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In studies of Japanese “cultural diplomacy” between 1933 and 1945, the part played by the Zenrin kyōkai (Good Neighbour Association), a semi-official humanitarian organisation that provided medical assistance and educational opportunities to the Mongols and Hui (Han Chinese Muslims) living on the fringe of the Chinese Republic, has been largely overlooked. Dismissed by some as merely a front for intelligence-gathering operations, this article re-examines the operations of the Zenrin kyōkai, both in Inner Mongolia and in Japan, and argues that the relationship between it and the military was more complex than earlier studies have shown. In particular, the humanitarian activities of the Zenrin kyōkai went beyond military control and set the organisation apart from the other main agents of Japanese “cultural diplomacy” active in the region. Although not always successful in its attempts to woo the local population, the Zenrin kyōkai was a crucial instrument of the Japanese imperial project in the region and a reflexion of the complexity of that project.  相似文献   
内蒙古自治区与俄罗斯和蒙古国接壤,是我国向北开放的重要区域。进入20世纪90年代后特别是“十五”时期以来,内蒙古自治区与俄罗斯和蒙古国的边境贸易逐步发展。为把内蒙古自治区建成我国向北开放的重要桥头堡和充满活力的沿边经济带,必须克服单一的外贸观念,由主要对俄、蒙经贸向欧洲市场拓展,由服务本地区发展向服务全国转变,进一步提升内蒙古自治区向北开放水平。  相似文献   

With the publication of its 2010 National Security Concept and its 2011 Foreign Policy Concept, Ulaanbaatar has formalised a shift in foreign policy that has been readily apparent since 2000. Whereas Mongolia's foreign policy for the 1990s was formulated around an omni-enmeshment strategy, its foreign policy from 2000 onward is best conceptualised as an amalgam of omni-enmeshment and balance of influence. Ulaanbaatar's new foreign policy strategy implicitly identifies China as the country's largest security concern. This sense of a China ‘challenge’ is mirrored in Ulaanbaatar's post-2000 foreign policy relations.  相似文献   
中蒙经贸合作的现状与发展前景   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
中蒙两国地理相邻,交通便利,经济互补性较强。近几年来,蒙古经济复苏,中蒙经贸合作发展迅速,中国已成为蒙古第一大贸易伙伴和第一大投资国。但中蒙经贸关系也存在一些问题和摩擦,尤其是经济技术合作规模较小,合作层次较低。如何化解矛盾,加强各行业联系,进一步扩大中蒙经贸合作已经成为双方都十分关注的课题。  相似文献   
"九一八"事变后,日本为建立殖民统治的"新国家",极力策动内蒙部分上层人物、分裂分子组织武装,乘机暴乱,大搞民族分裂的"独立"、"自治"运动。伪满洲国成立后,日本为稳定殖民统治,对内蒙古地区的管理形式采取了以蒙古"王公为中心"体制的所谓"民族自治"的怀柔政策。当伪满洲国各级政权完全控制在日本人手中的时候,便开始废除传统的蒙古王公制度,实行"特权奉上",蒙古王公享受了两个多世纪的特权被彻底剥夺。  相似文献   
清代蒙古社会僧侣贵族的产生,主要有蒙古王公贵族出家为僧、西藏高僧活佛转世以及中央政府册封等,这三种途径既相互交织,又各具特色。僧侣贵族的形成,不仅改变了蒙古的社会结构,而且在一定程度上对蒙古社会的发展产生了重要影响。  相似文献   
In response to foreign demands for concessions and territories, China’s last imperial court in the early twentieth century executed reforms to strengthen fiscal, personnel, military, and cultural control over its frontier regions. However, in so doing, it provoked an awakening of the national consciousness of the elites of non-Han ethnic minorities there. Much has changed over the past 100 years regarding the governance of China’s frontier territories of Inner Mongolia, Tibet, and Xinjiang, with the diffusion of nationalist claims among increasing numbers of the ethnic minority populace, heightened focus of foreign actors on the humanitarian and rights situations of the ethnic minorities, and greatly extended reach and firmer grip of the central government. What remained unaltered is the “state integration” purpose of Chinese regimes, as manifested in the practices of “internal colonialism” or “ethnic assimilation,” which has led to grievances and resistance by China’s ethnic minorities against the Chinese state.  相似文献   
中蒙经贸关系现状及前景   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
娜琳 《东北亚论坛》2007,16(2):15-20
目前,中蒙睦邻互信伙伴关系已进入了全面发展的新阶段,中蒙关系处在历史最好时期。特别是在双方的共同努力下,两国的经贸关系发展迅速,连创新高。中国是蒙古国第一大贸易伙伴和第一大投资国。今后还应完善法律环境,继续发挥两国的地缘优势和互补优势,重视环境保护,还要充分发挥内蒙古自治区在中蒙关系中的桥梁和纽带作用。以此,保障两国经贸合作的长期、健康、稳定的发展,进而推动中蒙睦邻互信伙伴关系的全面深入发展。  相似文献   
蒙古国政府一直把吸引外资作为促进经济发展的重要手段,制定了一系列相关法律和优惠政策,其投资环境较好。随着中蒙双方政治经济关系的进一步发展、蒙古经济环境、投资环境的进一步改善,特别是黑龙江省对蒙古矿业投资合作项目的稳步发展,黑龙江省对蒙投资出现良好势头。如何巩固成果,规避风险,谋求更大的发展空间,对推进黑龙江省以矿兴省战略的顺利实施具有重要意义。  相似文献   
冷战后蒙古基于国家利益考虑,确立了多元、平衡的外交政策。其中,与俄中两国的关系、与"第三邻国"的关系以及与多边国际机制的关系构成了蒙古外交格局的三个不同层次,即与俄中两大邻国保持"等距离"关系是其外交格局的基础;与"第三邻国"发展双边关系,确立外交格局的"多支点";参与各层次的国际机制,谋求安全和经济利益的"再保障"。蒙古的多元、平衡外交对地区格局的影响较为复杂,这是中国周边外交需要加以考虑的。  相似文献   
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