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证券市场上违背诚信的行为愈演愈烈,而人数众多的中小投资者却得不到应有的民事救济,如此,不仅有损受害者的利益,也将摧毁广大中小投资者对证券市场的信心.故在金融市场诚信为王的理念下,必须寻找可行的民事救济之路.梳理美国集团诉讼的优劣并进行本土化借鉴分析后发现,适合中国的证券民事赔偿诉讼方式的路径选择是应当恢复人数不确定的代表人诉讼,同时采用示范性诉讼方式及多元化纠纷解决机制,并糅合进集团诉讼的有利元素.  相似文献   

As the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) establishes itself as one of the premier regimes in international law, member states are increasingly availing themselves of the significant dispute settlement provisions found in Part XV. The International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS) is beginning to take its place in the pantheon of major international tribunals. Although its jurisprudence thus far has largely consisted of applications for prompt release of vessels, these cases have arisen from disagreements over fishery practices and the enforcement of fishery laws by coastal states. The ITLOS is developing into a transparent, consistent and speedy forum to adjudicate marine disputes arising from UNCLOS. While the overall scope and reach of Part XV may be uncertain at the present time, especially vis‐à‐vis other dispute settlement institutions, the early activity under Part XV is promising. Those concerned with marine wildlife issues should be encouraged by the potential of Part XV, the ITLOS in particular, to serve as an effective regime in the realm of marine wildlife dispute settlement.  相似文献   
国际舆论作为国际社会一股重要的力量,不仅有其区别于一般舆论的特性,而且通过与人类核心价值观念、国际法渊源和国际争端解决的联系,对国际法产生了全面而深刻的影响。国际舆论与国际法相互影响,并对国际争端的解决产生巨大作用。随着东海南海岛屿争端的加剧,诉诸国际法成为解决争议的最好办法。但单纯依靠法律方法解决争端仍然具有一定的局限性,而在国际法框架内充分调动国际舆论的积极因素,不失为解决此类岛屿争端的明智选择。在中菲南海仲裁案中,中方应重视对于国际舆论主导权的争夺。  相似文献   
自2011年南海问题升温以来,作为东盟成员国中对南沙群岛部分岛礁及水域提出主权申索的国家之一,马来西亚官方对南海争端的立场十分值得关注。本文以马来西亚政府喉舌报《先锋报》为主的媒体网站2011年至2013年的与南海问题相关的新闻报道或评论为分析依据,进行跟踪评论,解读马来西亚官方对南海争端的立场。  相似文献   
学生处分权是高等学校教育管理权内容,是高等学校依据法律、法规或大学章程对违犯国家法律、法规和学校纪律的学生实施惩戒的权力。高等学校处分权特殊性质和我国以和为贵的传统文化,都与教育仲裁机制相契合,这为我国构建教育仲裁纠纷解决机制打下了坚实的基础。  相似文献   
当前物业费纠纷的司法实践中,鲜有被告业主获判减付物业费继而胜诉的判例。然而,在这种“一边倒”的现象背后,物业企业确实存在着不同程度的服务不到位问题。通过研究现行的物业相关法律依据,结合发达地区的司法实践先例,可以发现被告业主完全可以通过行使同时履行抗辩权达到减付物业费的目的,而法院应当本着对业主负责同时督促物业企业改善服务的宗旨,针对物业企业部分义务未履行或履行存在瑕疵,导致相应服务目的无法实现的情形,作出相适应的减付物业费的判决。  相似文献   
As energy demand grows rapidly worldwide, power line infrastructure will continue to be a major development planning challenge. This study considers the environmental conflict that has arisen over a transnational transmission line project between Canada and the United States. A qualitative conflict assessment is presented to define the parameters for consensus that could prevent protracted litigation between stakeholders. Proactively designing a process to encourage consensus building during the early development phase remains the most critical determinant of compromise. In this article, we argue that in this case a consensus‐building effort could be feasible if certain design requirements were met, including gaining the participation of key stakeholders, paying attention to trust, and focusing on the issues specific to this transmission line rather than to a larger energy discussion. The research shows that despite potential pitfalls, reaching more widely accepted and ecologically sensitive solutions to environmental conflicts through participatory and collaborative approaches is possible and worth the effort.  相似文献   
疑罪不诉的核心价值是对无罪推定原则的直接践行.是对我国司法实践中疑罪从轻传统思息的否定与制约,同时疑罪不诉有利于保障犯罪嫌疑人权利.节约司法资源.疑罪不诉在法理上产生的争议都与疑罪不诉的理论价值密切相关.司法实践中,证据不足标准难以理解把握.侦查机关补充侦查缺乏实际效果,疑罪不诉所产生的巨大社会反应等是疑罪不诉的现实困境.解决疑罪不诉理论缺陷与现实困境,应取消单独条款的疑罪不诉规定,作为法定不起诉的情形之一;加强证据不足特点与原因研究,明确证据不足的判断标准;明确规定疑罪不诉不应承担国家赔偿责任;通过司法审查疑罪不诉决定.保障被害人权利.  相似文献   
证据保全制度的功能及其扩大化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
基于诉讼数量不断增长和现代型诉讼要求先收集证据、后提出事实主张的客观需要,为实现预防诉讼、促进诉讼、集中化审理和多元化解决纠纷之目标,两大法系各主要国家纷纷对证据保全及类似制度进行了改革,使证据保全制度除保全证据外,又具有了确定事实、开示证据和诉讼外解决纠纷的多种功能。为强化当事人举证责任,保障当事人证据收集权和证明权的实现,我国也必须扩大证据保全制度的机能,一方面增设确定事物状态和经对方当事人同意之证据保全类型,另一方面鼓励当事人在证据保全程序中就与纠纷解决相关的事项达成协议。  相似文献   
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