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从社会主义道德的基本着力点出发,以新思维来重新解读社会公德、职业道德、家庭美德建设及要求,探析个人品德建设对“三德”的促进作用及从个体道德修养层面提高个人品德的途径,可以为社会主义道德建设这条主干道找寻到一条能让其更加顺畅的分支渠道。  相似文献   
创新社会管理背景下涉警网络舆情危机处置探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
现阶段,我国正处于改革的攻坚期、发展的黄金期和社会矛盾的凸现期,涉警网络舆情危机时有发生。涉警网络舆情危机具有突发性、传播性、破坏性和交互性等显著特点。因此,公安机关应及时掌握涉警网络舆情动态,运用"公安网络舆情引导管理系统",完善涉警网络舆情预警研判和应急处置机制,掌握网络舆论引导主动权。  相似文献   
当前公共管理类本科人才培养模式不能完全适应社会需求的根本原因是培养目标与社会需求脱节。应理清学术型人才与应用创新型人才划分、应用创新型人才层次与高校类型等问题。创新公共管理类本科人才培养模式,必须以需求为导向,对培养目标进行再定位,即从社会需求出发,将当前单一学术的"h"型的培养目标转变为应用创新的"H"型公共管理类本科人才培养目标。并通过对培养规格的再定位,建立与社会需求相适应的应用创新能力结构、知识结构和素质结构,使公共管理类本科人才成为既适应政府部门,又适应非政府部门和企事业组织的应用创新型人才。  相似文献   
加强和创新社会管理是中国特色的社会建设之重大课题,民主党派参与其中有其重大理论意义和现实意义。改革开放三十多年来,我国经济社会发展取得突出成就,经济社会正处在深刻转型期,转型期也是矛盾凸显期,这给社会管理和民主党派都带来较多新的挑战。民主党派如何做到既克服自身局限性,又在多党合作框架下充分发挥自身优势、积极参与社会管理及其创新,在中国特色的社会建设中有所建树?解决此问题有如下路径:民主党派参与政权,积极促进改善民生;民主党派议政、参与民主协商,加强联系社会,促进民意畅通机制,促进社会公平正义;民主党派进行民主监督,促进反腐倡廉建设;民主党派进行调查研究,利于把握社会建设规律。  相似文献   
近年来,随着中国社会结构的变化,阶级阶层利益诉求、社会矛盾、主流意识形态发生巨大变化,整合利益需求、协调社会各个阶层矛盾,是当前党执政中面临的一个重要现实课题。现代传媒技术、社会组织的发展对党的利益整合能力产生了极大挑战。因此,需进一步加强执政党的利益整合能力建设,不断促进社会主义社会和谐稳定发展。  相似文献   
《Patterns of Prejudice》2012,46(3):279-299
Burdsey examines the ways in which British Asian footballers perceive ‘race’ and racism as factors influencing their under-representation in the professional game. He argues that issues of ‘race’ and racism in football often manifest themselves in forms that are far more complex, nuanced and subtle than are recognized within dominant discourses. Using their oral testimonies, Burdsey demonstrates that the attitudes and opinions of British Asian footballers often contradict the viewpoints proposed by anti-racist football organizations and the media. In particular, for a variety of reasons, the British Asian players in this research, many of whom have first-hand experience of playing at professional clubs, do not attribute the under-representation of British Asian professional footballers to racism in the professional game. These players believe that it is necessary to examine how issues of ethnicity, ‘race’ and racism manifest themselves at the amateur levels of the game, and how this situation inhibits the progression of British Asians into professional football. At amateur levels, racism from opponents, together with the role of football clubs as symbols of ethnic identity, means that British Asian players often play in all-Asian teams and in all-Asian leagues. This restricts their opportunities for being identified and recruited by professional clubs. Finally, Burdsey analyses the use of British Asian coaches as cultural intermediaries in facilitating the inclusion of British Asians in professional football. He argues that not only can this approach be disadvantageous, but also that it is hypocritical, and thus causes offence to many British Asian players.  相似文献   
2008年金融危机以来,我国非法集资活动日益严重,大案、要案频发,且非法集资活动出现了区域性特征。一些地区和城市出现了几乎全民参与的、传销式的非法集资活动,并引发了多起群体性事件和暴力犯罪案件,严重危及了当地经济秩序和社会稳定。当前非法集资活动呈案件数量逐步增加、新形式和新手段不断涌现、涉案被害人和金额持续增多的特点。全国各地对处置和预防非法集资活动积累了一些经验,这些经验对成功处置非法集资案件以及维护社会稳定具有较大的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
《治安管理处罚法》第6条规定要求各级人民政府加强社会治安综合治理。政府现行的社会治安综合治理工作系统是彼此负相关增强系统,其此涨彼消、彼消此涨、归责在外、推诿指责的系统运行特征不能适应社会治安综合治理工作改革发展的要求。建立、完善正相关工作机制,将彼此负相关增强系统改造为彼此正负相关调节系统,是优化政府社会治安综合治理工作系统、改革完善社会治安综合治理工作系统必不可少的任务。  相似文献   
随着我国生态保护和国土主体功能区战略的实施,生态移民问题已成为全国许多地区的共性问题。生态移民的社会适应是一个综合的社会转变过程,其不仅仅是居住地的改变,还存在人力资本的提升、社会关系的重塑以及思想意识的变迁等问题。面对生态移民在社会适应过程中面临的诸多困境,需要从政府层面、主体层面、社区层面和社会层面采取措施,突破其社会适应的困境,让其在迁入地“落地生根”。  相似文献   

This article focuses on the animal advocacy movement (AAM) in the Baltic countries of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. Taking an intersectional perspective, I examine whether and how key animal activists in the Baltics see links between animal rights and other social justice issues. I also consider how the movement communicates its messages to the general public in settings where ideas around animal justice and possibilities for animal advocacy are relatively recent and unfamiliar. This analysis contributes to debates regarding possibilities for intersectional activism and collaboration between social justice movements in the Baltics and beyond.  相似文献   
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