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新疆迎来了千载难逢的历史性机遇,天山儿女翘首期盼的大建设、大开放、大发展高潮即将滚滚而来。这是出席十一届全国人大三次会议的新疆各族人大代表激动不已的共同感受,这是全疆各族人民从全国人代会释放的信号中获取的重要信息。  相似文献   
【企业咨询】我是一名自办企业业主,工厂招聘了多名车床工,现在因企业调整生产,想辞退几名,请问在什么情况下可解除劳动合同?【部门答复】按照《劳动法》第二十六条规定:有下列情形之一的,用人单位可以解除劳动合同,但是应当提前三十日以书面形式通知劳动者本人:(一)劳动者患病或者非因工负  相似文献   
从挑战中把握可持续发展的机遇   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
<正>去年12月召开的中央经济工作会议指出:综合国际国内经济形势看,转变经济发展方式已刻不容缓。这是一个科学的具有很强现实指导性的论断。当前,国际金融危机的影响尚未消除,世界经济复苏的基础尚不稳固,全球性资源环境和气候变化等问题日益突出,人类可  相似文献   
近年来,省委、省政府高度重视民营经济发展,特别是实施民营经济三年腾飞计划以来,民营经济实现了速度、质量、效益同步提升,对经济的支撑作用日益明显,为全省经济和社会发展做出了重要贡献。但年初以来,受金融危机影响,我省民营经济发展也面临  相似文献   
3月12日,全国人大代表洪虎向吉林代表团议案组提交了《关于国务院尽快出台扶持中医药事业发展的政策措施的建议》,这是吉林代表团向大会提交的最后一件代表建议。至此,吉林代表团代表建议已达184件,创近年来我省代表团代表建议数量的新高。  相似文献   
2008年12月底召开的全省经济工作会议,描绘了2009年经济工作图景.2009年,贵州经济将在解决新老问题交织的过程中,围绕改革与发展的重大主题推进.做好今年经济工作,任务异常繁重艰巨.全省各地应按照省委、省政府的统一安排部署,结合开展深入学习实践科学发展观活动,提高认识,统一思想,振奋精神,坚定战胜困难、实现经济社会又好又快发展的信心,把握省情特点,抢抓机遇,统一行动,不失时机地推动经济平稳健康发展.  相似文献   
温家宝总理近日向港澳记者介绍国内经济形势时说,在一系列政策措施的刺激下,一季度中国经济已经出现了积极的变化,比预料的要好。一是国内需求持续提升,固定资产投资快速增长,消费需求稳定较快增长。进出口虽然同比下降,但环比逐月提高。这表明一些行业和企业生产正在逐步恢复。  相似文献   
□中央决定组织实施海外高层次人才引进计划中共中央办公厅转发《中央人才工作协调小组关于实施海外高层次人才引进计划的意见》,要求各地区各部门进一步解放思想,完善体制机制,健全政策措施,以更宽的眼界、更宽的思路和更宽的胸襟做好海外高层次人才引进工作。  相似文献   
As a young sovereign state, Kazakhstan tries to conduct policy that makes it an equal partner among other countries of the world community. Rich deposits of oil and natural gas in the country and the Caspian Sea attract the interests of energy consuming states. At the same time, the landlocked position and weak infrastructure lead a more active foreign policy based on the energy factor. This paper is an attempt to study the development of energy policy of Kazakhstan focusing on the country's relations with Russia, China, the USA and the European Union. The complex geopolitical environment and relatively small, young economy of Kazakhstan emerge as the main reasons for conducting multi-vector and balanced foreign policy. The author defines peculiarities and tendencies of possible future developments with respect to Kazakhstan's place in the energy sphere.  相似文献   
A collaborative 18 month study was conducted within 4 protected mangroves areas in Airai State, Southeast Babeldaob and the Republic of Palau with traditional men and women groups. Water quality, forest structure, and the size distribution and relative abundance of the mud crab, Scylla serrata and the clam Anodontia edulenta were studied. Water quality parameters differed significantly between sites as follows: pH (F=16.8; df=3,138; p〈0.000), turbidity (KW-H=22.07; df=3,162; p〈0.0006), salinity (F=19.8; df=3,366; p〈0.000), dissolved oxygen (KW-H=13.4; dr=3, 169; p〈0.0012) and temperature (F=4.33; df=3,157; p〈0.006). The total mean density of all trees was 2,077±225 stems ha^-1 and differed significantly between sites (KW-H=9.3; df=3; p〈0.02). The total mean basal area was 18.9±2.76 m^2ha^-1 and differed significantly between sites (KW-H=36.2; df=3; p〈0.000). The total mean volume of all trees was 679 m^3ha^-1 ± 201 m^3ha^-1. The total mean density of saplings was 1,234 ± 297 saplings ha^-1. The mean percent tree canopy cover significantly differed between sites (F=3.3; df=3, 32; p〈0.02). Mean soil elevation decreased at sites 1 and 4 and increased at sites 2 and 3. The mean soil accretion was greater at sites 1 and 3 than sites 2 and 4. The mean weight for all crabs was significantly different between sites (F=3.2; df=3, 178; p〈0.02). The mean weight for 55 females was 0.62 g ± 0.04 kg (SE) and differed significantly between sites (F=4.2; dr=3, 51; p〈0.01). The mean weight for 157 males was 0.75 ± 0.04kg (SE). The mean carapace width (CW) for all crabs was 14.30 ± 0.20 cm (SE). The mean carapace width (CW) for 56 females was 14.4 ± 0.35cm (SE) and significantly differed between sites (F=4.6; df=3, 52; p〈0.006). The mean carapace width (CW) for 157 males was 14.3 ± 0.21 cm. The mean CPUE for all sites was 0.48 ± 0.04 crabs trapl night^-1 (SE) and significantly differed between sites (F=2.9; df=3, 77; p=0.04). A total of 21 tagged crabs were recaptured in the same area they were initially tagged, of which 3 male crabs had molted. A male was recaptured in the same trap 180 days after capture at Site 1 ; the carapace width increased by 3.6 cm and a weight increase of 0.75kg. A single A. edulenta was found in the protected areas. Clams harvested in Airai State outside the protected areas were significantly smaller than clams harvested in northwest Babeldaob (F=14.8; df=1, 198;p〈0.0002). Crab fishers and the community recommended a harvest ban on female crabs, enforcement of existing 6inch CW harvest size limit, further investigation of point sources of coliform bacteria and sediment pollution and a harvest limit on mangrove trees.  相似文献   
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