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The unique geopolitical feature of Central Asia and the changes of the situation there as a result of thisfeature have always focused the attention of theworld. Along with the disintegration of the formerSoviet Union, this region has become a coveted ob-ject by various political forces. After the "9.11"event, the U.S., making use of the opportunities ofoverthrowing the Taliban regime in Afghanistan andfighting against terrorism, established militarybases in some Central Asian countries and…  相似文献   
贵港交通便利,郁江、西江、浔江流经境内,由于地理位置重要,农业发达,早在战国时期就设置了县一级的行政机构。秦始皇统一岭南后在境内设置桂林郡,贵港开始与中原的政治、经济、文化交往,逐渐发展为繁荣的商埠,成为重要的物资集散地和商贸中心。  相似文献   
THE Zhenjiang Museum, constructed in 1958, consists of a group of five East Indian garden style buildings. It houses more than 30,000 Chinese historical relics, from the Neolithic Age to the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911),  相似文献   
钱清镇位于绍兴县西部,北面与萧山区毗邻,地理位置优越,104国道、329国道、杭甬运河和杭甬铁路穿境而过,交通十分便捷。相传东汉会稽郡太守刘崇因为官清廉而深受百姓拥戴,离任时父老持钱相赠,刘崇仅取一钱投河示志。  相似文献   
Turkey's media agenda mostly consists of European relations, the Middle East question and Iraq. The rest of this agenda is predominantly economic news. Because of its geographical location, it is difficult for environmental problems to be perceived as leading problems and find places in Turkey's national newspapers. The importance of the local media arises in creating awareness about the environmental issues and forming public opinion in order to find solutions. Due to the immediacy component of news, creating public opinion about the environment through local as opposed to national media is considered to be a more effective method. It is purpose of researcher to determine whether this which is seen to be effective theoretically will also have the same effect in practice. In this research, content analysis will be applied to three local newspapers in Turkey. It has seen that the local media reports environmental news, its source are government and city hall. It has given information to form awareness to the environmental issues.  相似文献   
云南地处祖国西南边陲,周边与越南、老挝、缅甸三国接壤,有国家级口岸10个、省级口岸8个、出境公路20多条。云南与世界三大毒源地——“金三角”相连,特殊的地理位置,决定了云南禁毒工作形势十分严峻,云南各级公安机关长期处于禁毒斗争的前沿阵地。云南警官学院在公安部,云南省委、省政府,省公安厅、教育厅的正确领导和有关部门的大力支持下,为适应禁毒斗争的需要,在20世纪80年代初就开始举办禁毒讲座,1988年在我国率先开设了“禁毒”课程,1994年组建禁毒专业,1997年正式招生,2001年成立了禁毒系(设两个专业,每个专业开设7门专业课程)。1997…  相似文献   
三阳集乡位于江西省中部偏北、军山湖畔.距进贤县城26公里,离省会南昌市仅25公里。全乡总面积54平方公里,辖10个行政村,2个集贸市场,总人口3.2万人许。地理位置十分优越,交通便捷,物产丰富,自然风光旖旎,文化底蕴深厚,无工业污染,水资源相当丰富、水域面积达万余亩,水质纯净,鱼鲜味美,自古因盛产鱼虾素有“鱼米之乡”之美誉。  相似文献   
在人们的印象中,公安道口检查站的功能似乎就是张网捕坏人。最近,在松江公安分局交警支队G60沪昆高速公路枫泾检查站采访世博安保工作时,笔者明白这一看法有失偏颇——由于检查站所处的地理位置比较特殊,接触的群众又多,所以,  相似文献   
陈充 《广东党史》2000,(1):11-14
湛江是中国南海之滨的一颗璀灿明珠。她有着优越的地理位置,漫长的海岸线,丰富的港口资源,宜人的亚热带气候。为了湛江的腾飞,党和国家的三代领导集体倾注了大量的心血,他们还不辞劳苦到湛江视察,留下了闪光的足迹,给湛江人民以极大的鼓舞。 (一) 新中国成立后,湛江掀起了社会主义建设的高潮,几个大型项目相继上马。以毛泽东为核心的第一代领导集体时刻关注着这些项目的建设,并在各方面给予极大的支持。 解放不久,帝国主义对新中国实行了经济封锁,断绝我国南北沿海运输。为了粉碎帝国主义的阴谋,中央决定在湛江建设一个现代…  相似文献   
崔家沟村地处灵石县两渡镇,西临汾河,与108国道隔河相望,南同蒲铁路穿村而过。地理位置优越。交通十分便利,自然资源丰富,工业基础雄厚,是一个以工矿为主,养殖、运输、商贸、服务为辅的行政村。全村占地面积0.63平方公里,耕地1500亩。现有居民6500余人。其中:农户1450余人。汾西曙光矿业公司职工5000余人。  相似文献   
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