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汪华亮 《河北法学》2007,25(7):84-88
在物权法制定过程中,学术界对于我国物权法是否应当规定居住权制度存在较大争议.但是,经过详细检讨后发现,赞成者的观点在方法论和具体观点上都存在一定的问题,而反对者亦未能有效论证己方观点.此时应当依据论证负担分配规则得出不支持承担论证负担一方的结论,即我国物权法不应当规定居住权制度.  相似文献   
盛建明 《河北法学》2007,25(7):171-176
根据欧盟现有的反倾销立法及其实践,欧盟反倾销产业损害认定能否成立大致可以分成立案审查阶段、初裁前调查阶段、终裁前后续调查阶段和复审阶段等四个阶段.这四个阶段中,欧盟反倾销调查机构关于损害认定的法律标准的侧重点各不相同,而且在利害关系方证据材料的要求方面各具不同特点.欧盟产业损害调查各阶段法律标准和证据规则侧重点不同的做法并没有违反WTO《反倾销协定》之原则和精神,欧盟反倾销调查各阶段产业损害认定采用不同标准的做法值得我国借鉴.  相似文献   
近年来台湾地区的刑事诉讼经历了重大的改革,其公诉权制约机制较为完善。对于检察官不起诉、缓起诉处分,立法设置了再议制、交付审判制进行监督和制约,防止检察官滥用不起诉权;对于检察机关的起诉则在审前以起诉审查制进行制约,防止未达起诉法定门槛的案件进入审判。对于大陆来说,其公诉权制约机制有很大的借鉴意义。大陆也应设立公诉权的司法权制约机制,对于检察机关的起诉和不起诉都应最终由法院来进行审查和制约,以保证公诉权合法行使。但对于台湾地区公诉权制约机制的不足之处,借鉴的同时需予以改进。  相似文献   
韩衍杰 《青年论坛》2009,(3):115-118
2008年北京奥运成功举办,国内体育热潮空前高涨;赛后“鸟巢”推出PPP融资模式(Private-Public Partnership)转让冠名权,学界再度关注体育冠名权之法律规制。在体育法学中,冠名权、体育冠名权是一个层级清晰的属种概念链条。而从整个法律体系或权利体系的维度来看,体育冠名权仍是一个较新型的权利。在实践中,权利定性的模糊亦成为体育产业开发和应用的瓶颈,并导致近年来我国体育市场大量冠名纠纷因缺乏充分的法律依据而无法得到有效调整。  相似文献   
近年来,我国的劳动争议案件逐年增多,且呈现复杂化、群体化、涉外化等趋势.我国政府为了实现社会公正,走上了通过扩大劳动者个人的权利来解决劳动争议的路子,致使劳动者、企业单位、工会、行政权力以及法院在处理劳动争议过程中的职能、地位发生扭曲.所以必须关注并完善劳资双方的信用关系、工会的职能与地位、行政权力在劳动争议处理中的地位和权威、法院最后的司法救济,从深层次解决原来的处理体制"用其所短"的弊端,实现劳资关系的和谐.  相似文献   
This study provides a systematic review of the development of Chinese public administration in English language journals. An analysis of articles in the top 25 English-language public administration journals worldwide from 1996 to 2016 confirmed increases in both the number and significance of studies of Chinese public administration. A systematic content analysis of abstracts of previous studies was performed and showed that social development and administrative reform were among the most important topics. With respect to the methodology of this study, qualitative methods were more frequently used than quantitative or mixed methods. Finally, implications for future research on Chinese public administration are discussed.  相似文献   
Although several literature reviews have been published on public service motivation (PSM), none of them focused solely on Africa. Adopting a systematic review of the literature, we analyse articles on PSM scholarship in Africa published between 2005 and 2017. We found that authors in African PSM is consistently increasing with their research published in highly ranked peer-reviewed journals. The antecedents and consequences of African PSM are similar to those of Western countries. Finally, respondents of African PSM scholarship are skewed towards “managerist” and students’ perspective. We proposed agenda for African PSM research with four key interest areas.  相似文献   
The usage of the word brand crops up more frequently in politics. Specifically, in the study of political marketing, a burgeoning set of research has encircled various cases and conceptions. However, the brand concept seeks to harbor a variety of political events, just like a sponge soaking up different kinds of meaning in different kinds of surroundings. This tendency makes it hard to accumulate knowledge because demarcations between various brand perspectives in many cases are implicit, which can impede the clarity and precision in our studies. Against this backdrop, we identify a gap in the political brand literature: a study conducting an overall conceptual inquiry. As such, it is first argued that we need a thorough analysis of the foundation of the political brand concept to uncover the presuppositions underlying the different usages of the concept. Second, we carry out a systematic review of the brand literature on voters and parties. Third, on this ground, we propose a minimal definition and six subclassifications to the political brand concept. Finally, we illustrate the applicability of this conceptual groundwork in order to advance cumulative research in the field.  相似文献   
我国大陆与台湾地区刑事搜查制度各不相同,然而搜查一般都应遵循司法审查、特定性、合理根据、人格权保障等原则。为加强两岸间交流和保护人权,我们可以借鉴台湾地区刑事搜查制度的经验,逐步完善我国的刑事搜查制度。  相似文献   
赵建民 《东北亚论坛》2007,16(1):110-114
创建共同合作、协同发展的“东亚共同体”,业已成为不可抗拒的发展趋势。历史事实证明:东亚地区是世界历史上最早“一体化”的区域;它既有成功的、进步的古代“东亚文化圈”,也有反动的、失败的近代“大东亚共荣圈”,还有设想中的“东亚共同体”。然而,现实中的“历史认识问题”,是直接关系到“东亚共同体”能否迅速建立的前提条件。为促进未来“东亚共同体”区域内的沟通和交流,需要在汉字的基础上创建共通文字,这不是复旧,而是与时俱进的创新。当人们思考构建“东亚共同体”时,在普遍关注经济协作的情况下,尤应重视思想文化观念的问题,因为东亚各国间的政治的、经济的、外交的问题,不能光靠政治的、经济的、外交的手段来解决,而确实需要从思想文化观念方面去寻求解决问题的办法。  相似文献   
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