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This study combines computerized parish registers with parish meeting records that account for individuals who received poor relief in the nineteenth-century Sundsvall region, Sweden. The combination of sources especially helps to explore the recipients who are overlooked in the literature or difficult to trace in historical data. Their demographic characteristics in relation to relief allocation and experiences prior to it are analyzed and show that they did not only share the occurrence of entitlement. Vast but insufficient family networks failed to give the recipients support to manage their distressed situation. Deaths and births of relatives jeopardized their capability to guarantee subsistence for them or their family, and so did also their gender and phase in the lifecycle. The multi-dimensional concept of vulnerability is employed to comprehend the dynamic determinants of poverty represented by individuals granted poor relief. It is argued that this concept has to be further developed but nevertheless helps to identify and stratify some of the vulnerabilities that characterized paupers in the past.  相似文献   
This article points to a largely neglected theme in the maritime history: the important role of sailors' families in urban seafaring communities during the Early Modern Period. At the end of the seventeenth century and during the first decades of the eighteenth century, about 20% of the crewmembers of the Dutch East India Company (VOC) were married. Accordingly, in the towns in Holland where the VOC was present, many women had to run a household by themselves for a long period of time. The sailors' families were often confronted by emotional and financial distress, which to some extent affected the financial expenses of VOC towns as well. Many of these families were however able to cope because they received material support from various urban institutions. The Company created a system that encouraged sailors to send their money home during voyages, while urban poor relief often temporarily complemented the family's budget. Contrary to other married women, wives of sailors could obtain the legal power to engage in financial transactions, or to have access to inheritances. Town councils, civil courts, church councils, charity institutions and the East India Company were all willing to help the seamen's families. Their motives were twofold: while urban communities benefited from financially stable families, and the VOC compensated for their low pay by offering their employees fringe benefits, the attitudes towards seamen's wives also indicate that the urban elites genuinely wanted to provide some assistance to these needy families.  相似文献   
大规模侵权民事救济比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前,世界各国已经面临因高度工业化所引发的各种大规模侵权事件的危害与考验,近年来连续发生在各国的一些大规模侵权事件也预示着风险社会的到来。2008年我国"三鹿奶粉事件"、2010年英国石油公司"墨西哥湾石油泄漏事故"、2011年日本"福岛核泄漏事故"等等。完善大规模侵权中受害人民事救济制度是我国侵权法所面临的重要课题。  相似文献   
执行救助是在民事执行过程中,确因客观原因,申请执行人的债权尚未实现,且其生活又特别困难时,由法院提供一定物质帮助的救济行为。它受到中央和最高人民法院的热切关注。但是,国家层面的统一制度尚未形成。目前的执行救助主要是各地各级地方法院试点实践的产物,可谓五彩缤纷,形态各异。为了切实保障申请执行人生存权,实现社会和谐,长治久安,亟需构建统一、明确的执行救助国家制度。近年以来的司法实践,为该项制度的构建,廓清了理论基础和价值目标。在此基点上,分析目前执行救助存在的问题,归纳共通的救助范围、对象、程序和具体措施,乃是构建我国统一执行救助制度的理想途径。  相似文献   
宪法视阈下的劳动权是指宪法规定的有关取得和选择工作的权利及获取劳动报酬的权利,它是一项综合性权利,由择业自由权与就业援助权为核心要素构成的一系列权利束。劳动权兼具自由权和社会权双重属性,它应受到宪法合理的限制。劳动权与公权力、私权利存在冲突,应通过比例原则与平等原则、倾斜原则与协调原则调适。宪法视阈下的劳动权具有可诉性,建立宪法主导下的法律保障体系,同时借鉴域外立法构建包括公益诉讼制度在内的司法救济和宪法救济模式,以确保劳动权的实现。  相似文献   
实行教师工薪个人所得税税收优惠政策不仅有利于提高教师待遇,也有利于形成全社会尊师重教的良好氛围。美国和英国在20世纪90年代,结合综合所得税制,提出了一系列针对教师的具体减免税政策和费用扣除标准,从而使教师适用更低的税率或者获得更多的退税,这对改善和提高我国教师待遇提供了良好借鉴。鉴于美英两国政府的个人所得税税收优惠法规已经形成了较为完善的税法体制,因此通过借鉴美国与英国关于教师工薪个人所得税税收优惠政策先进经验,并在此基础上提出适合我国国情的针对性建议,可以为我国教育行业吸引更多优秀人才长期从教、终身从教创造积极条件。  相似文献   
《人民警察法》第二十一条规定:"人民警察遇到公民人身、财产安全受到侵犯或者处于其他危难情形,应当立即救助"。但由于救助制度缺陷,致使人民警察履行救助义务时常陷入困境。在履行救助是警察提供社会公共服务的重要途径的背景下,应当从规范人民警察救助范围、程序、法律救济等方面,对救助制度的规范化进行了探讨,以期对人民警察更好履行救助义务提供规范性指导,加强人民警察执法规范化建设,促进和谐警民关系的构建。  相似文献   
刑事和解在司法实践中的适用虽已初步形成思路,但在具体适用范围上尤其是在死刑案件能否适用刑事和解方面仍尚无定论,以致其在司法界的大胆尝试和学界的谨慎保留中处于尴尬境地.现阶段,死刑案件适用刑事和解纵然有其合理之处,然其终究难以避免与公权力的权威、公平正义和平等观念之间的冲突.笔者认为,死刑案件中被告人与被害人之间的和解并不符合刑事和解的本义,其实为国家救济制度建立之前的一种迫不得已的救济措施.因此,刑事和解不应延伸适用到死刑等重罪案件领域,国家应尽快建立国家救济制度以代替刑事和解在死刑案件中对被害人及其亲属的救助作用.  相似文献   
政府信息公开救济制度研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
政府信息公开制度的构建意在保障公民知情权,建设服务型政府。救济制度不仅是政府信息公开制度实施的保障,而且是政府信息公开法律体系中不可缺少的一部分。本文主要从研究政府信息公开救济制度的理论基础入手,针对我国目前政府信息公开救济制度的现状,借鉴国外政府信息公开救济制度,提出了构建和完善我国政府信息公开法律救济制度的立法建议。  相似文献   
家庭暴力是发生在家庭成员间的一种违反法律与善良风俗的暴力行为,已成为一个全球性的社会“癌症”。推动家庭暴力防治专门立法、发挥司法资源的功用、全面保护家庭暴力受害者的合法权益成为当务之急。文章根据我国反家庭暴力立法和司法实践的状况,指出我国司法介入家庭暴力的现实路径。  相似文献   
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