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李鹏涛 《西亚非洲》2012,(1):101-116
科特迪瓦危机的关键在于公民身份问题。博瓦尼执政时期刻意淡化公民身份问题以吸纳外来移民,从而使得科特迪瓦长期保持经济增长与社会稳定。然而到20世纪90年代,随着经济的衰退、多党制的实行,执政者为巩固自身统治提出了"科特迪瓦性"概念,其基本含义是"科特迪瓦人的科特迪瓦",而实际目标是排斥北方人。"科特迪瓦性"自诞生之日起就对科特迪瓦社会各领域发展产生了深远影响,因而成为科特迪瓦政治中的核心问题,并最终导致2002年内战全面爆发、南北分裂局面的形成。类似的土著话语也出现在其他非洲国家,折射出非洲民族国家建构进程的复杂性和艰巨性。  相似文献   
16~17世纪是老挝世俗文学的蓬勃发展时期,出现了长篇叙事诗、寓言、诗体小说、纪事体散文等文学体裁,并涌现出大量的优秀文学作品。这些作品在内容和形式上与印度文学和佛教文学相互渗透融合,呈现出佛教化、民族化、同质化等特点。作品既充盈着浓厚的佛教色彩,又贯穿着老挝本土的伦理文化和道德文明。  相似文献   
人民币汇率变动能否解决中美双边贸易失衡问题一直是国内外学者研究与争论的焦点。实证分析表明,人民币汇率的水平变动无法起到调节中美两国贸易收支的作用,但适度增加汇率波动弹性有助于缓解贸易失衡。因此,只有消除对人民币升值的预期、进行经济结构调整以及改善外商直接投资的流向,才能从根本上恢复中美之间的贸易平衡。  相似文献   
2012年是中日邦交正常化40周年。40年来,特别是近20年来,日本政局动荡,政策多变。与此相比,中国对日本政策则具有较强的稳定性与连续性。当然,在不同时期、不同情况下,中国对日本政策重点和具体做法也会有所调整。这些主要是针对日本方面发生变化所作出的反应,同时也与中国国内外一些因素的变化有关。相关研究通常是日本专家学者热衷研究的题目,但往往是仁者见仁、智者见智。为增进相互理解,中日两国互不为敌,相互支持对方的和平发展,符合两国共同的根本利益。  相似文献   

Women’s enhanced medium secure services (WEMSS) is a model of care aimed at providing a more appropriate level of security for women and, in so doing, reducing the number of women in high secure psychiatric services. In 2007, three Department of Health commissioned WEMSS pilots became operational. This study compared the clinical outcomes of women in WEMSS with control women in six standard medium secure services and one high secure service matched on key clinical and risk characteristics, in order to examine their pathways of care. Our findings confirm that the WEMSS pilots were successful in transitioning women from high secure services who had previously been thought unsuitable for medium secure services. However, WEMSS showed no additional clinical benefit, suggesting that these women could be cared for equally well within standard medium secure services. We make recommendations about WEMSS and the future shape of women’s secure care in England.  相似文献   
In this article, we consider different perspectives on who is best able to provide relevant and helpful expertise in public law cases where the long-term care of children is under consideration. Opinions vary and sometimes conflict on the respective importance of legal, child development, and lay understandings. These opinions relate to views on rights, appropriate procedures, decision-making processes, and the effects of decisions on children. Firstly, we summarise literature relevant to the knowledge and skills of three key groups of decision-makers within the Scottish child care system: legal professionals, child care professionals and lay decision-makers, and outline literature about guardians ad litem and their counterparts. We then discuss issues of expertise emerging from a study exploring the reasons for, and impact of, the appointment of safeguarders (who, in Scotland, perform a similar role to guardians). We conclude that there may be an increasing tendency for disagreement and a lack of clarity about who brings the most relevant and helpful expertise to hearings; this may have negative effects for children.  相似文献   
This paper contributes to the literature that analyses application of restorative justice in transitional societies. It examines recent attempts to employ restorative justice in the Basque peace process following ETA’s ceasefire. Using the Basque experience, it discusses some of the hidden dangers and tensions which arise when attempts are made to utilize ‘traditional’ restorative justice approaches and assumptions underlying them in transitional settings. One of the initiatives under discussion used a well-established restorative justice method of mediation between individual victims and offenders and attempted to transplant it without alteration from the context of ‘ordinary’ crime to the context of ‘political’ crime. It is argued that the scale and complexity of the conflict that looms behind individual offences in question renders certain assumptions and practices of ‘traditional’ restorative justice questionable both ethically and politically. Several other initiatives that have emerged recently in the Basque peace process are discussed which do not take the ‘classic’ form of restorative justice, yet values underpinning them fit well with the restorative justice philosophy. They might suggest a more promising direction for the development of restorative justice in the aftermath of mass violence.  相似文献   
裁判员制度是日本国民参与审判的形式,旨在把国民吸收到审判程序当中,使其主体性、实质性地参与到案件审理过程并影响案件审理的结果。裁判员享有与裁判官相同的权限,不仅能够认定案件事实,而且能够决定量刑。裁判员制度既不同于德国的参审制,也不同于美国的陪审制,具有日本特色,代表了日本司法制度日后发展的新动向。  相似文献   
中国特色社会主义道路是相对于欧美模式、苏联模式以及改革开放之前中国的社会主义建设模式而言的。中国特色社会主义道路相对于欧美模式的特色,主要体现为:"在中国共产党领导下"、"坚持四项基本原则"、"巩固和完善社会主义制度"、"建设社会主义民主政治"和"建设社会主义先进文化";相对于苏联模式的特色主要体现为:"坚持改革开放"、"建设社会主义市场经济"和"建设社会主义和谐社会";相对于改革开放之前中国的社会主义建设模式的特色主要体现为:"立足基本国情"、"以经济建设为中心"、"解放和发展生产力"、"建设富强民主文明和谐的社会主义现代化国家"。  相似文献   
行政生态学理论为研究苏北乡镇政府职能转变提供了一个崭新的视角。目前,乡镇政府在经济要素、社会要素、沟通网络、符号系统和政治架构等生态方面存在种种困境和问题。转变苏北乡镇政府职能,必须提升乡镇政府的公共服务能力,塑造良好的乡镇政府形象,培育健康多样的非政府组织,并努力完善地方政府绩效考核指标。  相似文献   
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