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“飞车”抢夺案件发案率高,破案率低,给侦查机关带来了较大压力,并将在较长时期内成为我国刑事犯罪活动中的一个突出的犯罪问题。“飞车”抢夺犯罪嫌疑人主要以外来流动人员和本地一些无业青年为主,结伙作案,分工合作,具较强的隐蔽性,多选择单身带包女性作案,一般很难发现有侦查价值的犯罪现场,具有发现难、侦破难、查处难的特点。遏制“飞车”抢夺犯罪的根本出路在于坚持犯罪预防与案件侦查相结合,正确处理好一般预防和特殊预防的关系。  相似文献   
警察战术是警察正确运用国家强制力进行对抗性执法活动的原则、方法和指挥艺术。警察战术以对抗性执法活动中对强制力的综合运用作为研究对象,并用以指导对抗性执法实践。警察战术研究的总任务是揭示警察对抗性执法规律,用以指导对抗性执法实践,形成指导人民警察在不同情况和条件下正确运用国家强制力进行对抗性执法活动的系统理论,提高人民警察的执法素质,从而达到最有效地打击犯罪活动、减少代价付出、获取最佳执法效益的目的。  相似文献   
中国共产党与阎锡山集团的抗日民族统一战线,在全国抗日民族统一战线中成立时间最早、存续时间最长、影响最大、成果最丰硕。这个统一战线之所以会取得如此大的成绩,原因固然是多方面的,但其根本原因就在于中国共产党运用了正确合理、灵活多样的统战策略:一是“内方外圆”的统战策略、二是“旧瓶装新酒”的统战策略、三是公开工作与秘密工作相结合的统战策略。本文就这三个策略作一较全面、深入、科学的分析和研究,使人们从中充分领略到中国共产党在统战工作中的高度智慧和卓越艺术。  相似文献   
当前,我国社会治安和刑事犯罪活动与过去相比发生了很大的变化,涉枪、涉爆、绑架、劫持人质、带有黑社会性质和恐怖活动的严重暴力犯罪活动日益增多。警务实战技能战术训练既是能力、技巧和策略的训练,也是执法水平的训练和塑造人民警察形象的训练。加强平时的警务技战术训练在公安实战中能起到事半功倍的作用,这就要求警务技战术教师要具备较高的专业素质,这样才能培养战斗能力强、安全意识高、动作技术规范的警员,才能减少不必要的伤亡。  相似文献   
Abd-el-Krim al-Khattabi's guerilla tactics are said to have influenced several renowned revolutionaries, such as Ho Chi Minh and Mao Zedong. There is evidence that Che Guevara equally employed at least some of the tactics and methods, which were devised by the Rifis. After all, Alberto Bayo, the much respected guerilla trainer of Che, had fought during his military career for a relatively long period of time against the Rifis. Castro, yet another role model for Che, mentions in his biography that he read about the battle of Annual, one of the most successful attacks against the Spanish initiated by Abd-el-Krim in 1921. There are also claims that Che had met Abd-el-Krim in 1959 in Cairo. Castro does not mention that he had discussed with Che anything about his readings on the Rif War, but he clearly states that Bayo used to teach in his camp guerilla methods that he had encountered during his assignments in Morocco. However, neither Bayo nor Che (or their biographers) mention that any of the tactics imparted during the training were from the time of Abd-el-Krim's struggle. The only person praised by both men is the Nicaraguan rebel leader Augusto César Sandino. This article compares the tactical teachings of Bayo as well as the operational methods used by Che during his battles in Cuba with the methods applied by the Rifis under Abd-el-Krim's leadership, and highlights a number of tactical similarities. It also finds that the guerilla tactics applied by Sandino have little in common with the methods described by Bayo.  相似文献   
Since the end of the second Chechen campaign, the North Caucasus counterinsurgency has experienced the shift from military involvement toward prevalence of law enforcement instruments. This paper discusses the composition of repressive tactics that the Russian state developed as a result of the two decades long evolution of a counter strategy designed to eliminate illegal armed groups operating in the North Caucasus. It is focused on the late stages of conflict (2007–2014) when the violence that had spread across the region started in the early 2000s had symbolically culminated in 2007 with the proclamation of the Caucasian Emirate. This paper advances a reconceptualization of the Russian counterinsurgency by devising an analysis of indiscriminate and discriminate repressive tactics. It demonstrates that security agencies incorporated more selective uses of violence into their tactics, thereby reducing the number of indiscriminate violent actions to an insignificant level. Moreover, along with selective violence, security institutions reinforced their effort by conducting preventive work such as the detection of secret caches of weapons, seizures, and arrests. Findings regarding the current composition of repressive tactics are illustrated by means of new disaggregated media-based data that were especially collected and analyzed to form the basis of this research.  相似文献   
在反劫持谈判中,谈判人员须运用正确的心理策略,动之以情、晓之以理、导之以行,以调节劫持者的情感、认知和意志等心理活动,并进而控制其行为,保证谈判活动顺利进行。  相似文献   
文章围绕着案件侦查中问题解决的思维过程、侦查行为策略的选择以及影响问题解决与策略选择的心理因素等问题进行了粗浅的论述分析,认为侦查行为策略实质上就是解决侦查活动中涉案问题的思维过程;侦查行为策略的选择可以有启发式、算法式、手段—目的分析、逆推法和简化法等策略;对此产生影响的心理因素主要是迁移效应、定势、动机强度以及个性特征。  相似文献   
搜索战术是公安边防部队在边防战斗中寻找、发现和缉捕犯罪嫌疑人时常用的一种战斗方法。在搜索行动中既要做到快速、及时地发现犯罪嫌疑人,又要确保搜索官兵和人民群众安全,必须运用合理的搜索战术。本文基于公安边防搜索战术概念和分类,结合搜索行动的特点,对公安边防搜索行动提出基本要求,以期对公安边防部队合理运用搜索战术有所帮助。  相似文献   
西部民族地区毒品犯罪有着深刻的背景和缘由,关涉政治、经济、文化及社会诸多层面,需对其进行综合治理。严格涉毒财产调查,严厉打击零星贩毒,重视宗教在毒品犯罪治理中的作用,学习借鉴国内外成功的禁毒模式,积极探索戒毒康复新模式,切实帮助西部民族地区群众脱贫致富等,实现刚性治理与柔性治理并重、显性治理与隐性治理同行的治理新模式,以期从失范状态走向有序境地。  相似文献   
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