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我国现实中经常发生的劳动者群体与用人单位之间发生的冲突,具有群体性、无预期性、程式失序、争议内容混杂等特点。对于这些冲突和纠纷,不能简单等同于群体性事件,当然也不是严格意义上的集体劳动争议,可概括称之为“群体劳动争议”。群体劳动争议本质上属于经济纠纷,而非具有政治目的或者社会目的的群体性事件,不能以维稳思维和手段予以应对,而应通过法律对策予以解决。  相似文献   
一般认为,民事纠纷的发生表明了当事人对利益状态的不满或对实体法效力的挑战和质疑,这构成了司法救济介入的逻辑前提。然而,权利的赋予与滥用往往如一对孪生兄弟。在权利得到彰显的时代,“伪纠纷”日益增多。近年来,恶意诉讼已经成为法治进程中正向构建与反向利用之间博弈的重大命题。这一方面对私益形成了滋扰和侵害,另一方面浪费了司法资源并使得司法权威受到了藐视。由于恶意诉讼对多种法益构成了伤害,因此,必须在对其本质做出清晰界定的前提下进行有效的规制。  相似文献   
A Tokyo-based economist and a noted western economic geographer, both specializing in the hydrocarbon resources of Russia, apply the framework of governance studies in an effort to gain a deeper understanding of the recent changes in the country's energy policy-making. The authors argue that, unlike the international relations paradigm prevailing in studies of Russia's energy policy, the country's multiple roles in the international energy arena (as producer, consumer, exporter, importer, and transit state) warrant a more nuanced approach, reflecting Russian energy policy's flexibility over time and diversity across space. This paper endeavors, therefore, to apply a political economy and governance perspective to an understanding of the significant changes in Russia's energy policy-making regarding its dynamic energy relations with the Northeast Asia (NEA; China, Japan, and South Korea). In exploring the complex interactions between Russia's internal energy policy-making and its emerging energy relations in NEA, the authors addresses three key questions, namely: (1) how Russia's Asian energy policy corresponds to its domestic needs, (2) how much coherence in energy governance and cooperation exists between Russia and the Northeast Asian states at the institutional and organizational levels, and (3) the extent to which Russia's expectations for increased energy cooperation with the Northeast Asian states are likely to materialize.  相似文献   
The military expenditure (M.E.) of a nation depends partly on its wealth as measured by its Gross National Product (GNP), partly on geography, and partly on its presence in an alliance. The authors describe a method for calculating the M.E. value if it depended solely on the GNP; the value of the M.E. so obtained is termed the theoretical M.E. (M.E.Th.). Dividing the actual M.E. by the M.E.Th. (and multiplying by 100) yields a pure number, the tension ratio (T.R.). We regard tension as a function of geography (thus having a hostile neighbor increases tension and having a friendly neighbor decreases tension) and of membership in an alliance (which should cause a relaxation of tension). Tension ratios were calculated for 63 countries. Of the 13 nations engaged in a war, 76.9 percent had T.R. values greater than 155. Of the 43 nations not engaged in a war, only 26 percent had T.R. values greater than 155. Application of the chi square tests and the Kolmogorov‐Smimov test showed the association of high T.R.s concurrent with wars and antecedent to wars to be significant at the 95 percent probability level. Threshold T.R. values can pinpoint critical, potentially violent situations. Membership in an alliance does not seem as important as the effect of geography (the geographic factor includes the perception of hostility or friendliness in a neighboring country).  相似文献   
城中村是工业化与城市化进程中,基于土地的二元所有制结构和城乡二元化社会管理方式所产生的一种社会现象。城中村的村民既生活在城市的街道中,又遵循着乡村的生活法则。二者统一在城市化的进程中,又蕴藏着内在的冲突与矛盾,引起城中村治安纠纷的纷扰与多发。笔者认为,新时期我国城中村治安纠纷具有高发性、突发性与群发性的特点,治安纠纷解决的出发点和立足点应当是化解矛盾,而不是制造斗争。通过促进治安纠纷的合意解决,以实现城中村政治进步、经济发展、社会繁荣,这应成为建设和谐警民关系的基本思路。  相似文献   
随着教育纠纷的日渐增多,尤其是在高等教育领域,高校与学生的纠纷日趋复杂化、多样化,学界对教育纠纷的救济方式也各抒己见。现行法律设计的救济制度在解决高校教育纠纷的过程中虽发挥着一定的作用,但也存在着诸多的缺陷和不足,因此,有必要在高等教育领域建构教育仲裁制度。建立教育仲裁制度能够更加有效地化解矛盾和处理各种教育纠纷,在大学生的权利救济上发挥其独特的作用。  相似文献   
张镭 《政法论丛》2010,(3):40-48
在基层民事纠纷解决过程中,民间习惯和国家法律的矛盾是传统中国很多朝代的法官必须面临的难题,他们常常要解决这对矛盾,以实现裁判合法性与公信力的统一。他们在这一过程中积累了很多经验,这些经验的取得与儒家学说的解释力、社会规则的认识、国家—法官—社会之间意识形态的同一性以及法官的考绩压力等因素有相当的关联。当代中国法官也面临民间习惯与国家法律之间的矛盾,但是他们却有着与传统中国法官大不相同的现实困难,包括国家—法官—社会三者之间意识形态的非同一性、法官知识体系构建的非本土性、司法目的的非现实性以及司法活动的非社会性等四个主要方面。这些困难的解决将是中国司法达致和谐的真正开始。  相似文献   
当前,在征地拆迁过程中,涌现出大量土地征收补偿纠纷。究其原因,主要有征地政策欠公平,相关法律不完善,征拆行为不规范,群众权利意识增强但法制意识淡薄等。建议从颁布专门法律,完善征收政策,加强法制教育,完善救济机制等方面预防和解决该类纠纷。  相似文献   
利益和谐视角下完善我国农村纠纷化解机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在建设“和谐社会”的方针政策下,完善我国农村纠纷化解机制对推动和谐社会、实现依法治国有巨大意义。其中利益和谐是和谐社会的基本标志,也是农村纠纷化解机制的制度目标。但是现实中农民由于在社会利益博弈中的弱势地位而导致农村社会矛盾冲突加剧,造成我国农村纠纷化解机制运行困难。建立我国农村纠纷化解三维立体模式,强化我国的农村纠纷化解的制度体系、加强各个主体间互动,为推进新农村建设、实现和谐社会提出建议。  相似文献   
Arbitration is universally used in the settlement of international commercial disputes largely due to its inherent confidentiality. However, the expedient element of the confidentiality is encountering challenges mostly owing to public interest or other reasons. This article not only discusses the grounds of confidentiality in arbitration, but also the effective way of its helping those people who wish to respect the confidentiality in international commercial arbitration.  相似文献   
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