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五、解决公安涉法上访的对策 (一)法治社会,群众为什么还选择上访作为解决问题的途径 研究公安涉法上访问题的对策,首先要搞清楚群众为什么选择上访作为解决问题的途径。从某种意义上说,信访是法制不够健全的产物。由于缺乏完善的法律和独立的司法制度,某些自感遭受不公的人只能通过上访这种特殊的渠道来获取公正。几千年来,上访承载着普通民众对国家权力的企盼,是中国人传统的权利救济方式,也是中国人实现正义的原始路径。  相似文献   
对见危不救行为的法律矫治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
见危而救是现代文明社会的基本道德规范 ,将救助义务上升为法律义务是合理的 ,也是可行的。救助义务的立法是人类理性发展的必然趋势。而法律所调整的见危不救行为应符合存在急需救援的危难、当事人之间不存在特定的法律关系或职务关系以及行为人有条件救助而不救助等特征。  相似文献   
为实现律师提前介入之立法意图 ,刑事诉讼法第九十六条关于律师介入侦查程序的具体时间应提前至犯罪嫌疑人被第一次讯问前 ,并应增加规定侦查人员有义务立即告知犯罪嫌疑人有聘请律师提供法律帮助之权利 ,同时将免费律师法律援助制度引入侦查程序。  相似文献   
刘娟 《桂海论丛》2010,26(1):79-83
新中国成立后,我国农村扶贫开发工作大体经历了五个阶段。2009年随着我国农村扶贫标准上调为人均纯收入1196元,扶贫对象大幅度增加,扶贫战略、扶贫出发点和扶贫任务发生了重大转变,扶贫开发事业即将进入新阶段。为适应扶贫新阶段的新挑战、新要求,必须以扶贫对象识别、扶贫项目瞄准、扶贫资金投入管理、产业化扶贫和长效扶贫机制为重心,积极探索扶贫开发机制的完善路径,加快构建大扶贫格局。  相似文献   
在长期的革命实践中,屡受挫折的孙中山认识到困守广东难以完成统一中国的大业。因此开始酝酿、策划在北方、靠近苏俄的地方建立革命基地,组织、训练高素质军队,直接对北洋军阀的心脏地带发起进攻。当然,这个行动必须得到苏俄的大力支持。他把目光投向了西北的新疆地区,随着形势的不断变化,在西北建立军事基地的计划也在不断完善,并且得到了苏俄和共产国际的积极响应。1923年5月,经过综合考虑,孙中山决定派蒋介石率代表团赴莫斯科与苏俄、共产国际详细商议该计划。  相似文献   
近几年,因内部矛盾引发的外地进京和北京市的群体性上访事件,均呈大幅上升势头,已成为影响首都社会稳定的突出问题.形势的发展不容乐观,必须进一步提高认识和加强工作.一是对形势必须保持清醒的认识,不能盲目乐观,要认清群体访发生的客观性、长期性、复杂性及处理工作的艰巨性;二是处置群体性上访事件要做到事前信息反应灵敏,事中处置依法及时稳妥坚决,事后精确处置并跟踪掌控;三是要加强队伍建设,努力提高处置工作专业化水平.  相似文献   
Given the limited resources and capabilities of states to maintain cyber security, a variety of co‐production efforts have been made by individuals or by collectives, of varying degrees of organization and coordination. This article identifies different forms of citizen co‐production of cyber security and notes the risk of unintended consequences. Safeguards and principles are proposed in order to facilitate constructive citizen/netizen co‐production of cyber security. Although co‐production of security can contribute to social control, only those activities within the bounds of the law should be encouraged. Activities of private citizens/netizens that test the limits of legality should be closely circumscribed.  相似文献   
社区矫正是以人道为内在价值的非监禁刑的非刑罚化的处遇方式,非刑罚化是其基本属性,助人自助是其应有功能。在当代中国的现实条件下,我国社区矫正试点工作的任务,应以推动刑事法治建设和自身的技术性建构为重点。在社会物质、精神和政治文明协调发展的背景下,应着力培育公众的认同,通过评估和意愿建立矫正关系,防止公众和犯罪人的刑法规范意识的异化。  相似文献   
未成年人犯罪率居高不下已成为不争的事实,但涉案少年于法不惧的行为表现则更令人深思。究其原因何在?又应如何应对?是笔者意欲探讨的问题。  相似文献   
Although a relatively high percentage of Australian adolescents experience mental health problems, many disturbed adolescents do not receive the help they require, and only a small proportion of adolescents seek professional psychological help. The present study examined adolescents' willingness to seek help and investigated factors that promote and prevent adolescents from seeking help for a mental illness from both formal and informal sources. Secondary school students (254 in number) from schools in Brisbane, Australia completed a questionnaire that examined the relationship between demographic and psychological variables, attitudes toward mental illness, and willingness to seek help for a mental illness. Results suggest that adolescents with greater adaptive functioning, fewer perceived barriers to help seeking, and higher psychological distress were more willing to seek help from formal and informal sources for a mental illness. Greater social support also predicted willingness to seek help from informal sources. Although attitudes toward mental illness did not influence willingness to seek help, less stigmatising attitudes were related to higher knowledge of mental illness, being female, and higher levels of social support. Implications for the present study focus on enhancing the ability of mental health interventions to increase adolescents' willingness to seek psychological help.Received PhD from The University of Queensland  相似文献   
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