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为充分发挥科技名人的教育作用,实现优势教育资源作用的最大化和特色教育内涵利用的最优化,茅以升实验学校依托校内的"茅以升事迹展览馆",通过充实丰富陈列内容,遵循少先队德育自主教育的原则,搭建自主教育平台,打造富有特色的系列活动,促进队员成长,形成了"一馆三院"架构下的少先队自主教育模式,并建立了独特的组织与评价机制。  相似文献   
涉恐资产冻结是金融反恐的重要组成部分,对于防治恐怖活动犯罪具有重大意义。随着反恐法治的逐步完善,我国确立了以金融制裁为目的的涉恐资产冻结制度。相关法律对涉恐资产、金融机构等概念进行了精细化的界定,明确了相关主体的法律责任,遵守了正当程序的相关要求并且注重加强国际合作。但是,我国涉恐资产冻结法律应当进一步注重相关法律制度之间的衔接,协调好涉恐资产冻结与其他保全措施之间的关系,同时应当注重涉恐资产冻结中的权利保障,以便有效地防治恐怖活动犯罪。  相似文献   
大型活动安保面临着很多潜在风险和不确定因素。公安机关原先相对封闭的警务模式,无法适应大型活动安保要求。公安机关应进一步深化和完善区域警务合作机制,有效整合各方警务资源,建立大型活动安保联勤指挥机制、重点人员共同监管机制、突发事件应急互援机制,深入推进情报信息沟通和共享,合力共同做好大型活动安保,确保“万无一失”。  相似文献   
Research Summary Unsupervised after‐school time for adolescents is a concern for parents and policymakers alike. Evidence linking unsupervised adolescent socializing to problem behavior outcomes heightens this concern among criminologists. Routine activities theory suggests that, when youth peer groups congregate away from adult authority, both opportunity for and motivation to engage in deviant acts increase. After‐school programs are a possible solution to unsupervised teen socializing during afternoon hours and are much in demand. However, empirical research has yet to test the relationship between the availability of after‐school programs and youth routine activities. This study presents evidence from a multisite, randomized, controlled trial of an after‐school program for middle‐school students in an urban school district. Policy Implications Youth in the treatment group engaged in less unsupervised socializing after school than youth in the control group but not as much less as would be expected if the after‐school program was providing consistent supervision to youth who would otherwise be unsupervised. Additional analyses examined why the influence of the after‐school program was not more pronounced. We found that, although program attendance was related to decreases in unsupervised socializing, the program did not attract many delinquency‐prone youths who were unsupervised, which suggests that the students most in need of the program did not benefit. Furthermore, data obtained from a mid‐year activity survey revealed that youth in the study were highly engaged in a variety of after‐school activities. The addition of the after‐school program into the mixture of available activities had little effect on the frequency with which students participated in organized activities after school.  相似文献   
汶川地震相关的若干刑事问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"5.12"汶川地震发生后,出现了很多疑难刑事法律问题,如建筑物毁损责任追究问题、趁灾造谣、非法经营、灾民哄抢救灾物资等行为的定性问题等,对于这些问题,应当区分不同情形,作出相应处理。  相似文献   
网络恐怖活动具有成本低廉、破坏广泛、技术性高、隐蔽性强等特点。美国在反网络恐怖活动的情报工作中采取了完善情报立法、构建网络式结构反恐情报体系、大力开展网络侦查等一系列情报对策.构建了强大的国家安全屏障。在我国,防范和打击网络恐怖活动一方面要树立信息时代的新威胁观与安全观.另一方面则可借鉴美国反网络恐怖活动情报工作的经验。  相似文献   
非法出入境是一种跨国性质的违法犯罪活动,它的成因比较复杂,有地缘及历史原因,也有劳动力市场、经济利益、外国移民政策等方面的原因.对非法出入境活动的防范与打击可以从加强国际间合作、加大综合治理力度、严格出入境制度、搞好情报调研和提高执法人员素质等几方面进行.  相似文献   
随着社会经济的发展,学习外国语言显得日益重要。由于英语语言所具有的国际性,根据教学大纲的要求,应使英语教学尽快地适应发展的趋势,深化中外英语教学的比较与研究。  相似文献   
我国《证券法》中涉及到法律责任的规定大多为行政责任和刑事责任 ,涉及民事责任的很少 ,对股价操纵行为的民事责任并未规定相应的民事责任。民事责任具有填补受害人损失的功能。对股价操纵行为的类型及立法管制、股价操纵行为作为侵权行为的构成要件、民事责任的诉讼机制等问题进行研究 ,可以为法律的正确适用提供理论依据。  相似文献   
This paper analyses the evolution of police recorded crime rates for nine offences (intentional homicide, assault, rape, robbery, theft, vehicle theft, burglary, domestic burglary, and drug offences) over the period 1990–2000 in 16 Western European Countries. The analysis shows that there was an increase in drug and violent offences, while property offences reached a peak at the beginning of the 1990s and started decreasing afterwards. The evolution of property offences can be related to the emergence of a large black market for stolen goods in Central and Eastern Europe at the beginning of the time series, while by the end of it that market was saturated and there had also been a reinforcement of police measures in the frontiers and of security measures in Western European households. The increase in drug offences is correlated to the rise of drug use in Europe shown by other indicators, and can be related to an increased availability of drugs in European markets. Finally, the upward trend in violent offences can be explained partially by gang struggles over the control of illegal markets and by the consolidation of problematic neighbourhoods, but seems also due to a large extent of increase in the reporting of violent offences by their victims and the recording of such offences by the police. The analysis shows that opportunity-based theories provide a satisfactory explanation of the trends in recorded crime, and that the crime opportunities are heavily influenced by socio-economical factors.Versions of this paper were presented at the 3rd Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology (Helsinki, August 27–30, 2003) and at the Societies of Criminology 1st Key Issues Conference (Paris, May 13–15, 2004). The paper was written during a stay at the Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law (Freiburg imBreisgau, Germany) made possible through the support of Swiss National Science Foundation  相似文献   
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