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王春 《廉政瞭望》2010,(2):15-16
多年前,民间流传了这么一个说法:“革命小酒天天醉,喝坏了党风喝坏了胃……”近年来,因为应酬喝酒喝出了酒精肝、胃出血等疾病的不在少数,有的官员饮酒致死,还有官员醉酒驾车撞人、袭警、打人的报道不断见诸报端,而有的地方还想把醉酒死亡的官员申报为“烈士”……而醉酒官员出事产生的费用,不少由财政埋单:在不少人眼里,官员酒场似乎成了制造社会公害的场所。  相似文献   
我女儿高中毕业不久就拿到了驾驶证。大学毕业后,她远嫁新加坡。今年暑期回家探亲时,我发现她居然不再驾车了。难道她在新加坡不开车?  相似文献   
仁怀市是著名的国酒之乡,素以盛产美酒而闻名。从公元前135年,汉武帝在品尝从赤水河流域上贡朝廷的枸酱酒后,连声赞叹“甘美之”;到1915年,古香古色的茅台酒在巴拿马万国博览会上掷地飞天,力挫群芳,荣获金奖;再到今天,茅台酒秉承优秀的传统风格,一步步发展壮大,发展成为年销售收入达16亿元、利税逾8亿元的特大型企业。茅台酒经历了从作坊生产到  相似文献   
唐剑锋 《人大论坛》2009,(10):39-39
在河北省广平县许多饭店,每张餐桌上都摆放着一个“劝酒警示牌”。上面写着一行醒目的大字:“开车不喝酒酒后不开车。”这是该县交警部门采取的整治酒后驾车的一项新举措。  相似文献   
4月22日,原湖北当阳市女市长范晓岚因驾驶公车撞死儿童交通肇事一案,“被迫”辞去市长职务。与此同时,日本出台了一项惩戒公务员醉酒驾车的新规章。虽然公务员醉酒驾车与驾驶公车交通肇事性质有所不同,但是这种针对公务员的“刚性”的惩戒办法,我们仍不妨可以学学。  相似文献   
吸毒驾车已成为一个巨大的交通安全隐患,具有较大的社会危害性。目前,中国对于吸毒驾车的管制存在法律不完备、主体不明确、检测吸毒困难等问题。有效管制吸毒驾车,可以借鉴国外的查处方法,同时要加快立法,建立制约机制、相关数据库和预警平台,适时集中进行专项整治,推广新型吸毒检测方法。  相似文献   
The aim of the SMADITt project is not only to reduce the number of drunk drivers on the Swedish roads but also to reduce the number of repeated drunk driving offences. The SMADIT project is a three-way collaboration between the Swedish Police Force, the Swedish Road Administration and the Swedish Social Services. According to the guidelines the police should inform the suspected drunk drivers about SMADIT and ask if they want to be contacted by the Social Services. If they agree to take part in the project, then a member of staff from the Social Services will contact them within 24 hours. The purpose of this paper is to present the results from a qualitative study evaluating the effects of SMADIT. Thirteen male drivers and one female driver who agreed to take part in the SMADIT project were interviewed. The questions covered their experience of SMADIT, why they agreed to participate, what kind of help they received but also their attitudes towards drinking and driving in general and the event leading up to the conviction. The results showed that the initial contact with the police determined if they would agree to participate in the project or not. Both written and verbal information were essential An important aim with SMADIT project is the early contact with the Social Service. However, the results from this study showed that several informants needed time for reflection and to recover from the shock after being stopped by the police on suspicion of drunk driving. However, according to informants, it was important that not too many days passed before a contact was established. During the meeting with the Social Service, the informants were then offered different kinds of treatment. All of the informants were very pleased with this contact. According to the guidelines provided by the SMADIT project a consensus has to be reached, otherwise the Social Services cannot contact the person. In this study, we found that a person straight after the event does not always think clearly and therefore we propose that the SM  相似文献   
叶玺 《创造》2015,(9):88-89
<正>贫困人口一日不脱贫,全市全面建成小康社会就无从谈起。在昆明市区生活的都市人群,居住工作在楼房、驾车驰骋在宽阔的马路。可能很少人想到,地处市中心东北方向仅仅100多公里的东川区阿旺镇,还有不少群众刚刚走出大山,离开生活了几辈人的土坯房,住进了有窗户有楼梯的砖房。大山环绕,他们因为交通不便而困,因无法发展规模产业而贫。截至去年底,人均年收人在2300元这个贫困线下的人口在昆明还有20.75万人。该如何扶贫?最近,昆明市举行扶贫开发、农村危房改造和抗震安居工程建设、"挂包帮""转走访"及扶贫开发与基层党建双推进工作会议,  相似文献   
现如今,上下班高峰期驾车或步行在淅川县人民路、灌河路等繁华路段,经常可见站岗执勤的交巡警人员在路口有序地指挥交通,道路上车辆行人由原来的杂乱无章变得畅通无阻.这是淅川县政协立足本职、改进提案办理工作方法,采取重点提案协力办,持之以恒、常抓不懈取得的结果.  相似文献   
醉酒驾车犯罪若干法律适用问题研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
蒋凡 《犯罪研究》2010,(5):81-85,108
据公安机关统计,1998年,全国共发生酒后驾车肇事案件5075件,造成2363人死亡;2008年则发生7518起,造成3060人死亡。2009年1-8月,全国共发生酒后驾车肇事案件3206起,造成1302人死亡,其中:酒后驾车肇事2162起(死亡893人),醉酒肇事1044起(死亡409人)。  相似文献   
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