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当前,企业员工超长工作现象普遍存在,尤其是研发人员。究其过劳原因,与赢家通吃的市场不无关系。囚徒困境的分析表明,在赢家通吃的市场,企业必须将员工尤其是研发人员的潜力发挥到极限。而对研发人员来说,赢家通吃的市场激励他们主动超长工作;同时,他们还能从研发工作过程和结果中获得精神满足,因而,研发人员的超长工作带有主动选择的性质。因此,在一个赢家通吃的市场,治理超长工作难度很大,政府通过限制竞争强度可在一定程度上对其加以控制。  相似文献   

Sociologist Elizabeth Long has charted the emergence of women’s reading groups in nineteenth-century America. ‘The women who founded literary clubs’, Long (2004, 337) tells us, ‘were aflame with the then revolutionary desire for education and self-development, which they called “self-culture”.’ Comparable aspirations continued to fuel a drive amongst women to organize together within reading and publishing groups, usually outside of official institutions, well into the twentieth century. This ‘revolutionary desire’ for self-education has also been evident in the UK women’s art and art history movement, although it has not been addressed in thorough detail. This article therefore seeks to situate an overlooked history of artistic reading and publishing communities in relation to an established body of theory in literary and cultural studies. These theoretical materials will illuminate the importance that reading and self-education (either in person or as part of a periodical network) had in establishing solidarity, and generating debate, within a flourishing art and art history movement. The second half of this article focuses on a specific case study. FAN: Feminist Art News (1980–1993) was an independent, grassroots publication that grew out of the Women Artists’ Newsletter in London. Temporary editorial collectives published themed issues on a quarterly basis. This article contends that it is no coincidence the subject of art education formed the focus of the periodical’s first issue, as well as a subsequent issue four years later. This indicates the significance of a reflexive auto-didacticism to second-wave feminism, as well as gesturing towards the long history of ‘education and self-improvement’ that has fuelled women’s reading and study groups since the nineteenth century.  相似文献   
对于缺乏自然法传统及平等观念的中国社会而言,男女平等原则在近代民法中的确立经历了一个曲折的过程。《大清民律草案》首先在立法层面突破了旧体制的局限,初步确立了女性的独立法律地位,但却仅仅停留在文本层面,没有来得及施行就退回到《现行律民事有效部分》。不过,民初大理院却在司法裁判中,常常以"条理"的形式将《大清民律草案》中有关女性权利的进步性规定引入具体的审判实践中,以判解的方式使女性法律地位得以提高。之后,《民国民律草案》在吸收这些进步性判解的基础上,又有进一步的发展,《民国民法典》最终完全确立了男女平等原则。  相似文献   
本文以《刑事诉讼法》大修为契机,结合未成年人检察工作实际,在提炼修改后的《刑事诉讼法》视野下未成年人检察工作特点的基础上,深挖此次大修给我们正在或即将探索的合适成年人在场、社会调查、犯罪记录封存、附条件不起诉制度所带来的挑战,并试图寻找对策。  相似文献   
城镇化究其实质是人文范畴即人的城镇化。一味寻求空间拓展的城镇化,不仅群众利益受到伤害,还带来资源难以为继、环境难以承受,城镇自身发展也会日益显现疲惫态势。中央提出走"新型城镇化"道路,就是要让城镇化回归人文并促进民生的持续改善,惟有如此才能圆好农民的城市梦,进而实现中国梦。  相似文献   
邓小平不仅是中国社会主义改革开放和现代化建设的总设计师、中国特色社会主义道路的开创者,而且也是中国特色社会主义民生理论的奠基者。面对"文革"后中国民生普遍贫困的落后局面,邓小平紧紧围绕为什么要改善民生、如何改善民生以及改善民生的目标是什么等基本问题,把改善民生与社会主义本质、改革开放和小康社会的奋斗目标密切结合起来,形成了一个完整的民生思想体系,指导着中国人民不仅彻底摆脱了贫困而且实现了总体小康。在邓小平诞辰110周年之际,学习研究邓小平的民生观,对于我们当前学习贯彻习近平总书记系列重要讲话精神、更好保障和改善民生、不断增进人民福祉具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   
毛泽东的人民主体观是对马克思主义人民主体理论的创造性运用和发展。具体地说,人民群众是历史主体,是创造世界历史的动力;人民群众是权力主体,必须在政治上实现人民群众当家作主的民主权利;人民群众是利益主体,共产党人必须全心全意为人民服务并切实地关心、解决人民群众的利益问题。毛泽东的人民主体观具有十分重大的现实意义。  相似文献   
随着90后逐渐步入职场,作为出生和生活在一个变革期的群体,他们呈现出不同的鲜明特征。现实社会对此褒贬不一,但是无论如何未来10年后社会的中坚将会是他们。如何引导、规范和管理90后员工是现实而又紧迫的课题。通过对90后员工成长的背景分析,总结他们的个性特点,进而提出有效管理的基本思路和措施:一是强化组织认同感;二是建立良好沟通渠道;三是建立公平公正机制;四是建立和完善培训机制。  相似文献   
正ON August 6,Navi Pillay,the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights,urged Japan to produce a comprehensive,impartial and lasting resolution on the issue of wartime sexual slavery,the so-called"comfort women."She lamented a report released by the Japanese government on June 20that said it"was not possible to confirm that women were forcefully recruited."In appealing to Japan,Pillay recognized that such a statement would cause tremendous agony to those female victims.  相似文献   
修订后的《民事诉讼法》第二百零九条规定了当事人向人民检察院提出申请检察建议和抗诉的程序,较之修订前的民事诉讼法有较大的进步且更加规范,是当事人维护自身权利的有力保障。民行检察部门应规范程序,完善制度建设,多举措并重,做到当事人息讼工作,以维护社会和谐稳定。  相似文献   
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