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夫妻共同债务认定的司法乱象丛生,在于财产契约属性的民商事规则取代共同生活的婚姻纠纷考量规则的价值取向偏差,突破了合同相对性而过度保护债权,亟待以夫妻共同债务认定标准的中西法传统比较为镜鉴,正本溯源。夫妻共同债务中所借债务为了婚姻关系符合伦理和法理正当目的的属性不同,由此形成特色迥异的认定原则。我国同居共财的吸收原则,迥异于罗马法基于意识自治的分离原则,相互交汇于共同生活的统摄原则。吸收原则很难内生性进化发展,但有利于婚姻关系共同体的稳定,而分离原则易于矫枉过正,治理成本极大,却尊重个人独立。故惟有以致中和的夫妻债务认定理念来构建防范债权风险的制度,并落实在救济弱者的司法裁量中,方能解决夫妻共同债务认定标准的根源问题。  相似文献   
近年来,传统的婚姻家庭思想观念正受到越来越大的挑战,非婚同居现象的增多是其主要表现之一。而这一现象在我国却没有得到完善的法律法规的规制,由此引发了许多纠纷。因此,应当从维护合法婚姻的权威和保护相关当事人正当权益出发,理性分析并界定非婚同居的法律地位,参照和借鉴国外有关立法经验,构建符合中国国情的非婚同居法律制度。  相似文献   
在 2 0 0 1年修订实施的婚姻法中 ,增加了无效婚姻制度 ,规定了婚姻无效的法定情形。这是对 1980年婚姻法的补充 ,这一补充使婚姻法律制度在司法实践中更具有可操作性。  相似文献   
非婚同居中女性合法权益的保护   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
长期以来 ,人们不加区别的视各种非婚同居为非法 ,道德上加以歧视 ,法律上不予保护 ,非婚同居的成本大多由女性独自承担 ,其结果不但不能有效的减少非婚同居 ,反而使女性的权益遭受日益严重的侵犯。本文所做的就是力图在区分侵犯第三人利益的非婚同居和单纯的非婚同居的基础上 ,结合婚姻法、民法的有关规定 ,对非婚同居中的女性合法权益的保护问题予以探讨。  相似文献   
Cohabitants and LATs (couples who “live apart together”) do not fit the traditional categories and rules of our family law system. This article describes what we know about both cohabitants and LATs in the U.S., compares the two institutions, and makes recommendations about legal reforms with respect to each. For cohabitants the reforms would assimilate cohabiting couples to marriage after the passage of time, based on the evidence of their economic interdependence and the probability that there are children in their households. As to LATs, the reforms proposed are limited to those that would support the caretaking functions LATs perform for each other, resulting in benefits to society as a whole.  相似文献   
The main object of this article is to reveal the reasons for cohabitation among Catholics in Kovno gubernia, the biggest administrative district in Imperial Russia's province Lithuania, from the nineteenth to the start of the twentieth centuries. The article also seeks to answer the questions: how widespread was cohabitation in Lithuania, and what were society's attitudes towards cohabitation? The research is heavily built on archive sources. The most important group of them used in this article are the so-called files ‘Trials on Depraved Lifestyles’ (‘Дело о блудной жизни’), documents from the Curia of the Samogitian Diocese from 1813–1915.  相似文献   
近年来非婚同居的现象越来越普遍,由非婚同居引发的各种纠纷也越发凸显,尤其是财产纠纷更为突出.对于我国非婚同居的财产问题,我国的现行规定则是少而又少,缺乏实际意义上的操作性,且过于原则化,不足以应对在实践中产生的各种各样的纠纷.法律应当做出必要的规范,以统一司法认识,对于同居予以立法规制,可以更好地保护公民个人的合法权益,特别是保护弱者的权利不受侵害.  相似文献   
Given the predominant role in American law of cohabitation agreements in protecting cohabitants, this Article presents an informal study that measured attitudes toward such agreements. The results confirm the literature findings that people generally are not inclined to want cohabitation agreements upon cohabitation. Further studies might explore the reasons for the unpopularity of cohabitation agreements and the ways to improve the protection of cohabitants, and this Article offers potential considerations.  相似文献   
The main objective of this article is to explore the institutionalization of cohabitation that occurred in Norwegian law in the period 1972–2010. From being (officially) illegal until 1972, cohabitation in its contemporary form has become majority practice, a child-rearing institution, as well as recognized in law in ways that blur the differences between cohabitation and marriage. Although cohabitation is common in many European countries, Norway is one of the few to have gone full circle. This article focuses on the changes in politicians’ ideas and norms regarding intimate relationships during this period. The empirical analysis is based on political documents and debates in the Norwegian parliament about cohabitation, marriage, single motherhood and the family.  相似文献   
本文分析了配偶权与夫妻同居义务和忠实义务的关系 ,论证了我国婚姻法规定这两项义务的理由 ,并提出了具体设立这两项义务的设想 ,以期对我国的立法有所帮助。  相似文献   
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