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毛泽东思想是中国特色社会主义理论体系的逻辑起点,贯通了新民主主义理论体系和中国特色社会主义理论体系两大理论体系,和中国特色社会主义理论体系一起构成马克思主义中国化的两大理论成果。  相似文献   
从学术敏感度的视角来看,奥斯丁的“命令说”,相对于那些针对此学说展开批评的评论家们的理论,还是毫不逊色的。无论从认识论意义上还是从本体论意义上讲,法律都无法摆脱道德的“纠缠”。如果固执地生拉硬扯地去单独认识他们中的一个,答案将不是完整的。奥斯丁的“法律命令说”以及“恶法亦法”的思想,毫无疑问锤炼了人们对法律的权威性的尊崇。这一学术贡献也是对西方思想传统中延续了两千多年的价值一元论的继承。  相似文献   
中国特色社会主义理论无疑是以邓小平为代表的第二代中央领导集体共同创立的,但以毛泽东为代表的第一代领导集体对建设有中国特点的社会主义作了许多探索,毛泽东创造性地开辟了一条适合中国特点的社会主义改造的道路,为和平实现社会主义改造创造了人类历史上的新经验,他还在将资本主义工商业的社会主义改造推向高潮的过程中进一步探索了中国社会主义建设的规律,这些都为中国特色社会主义理论的创立奠定了一定的基础。  相似文献   
Agencies involved in generating regulatory policies promote evidence-based regulatory impact assessments (RIAs) to improve the predictability of regulation and develop informed policy. Here, we analyze the epistemic foundations of RIAs. We frame RIA as reasoning that connects various types of knowledge to inferences about the future. Drawing on Stephen Toulmin's model of argumentation, we situate deductive and inductive reasoning steps within a schema we call the impact argument. This approach helps us identify inherent uncertainties in RIAs, and their location in different types of reasoning. We illustrate the theoretical section with impact assessments of two recent legislative proposals produced by the European Commission. We argue that the concept of “evidence-based regulatory impact assessment” is misleading and should be based on the notion of “regulatory impact assessment as evidential reasoning,” which better recognizes its processual and argumentative nature.  相似文献   
The relative merits of rational choice and behavioral approaches to the study of negotiation continue to be hotly debated. This article tests qualitative postdictions (assertions or deductions about something in the past) from these paradigms as well as the alternative approach of new institutional theory against the extensive record of negotiation process, contractual form, and contract implementation from the Paris Peace Conference of 1919. I find the incomplete relational form of the peace treaty to be consistent with the behavioral and new institutional concepts and find that only behavioral theory can explain how unilateral German moves unraveled the treaty during the 1930s. But the historical record further reveals that the close fit between the behavioral paradigm and these events is more than coincidence. I also discuss the role of conference participants, particularly John Maynard Keynes and Walter Lippmann, in establishing the basis for modern behavioral science. The behavioral paradigm emerged from efforts to understand and fix serious policy mistakes such as those made in the peace negotiations. The study of human error was intended to serve as the basis for broad‐based organizational solutions. Finally, I discuss the impact of “the Munich stereotype” on such recent events as the planning for the American invasion and reconstruction of Iraq; such examples suggest continued imperfections in the system of organized intelligence that has actually evolved in the United States.  相似文献   
循环经济理论思想源远流长。尽管在传统的经济发展模式中,人们在生产中不考虑资源环境方面的问题,但理论上的认识早就有之,这些理论是当今推行循环经济和进一步研究循环经济理论的重要依据。目前,发展循环经济已成为世界各国的共识,美、日、德率先行动,取得了宝贵经验。进入21世纪,中国也开始走循环经济发展之路,近年来,中国在发展循环经济方面正在加大力度,并取得了可喜的成果。集中各国经验,探索崭新的循环经济发展之路,是实现人与自然和谐发展的重要保证。  相似文献   
《源氏物语》与《蜻蛉日记》两部文学作品之间关系密切,《源氏物语》是《蜻蛉日记》的继承、扬弃与超越。本论从两位女性作家的执笔动机、文论观念、女性意识3个方面推考两部著作的内在联系。两部作品中的若干相同与相似重申了被男性主流文学掠过边缘经典女流文学的价值,正是这一边缘经典文学更为真实记录了当时社会现状、女性思想、男女的情感生活,两位女性作家的叙事才情更是勿容忽视。  相似文献   
This article proposes a new interdisciplinary perspective in international relations (IR). It suggests that contributions from perception studies can help us reconceptualize some elements of IR. Specifically, the article takes up the concept of Gestalt and applies it to European integration. The Gestalt laws and phenomena demonstrated by European integration can be identified in other examples of regional integration, as well as in various international organizations, or alliances. They also provide insight into other features of IR, such as the international order. The Gestalt approach per se may contribute to the development of a psychological constructivist theory of IR.  相似文献   
累积投票制度作为股东选择公司管理者的一种表决权制度,最早起源于美国伊利诺伊州《宪法》的规定。累积投票制度保护了中小投资者的投资热情,符合资本社会化的原则。公司股东选任董事或者监事时,实行累积投票制度对保护中小股东的利益,特别是对完善我国公司治理结构具有独特的价值。  相似文献   
学生口头学术报告是学生在课堂上经常需要运用的一种陈述方式.因而,帮助学生掌握这一特定语类的基本特点,就能帮助他们作出更符合这一语类要求的报告.对此,本文试图运用功能语言学的语类理论,探讨学生口头学术报告的语篇模式与语言特点.  相似文献   
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