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新中国成立60年,党的建设伟大工程也走过60个春秋。在此期间,党的建设新的伟大工程的提出、实施经过了两个时期、四个阶段,即党的建设伟大工程和党的建设新的伟大工程两个时期;四个阶段是:党的建设伟大工程的提出,党的建设新的伟大工程的酝酿、确立和创新发展阶段。党的十七大站在新的历史起点上,第一次提出了以改革创新精神全面推进党的建设新的伟大工程的新思想,不仅指明了党的建设的政治方向,而且为新的伟大工程的实施提供了前进动力。  相似文献   
前无古人的中国特色社会主义事业理所当然地要求强化探索精神,在改革开放取得重大成就更需要深入推进的时刻,回顾历史选行深刻反思,更是针对新的实际,更好地发扬探索精神,以进一步的认识和把握人类社会发展规律、社会主义建设规律、共产党执政规律,才能不断地把中国特色社会主义事业椎向推进。  相似文献   
21世纪初日本对外目标及外交战略探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
21世纪初期,日本在坚持“普通国家化”既定战略目标的基础上,从国家战略原则、战略重点及国家利益出发,围绕日美同盟、联合国外交、亚洲外交、应对全球气候变化等战略重点,力求以“全方位外交”实现日本国家对外目标及外交战略意图。  相似文献   
The transatlantic alliance is widely viewed as being in a state of decline. Conflict over the war in Iraq highlighted a growing divergence between the Bush administration and European Union governments in their attitudes towards multilateralism. The rift severely tested institutions created to manage bilateral EU–US relations in the aftermath of the cold war. This article examines how well this institutional architecture has held up. It scrutinises the limitations of networked governance in transatlantic relations and acknowledges the quandary of trying to manufacture partnership using imperfect institutions. The Brussels–Washington channel is only one among many through which transatlantic relations flow, but we argue that it continues to gain in importance. Despite the limits of institutional engineering, we conclude that the US and the EU remain each other's most important ally.  相似文献   
创新发展基层工会工作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在市场经济的新形势下,工会工作必须主动适应新形势、新任务、新要求,在教育引导职工上有新作为,在维权机制建设上有新突破,在推进民主管理上有新发展,在深化"创争"活动上有新成效,在巩固建会成果上有新提高,努力把基层工会建设成为制度健全、维权到位、工作活跃、作用明显、职工信赖的职工之家.  相似文献   
新生代农民工及其市民化研究述评与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新生代农民工及其市民化是学界重点关注的问题之一。现有研究内容丰富,研究方法趋于全面,实证调研分析显著增加。然而,有关新生代农民工及其市民化的研究也存在不足,研究内容有待进一步拓展,研究方法有待进一步完善。今后应从更广的学科范围、充分利用定性与定量相结合的综合性研究方法研究新生代农民工问题,研究重点包括:结合新生代农民工融入城市的宏观背景进行深入、综合性的理论研究;对于新生代农民工相关的现行政策进行评估研究;农民工市民化的战略定位和制度设计的前瞻性、统一性问题研究;新生代农民工与其他群体之间及新生代农民工内部的比较研究。  相似文献   
中国特色社会主义进入了新时代,工会组织必须团结带领广大职工在决胜全面建成小康社会中充分发挥主力军作用,这是工会不可推卸的重要责任。广大工会干部是落实工会各项工作的组织者、推动者和实践者,应牢牢把握工会工作的时代主题,认清自身的角色,全面发挥自身作用,推动工运事业和工会工作实现新发展。  相似文献   

What are the epistemological and political contours of evidence today? This introduction to the special issue lays out key shifts in the contemporary politics of knowledge and describes the collective contribution of the six papers as an articulation of what we describe as a ‘new empiricism’, exploring how earlier historical appeals to evidence to defend political power and decision-making both chime with and differ from those of the contemporary era. We outline some emerging empirical frontiers in the study of instruments of calculation, from the evolution of the randomized controlled trial (RCT) to the growing importance of big data, and explore how these methodological transformations intersect with the alleged crisis of expertise in the ‘post-truth’ era. In so doing, we suggest that the ambiguity of evidence can be a powerful tool in itself, and we relate this ambiguity to the ideological commitment and moral fervour that is elicited through appeals to, and the performance of, evaluation.  相似文献   
Governments have historically offered their workforce a public service bargain founded on stable pay and conditions and job security. However, while the Westminster system aims for public service employment to be protected from the whims of government, public servants are nonetheless affected by the political environment in which they operate and changes to this bargain can occur with a new government. This paper focuses on a Queensland public service change process that resulted in large‐scale forced redundancies, non‐renewal of temporary contracts, and legislative changes that nullified the provisions in job security, organisational change, and redundancy policies. Using communication as a lens through which to understand leadership, it examines how the government communicated with the public service about this organisational change, immediately before and after the 2012 election. In particular, through analysis of public and media commentary, speeches and Hansard records, it examines Premier Newman's change leadership and communication by contrasting pre‐election messages to the public service with post‐election messages about the public service and the justifications for change during this period of downsizing. This analysis is used to reflect on political leadership, communication, fair treatment, and trust in public service change.  相似文献   
在经济发展新常态背景下,我国产业转型升级和经济增长质量都要求劳动力具备转型所需的创造性、技能性等特征。新生代农民工作为农村劳动力转移的主体,同时也是承担产业转型的直接参与者,这部分劳动力的质量对我国产业转型升级以及广大中小企业的可持续发展有重要的影响作用。但目前,新生代农民工较低的人力资本水平已经明显成为阻碍产业转型、技术创新、企业发展的主要障碍。因此,在分析产业转型过程中新生代农民工人力资本提升效应的基础上,着重从企业内部劳动力市场的机理进行分析,构建内部劳动力市场效率模型,并基于调查数据的实证分析,以探究内部劳动力市场优化对新生代农民工人力资本提升的影响路径。  相似文献   
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