提高《中国发展》的质量,加强编辑标准化和规范化建设,适应期刊国际化和国际交流的需要,结合本刊的具体情况,本刊对来稿作如下要求,希望广大作者给予支持。研究论文均要求附与中文摘要具有相同内容的英文摘要,应包括研究的目的、方法、结果和结论四要素。本刊特别声明,不接受一稿多投、雷同稿,要求论文所反映的信息及学术成果须为作者原创并且未公开发表。稿件一经录用,将随着本刊在相关网络媒体传播,并在纸版期刊发表时一次性支付稿酬,不同意的作者请在来稿时向编辑部说明。  相似文献   
Pivot stratégique de la politique américaine au Moyen-Orient Feng Jihua Lastratégie américaine au Moyen-Orient avant la guerre froide et celle aprés la guerre froide est différente. Pendant la guerre froide, les principaux objectifs sont d' obtenir un approvisionnement stable en pétrole , d' assurer la sécurité d' Israel et de contenir l' expansion soviétique au Moyen-Orient. Aprés la guerre froide, en plus d' obtenir un approvisionnement stable en pétrole , d' assurer la sécurité d' Israel , la stratégie américaine dan la région est de promouvoir activement la démocratie de style occidental. Depuis 1' établissement de la relation diplomatique entre les Etats-Unis et 1' Arabie Saoudite, il existe des discordes continues dans les relations en raison de grandes désaccords dans le domaine idéologique et de différentes positions sur les questions telle que la question Palestine-lsrael, pourtant ,les relations entre les deuxpays se sont fondées sur les intéréts réels , au-dela des différences du systéme politique, de 1' idéologie et la politique étrangére, les coopérations stratégiques se continueront. Dans un avenir prévisible, 1' Arabie Saoudite maintiendra la position du pivot stratégique des Etats-Unis.  相似文献   
正《科技与法律》杂志设置"专题研究""论文""评论""案例研究""书评"等栏目。本刊真诚欢迎广大作者针对上述栏目赐稿。1.凡向本刊投寄的稿件,要求为本刊首发,署名无争议。2.来稿语种为中文或英文。3.除"案例研究"和"书评"栏目之外,其他栏目文章篇幅要求为10,000字以上,无上限。  相似文献   
近年来,我市人大常委会坚持以邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想、科学发展观为指导,把党的领导、人民当家作主、依法治国有机统一起来,围绕中心、服务大局,认真行使重大事项决定权、监督权和人事任免权,在推进经济社会发展上做出了积极贡献。特别是在发挥代表作用方面,不断创新思路、创新机制,进行了一些积极的探索与实践,取得了一些成效。主要做法有以下几点。  相似文献   
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