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This paper examines the concept of putting history “under the power of the public”. It discusses the role played by former employees in researching and publishing the histories of two former large industrial history/heritage sites in Perth, Western Australia. The projects originated not in academia but from past employees who sought the help of labour historians to record the histories. Former employees provided much of the research material and assisted as sources of information, interviewers and interviewees, site guides and critics of work put forward for publication. While academic authors were responsible for interpreting their own research, past employees had a voice in the ways in which the sites’ stories were presented to the public, and the veracity of that information. The article explores the subversive potential of subaltern histories such as these, as well as some principles for putting history under the power of the public. It concludes by examining the strengths and weaknesses of this method, including the extent to which the pressures of academia discourage historians from engaging with “popular” projects requiring “a different voice”.  相似文献   
非正规就业——弱势群体就业的有效途径   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目前在结构性改革、新技术应用带来的劳动力结构性矛盾日益突出的现状下,出现了一部分易受劳动力市场排斥、就业前景有限的弱势群体.发展正规就业的同时大力发展非正规就业,对于这些弱势群体来说,具有非常重要的生存战略意义.  相似文献   
仡佬族是一个居住比较分散的民族,与汉、彝、苗、布依、壮等民族形成交错杂处的局面。历史上仡佬族曾是我国南方一个人口众多,分布较广的民族,有本民族共同语言,但由于历史原因,现只有分布在贵州中西部以及黔、滇、桂毗邻地区的散居仡佬族仍有少量保存母语,其余均已转用汉语。本文对近现代散居地区仡佬族的母语使用状况及其双语制和双语类型进行了分析和探讨。  相似文献   
本文从考察陪审制度的历史沿革出发,分析研究古代、中世纪至近代资产阶级革命这一历史长河中,陪审现象向陪审制度嬗变的进程。根据当今世界各国施行陪审制度的不同情况,陪审制度分为三种不同的模式,即陪审团制、参审制以及我国的人民陪审制,三种模式的成因不同。  相似文献   
人民当家作主是我国社会主义民主政治发展的本质要求,是坚持党的领导和实现依法治国方略的核心和目标.人民当家作主要求我们党进一步探索一党执政条件下所特有的执政规律,树立法律至上的执政理念,确立党通过法定的民主程序掌控国家政权的制度,探索和完善人民代表大会制度和中国共产党领导的多党合作与政治协商制度.  相似文献   
执政为民是我们党的基本执政理念。只有深刻理解执政为民的丰富内涵,在执政活动中以实际成效切实体现执政为民,我们党才能始终取得人民的信任和支持。实践执政为民的主要路径有:解决思想认识问题,使执政为民成为自觉行为;解决激励机制问题,使执政为民成为自励行为;健全惩戒监督机制,使执政为民成为自警行为;健全各项制度安排,使执政为民成为自愿行为。  相似文献   
日本古倭人稻作文化滥觞于中国古吴越   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
日本古倭人的稻作文化,与中国古代存在于从东南沿海到云贵高原的越文化,有深刻的同源关系。而其中之古吴越区,则为日本古倭人稻作文化源头。 一、古倭人稻作之源在中国吴越 日本九州2300年前绳纹文化之末的夜臼·板付1式时期遗存中,有多处发现稻痕,被认为是日本稻作之肇始。在熊本县、长崎县的一些文化遗址及佐贺县宇木汲田、福冈县板付遗址里,有炭化稻米,一些陶器上也有稻壳压痕,甚至有稻田及水沟等灌溉设施遗迹。其后在约当公元前后3个世纪的弥生时期,种植稻谷极为普遍。它迅速成为最兴旺的经济活动,是关系人们生存繁衍的最重要的物质生产。中国古代史籍自《后汉书·东夷列传》、《三国志·魏书·倭人传》起,多载日本列岛古倭人以种禾稻为业。 种植水稻,是古倭人最主要的文化特征。稻作在日本列岛的出现,实际比夜臼·板付1式时期稍早。而由于中国浙江余姚河姆渡、桐乡罗家角等古文化遗址的发掘,使举世认识到  相似文献   

Spanning the three jurisdictions of Western Australia, South Australia and the Northern Territory, the central Australian cross-border region is sparsely populated, with an estimated 7000 people living in some 26 communities. In 2009 a new initiative was introduced to the region – the Cross-border Justice Scheme. Its creation was driven primarily by a need to deliver a more people-centred system. The new arrangements were designed to promote high quality trans-jurisdictional practice by all key criminal justice institutions, namely police, prosecutions, courts and corrections, but especially police. This paper looks at the impetus of the Scheme from its political roots. It describes its implementation, and the evaluative process completed in 2013. Finally, it takes readers through the pivotal role played by police services, both in changing the environment in which the Scheme operated and in contributing to some positive but limited changes in cross-jurisdictional co-operation  相似文献   
监狱劳教人民警察工作任务重、岗位责任大、危险程度高的职业特征,决定了他们是职业枯竭的高发人群。长期持续的职业压力是引发警察职业枯竭产生的最主要的原因。除此之外,社会环境、组织内部因素等也会导致职业枯竭的产生。监狱劳教人民警察的职业枯竭问题不容忽视,它不仅影响着警察的身体健康,而且严重影响着警察的心理健康.导致警察队伍不稳定、战斗力下降等问题的产生。因此,应当创建针对监狱劳教警察职业压力的疏导调适机制.建立为监狱劳教人民警察提供服务的帮助系统,以帮助干警解决心理问题.预防和降低职业枯竭。  相似文献   
党的十七大特别关注民生问题,在报告中明确提出了我们党关于民生问题的努力方向——"使全体人民学有所教、劳有所得、病有所医、老有所养、住有所居,推动建设和谐社会。"关注民生,优化税制,建立科学、公平、效率的税收制度,是以人为本,坚持科学发展观的具体体现,是新时期税收的一项重大任务,税收必须为全面建设小康社会,构建和谐社会做贡献。关注民生,应改革个人所得税、消费税,建立完善的城乡社会保障体系。  相似文献   
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