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良好的监狱学教科书是开展高质量的监狱学教学工作的必备要素。教科书《监狱学导论》是在监狱领域中进行20多年学习、思考、研究和积累的结果。在写作之前,开展了大量实地考察和调查研究工作,为本书的写作奠定了重要的实务基础。同时,对中国现代化文明监狱、监狱拥挤状况、监狱机构设置、罪犯改造理论、当代西方国家监狱状况等方面的专题研究,为本书的写作准备了重要的理论观点。  相似文献   
为顺应时代变迁和"场域"置换等所带来的挑战,有效回应高校教职工利益诉求,社会管理机制是应对的一种新理论。就高校的工会工作而言,可以通过"有为"来实现"有位"。为此,需要建立健全高校教职工利益维护的长效机制,即利益表达、补偿、保障、激励、促生机制,从而使高校工会的"精"、"气"、"神"得到高度统一,有效维护高校教职工的切身利益。  相似文献   
工资集体协商是今后工会在维护职工权益、建设和谐劳动关系工作中的一出重头戏,因此,在协商代表组合、提案目标拟定及协商的策略与技巧等方面提出较高的要求。也是保障劳动关系双方的合法权益、建立工资正常增长机制、增强企业员工凝聚力的必要条件。  相似文献   
This article focuses on the changing context for transatlantic relations within the global political economy. The first part of the article identifies key areas of structural change in the GPE and in particular the potentially revolutionary shifts caused by global instability and the emergence of new economic powers. The argument then explores changing patterns of economic relations between the EU and the US, within a general framework of continuity created by the coexistence of competition and convergence. These contextual factors are then related to patterns of Atlanticism and transatlanticism, to questions of values and identities in the GPE and to the possibility of an EU–US 'grand strategy' for the changing GPE. The conclusion argues that although there is perhaps more secure ground for a sustainable EU–US 'compact' than previously, the EU and the US may have 'missed the bus' in terms of jointly shaping the future of the global economy.  相似文献   
老子的哲学思想对当代中国政府治道变革具有重要的指导意义。笔者通过分析老子行政哲学与新一届政府改革新思维的内在联系,旨在揭示老子行政哲学从内在价值取向和外部行为选择两个层面与政府改革新思维的契合主线。内在的价值取向就是"无欲—无私—无畏",进而在行为路径上展现为"无为—为不恃—无不为"。它隐含着政府治道变革的前提是政府自身"无欲"状态,政府改革必须进行无私的顶层设计,推进改革必须具有"无畏"的精神。落实到政府改革层面,必须在行为取向上以"无为、为不恃、无不为"为路径,实现有限政府、效能政府和人民满意的现代政府目标。要想取得改革的成功,需要借鉴老子行政哲学的昭示,强化政府改革的价值与行为逻辑的内在一致性。  相似文献   
Large-n comparative research on committee structures in legislatures is rare. This paper uses newly collected data to analyse committee structures across 30 legislatures of parliamentary systems which possess strong parliamentary party groups. It seeks to explain committee autonomy which reflects the degree to which committees are able to carry out their tasks independently. The variation in autonomy is accounted for by contrasting the ‘keeping tabs on coalition partners’ perspective with the congressional theories of legislative organisation (referred to as distributional, informational, and partisan theories). The results support the informational and the keeping tabs perspective. More autonomous committees tend to be found in legislatures with a relatively high workload and frequent coalition governments. For the ongoing discussion about the applicability of the congressional theories outside the US, this study provides support for the usefulness of the US theories in parliamentary systems of government.  相似文献   
肖小华 《桂海论丛》2010,26(5):87-90
中国共产党历来高度重视干部教育工作,早在新民主主义革命时期,就通过广泛的干部教育,培养和造就了一支能坚决贯彻执行党的路线、方针和政策高素质干部队伍,为革命胜利提供了坚强的人才保障。党在新民主主义革命时期的干部教育工作,为我国干部教育培训积累了丰富的历史经验。这些经验对我国当前的干部教育培训工作仍有重要的启示意义。  相似文献   
标语是中国共产党在井冈山斗争时期重要的政治动员工具和宣传形式,井冈山行洲红军标语,以其鲜明的价值取向、较强的针对性、浓郁的情感特色,发挥了正确的政治导向作用和积极的宣传鼓动作用。井冈山斗争时期重视利用标语做好政治动员和宣传工作,至今仍给我们以众多的启示。  相似文献   
2014年初乌克兰危机爆发后,俄罗斯与美欧关系降到冷战结束后的最低点。但是,具有战略忍耐力的俄罗斯调整对外政策,先是在叙利亚战场打开局面,接着在2019年与美欧的关系也出现缓和。俄美领导人举行会晤,两国外长互访,两国开始就是否延长《新削减战略武器条约》进行谈判。同时,俄美在军备竞赛、地区冲突、人文限制等领域的争斗依旧激烈。随着2020年美国总统大选临近,"通俄门"阴影是否可能再度影响俄美关系,存在较大的不确定性。俄与欧盟关系相对来说比较稳定,双方都有改善关系、加强合作的愿望。乌克兰问题是影响俄欧关系的重要因素之一,2019年乌克兰总统选举后乌俄关系出现某些松动与对话端倪,这将使俄欧关系在2020年继续朝着缓和与合作的方向发展。美国对俄政策调整对俄中关系也许会产生某种影响,但是对整个俄中关系不会发生大的作用。俄乌关系打破僵局、俄欧加强合作则符合中国的立场和利益,中国乐观其成。  相似文献   
In October 1990, the EC Commission presented a Green Paper in which it outlined a New Approach to European standardization. In particular, standardization was interpreted as a means of furthering the completion of the Internal Market. This paper discusses the impact of the modifications to the process of standard setting, as they have been proposed by the Commission, with respect to the incentives and goals of the major players in the European standardization game, i.e., national and European standardization bodies, industry and the EC Commission. Selected economic models of standardization are applied to investigate the policy impact of the New Approach.  相似文献   
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