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The constant emergence of novel psychoactive substances is troubling to both public health officials and legislators. Additionally, sufficient data collection for each new compound can take months up to years. Flualprazolam, a triazolobenzodiazepine, quickly garnered attention as a sedative drug that likely expresses adverse reactions similarly to alprazolam. This study focuses on the distribution of flualprazolam in multiple common postmortem matrices. Central blood, vitreous humor, liver homogenate, brain homogenate, gastric contents, and urine samples from death investigation cases were quantitated when available. Samples were screened with liquid chromatography quadrupole time-of-flight with limit of detection set at 4 ng/ml and quantitated on liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry, with concentration range from 4 to 256 ng/ml. From August 2018 to September 2020, 24 central blood samples were quantitated for flualprazolam. Central bloods of 22 cases had concentrations above the limit of quantitation. The average flualprazolam central blood concentration was 16.3 ng/ml with a median of 9.95 ng/ml (4.24–48.0). Additional analyses for unconjugated flualprazolam were performed on at a total of 15 urine samples ( = 14.4, 4.07–36.1 ng/ml), 23 brain homogenates ( = 23.2, 3.99–69.3 ng/g), 23 liver homogenates ( = 50.7, 13.6–156 ng/g), five vitreous humor samples ( = 7.70, 4.03–12 ng/ml), and 12 gastric contents samples ( = 0.36, 0.02–2.51 mg). The cause of death for 13 of the 24 cases listed flualprazolam as a contributing factor of death.  相似文献   
戴维·赫伯特·劳伦斯,是20世纪最具争议的英国作家。在他的小说中,有非常多令人印象深刻的女性角色。这些角色塑造的是思想认识各不相同的女性形象,但是却都反映了劳伦斯对于女性的思考。从女性主义的视角对出现在劳伦斯小说中比较有代表性的女性形象进行解读,可推动对于劳伦斯小说中女性角色的深入研究。  相似文献   
王平 《青年论坛》2011,27(1):125-129
儒释道思想观念是传统文化心理的重要内容,同时,明中叶以来以王艮、何心隐、李贽等为代表的王学左派,其学说具有近代解放因素的民主思想和鲜明的启蒙色彩,它势必要与传统思想观念发生冲突碰撞,从而影响着明清小说的创作。就明清小说创作的基本情况看,一方面,传统文化心理始终占据着主导地位,三家思想互补渗透于小说创作的诸环节之中;另一方面,新的文化思潮对小说创作也产生了重要影响,从而形成了明清小说复杂而新颖的文化心理特征。  相似文献   
象征是沈从文小说意象构成的重要因素.在他的一系列作品里,象征方法的运用都是很普遍的.沈从文小说创作中的意象的象征化表现模式能将生活的真实性和艺术象征的假定性达到有机的融合.它既能有效地激发人们的联想,又能赋予艺术形象的含蓄、深邃的涵义.作家正是运用这样的意象的象征来体现自己对于古老湘西社会小儿女们生命形式的探索,以及对于这个民族未来前途的隐忧.  相似文献   
长期以来,人们习惯于将莫言笔下的女性形象看作叛逆和颠覆传统伦理的典范,但究其深层原因,审视其生存真相,会发现她们深受子嗣至上、男尊女卑精神桎梏的束缚;她们被传统贞操观念、从一而终的封建伦理极度压抑;同时她们对男性依附性的意识也根深蒂固。通过她们的突围及其困境,莫言洞微烛幽,深刻批判了女性长期以来受到男权压迫的事实。莫言用他的作品证明了男性作家描绘女性情感、揭示女性命运的可能性以及所能达到的高度。  相似文献   
赵理直 《政法学刊》2013,30(3):37-39
当代知名公安文学小说作家海岩的作品畅销的主要原因是其跌宕起伏的典型环境创设和典型人物的塑造.典型环境的创设和典型人物的心境交相辉映,“情中有景、景中有情”.典型人物的真情、爱情和亲情及作者自身对人生的至情均完美地融入小说的情境创设中.  相似文献   
本文一方面通过对翁闹和郁达夫的文学创作个案比较研究,揭示出二者与日本文化的密切联系,探讨在日本特定场景下,中国知识分子的创作情态及其作品中呈现出的"日本形象";另一方面力求揭示翁闹作为弱势族群和被殖民地作家无所皈依的创作心理,由此而产生的颓废意识和情绪书写,翁闹的文学创作典型地代表了20世纪30年代台湾文学的另类叙事.  相似文献   
Tomi Suzuki 《Japan Forum》2018,30(1):85-104

This paper shows the ways in which, in the immediate post-war period (1945–1951), Kawabata Yasunari (1899–1972) reflected on his earlier, pre-war literary career and re-envisioned his postwar literary trajectory by constructing a new genealogy of the modern novel in Japan, in relationship to the intricate issues of the literary styles of the modern novel, ‘national language’ (kokugo), and the literary tradition. By examining his Shin bunshō tokuhon (New Guide to Literary Language, 1950), which presents Kawabata's past and present views of literary language, I will argue that Kawabata's changing views of language and literary style must be understood in the context of contemporary debates over national language policy and language reform movements. I will show the manner by which Kawabata formulated his views of language in dialogue with his two rival writers: Yokomitsu Riichi (1898–1947) in the prewar period and Tanizaki Junichirō (1886–1965) in the postwar period. As we shall see, the death of his close literary colleague Yokomitsu in 1947 and Tanizaki's unflagging literary exploration during and following the war prompted Kawabata to position himself in a genealogy of modern Japanese literary writers as well as in relationship to the linguistic and literary tradition of Japan.  相似文献   
,1.2……2.1……三级标题序号形如1.1.1,1.1.2……2.1.1,2.1.2……引言或前言不排序,也不标出标题序号。10.本刊有权对来稿进行删改,如不同意,请注明。若来稿不符合规范要求,本刊有权退请作者修改或补充,然后再进行审理。11.清勿一稿多投。向本刊投稿后3个月未收到录用通知  相似文献   
新冠肺炎疫情以湖北武汉为中心,迅速向全国蔓延,造成了严重的社会影响。在党的领导下,疫情防控阻击战目前已获得一定成果。新冠肺炎疫情的爆发不仅再次揭露了公共危机的特点,还揭示了我国公共危机管理中存在的问题:危机意识较薄弱、法制体系不完备、信息管理不完善和社会参与管理不足等。对此,应及时采取措施:政府层面做好大局建设,媒体层面提供信息支持,社会层面贡献优势力量。  相似文献   
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