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The concept ‘connectivity’ is most widely used in communication technology, referring to the linkage between electronics, computers, computer systems and the people who use them, but it is also a heuristic concept with great utility in the broader discipline of Communication and beyond. This article traces the concept from its theoretical origins in information science to the core position that it holds in all traditions of the Communication discipline. It assesses the physiological, psychological and sociological dimensions of connectivity and considers the application of the concept as an instrument for understanding and resolving the problems, issues and opportunities of the world around us. The article ends with some insights into the practical utility of the concept in the spheres of social and institutional development, productivity, performance and the generation of competitive advantage.  相似文献   

This article responds to recent debates within South African media politics regarding the diversity and transformation of the print sector in the country, by suggesting a necessary refocus of previously used methods of measuring media diversity and proposing a more audience-centred approach. This audience-centred method is discussed with regard to meeting the demands of the normative understanding of media diversity, where the media are viewed as central to an individual's formulation of opinions and ideas, thus rendering the media – and particularly the news media – vital in fostering an enabled and informed citizenry. The argument proposes a bottom-up instead of a top-down methodology for measuring media diversity, by placing the primary focus on the public as the starting point, rather than the end point of the analysis, and validating this position through the normative view of the media's role in assisting citizens to formulate personal views. The article concludes by listing four key areas in which current debates on media diversity in South Africa should be realigned and refocused, including at a parliamentary level.  相似文献   
Being processed through prison, for the politically violent, can be understood to be a liminal occurrence. Drawing upon the experiences of imprisoned Republicans in Northern Ireland, this study contrasts internment and imprisonment and situates these militants within the conditions of liminality – the role of comradeship; the liminal as dangerous and polluting; their being hidden and stripped. The study explores how imprisonment seeks to refashion militants by undermining the frames for their militancy. Liminality is suggested as an alternative conceptual tool for critically reflecting upon counter-terrorism.  相似文献   
"时空压缩"是当前中国社会转型的一个显著特点。"时空压缩"给我国生态文明带来影响是双重的:它为我国生态文明建设提供了丰富的物质基础,给我国生态文明建设提供了"择优综合"的外部条件,也为我国生态文明建设提供了合作共赢的国际环境。同时,时空压缩性也使我国生态文明建设面临着国内外的双重挤压。  相似文献   
在创新管理和规范监企运行机制的背景下,以思维理念、管理制度、工作机制的转型,推动劳动改造与监狱企业的科学发展是一个重要而紧迫的现实课题。劳动改造由注重劳动的经济效益向突出改造职能回归,概括揭示了罪犯劳动改造的变化规律与发展趋向,因此,监狱民警转变思维观念,从罪犯劳动项目选择、组织管理形式、劳动安全保护和权益保障等方面重构劳动改造管理制度;优化劳动改造目标选择、过程管理、效果评估等劳动改造工作机制。  相似文献   
在中国社会转型不断深化的进程中,未成年人犯罪、老年人犯罪、单位犯罪的问题日益复杂,流动性、跨地域性犯罪和有组织团伙犯罪增多,犯罪手段更加高科技化、网络化;暴力犯罪、经济犯罪、毒品犯罪、网络犯罪、职务犯罪等又呈现出各自的发展趋势。惩治和预防犯罪应当从防范和化解社会矛盾入手,同时必须标本兼治、综合治理、惩防并举、注重预防。  相似文献   
清末中国第一次继受大陆法系,实际上继受的是这一法系中的德国法族,中国对于拉丁法族的继受开始于1989年意大利和中国订立法学交流协议后,从此,有70多名学者受教于意大利大学以及拉丁关洲国家的大学,把拉丁法族的精髓带入中国,形成中国德国学派和拉丁学派争鸣的格局,完成了对大陆法系的全面继受。第一次继受是被迫的;第二次继受是自愿的、和平的。由于第二次继受,中国的罗马法教学完成了转型,表现为更多地通过罗马法原始文献学习罗马法,优士丁尼《法学阶梯》开始被作为罗马私法课的教材使用。  相似文献   
科技的发展促成了风险社会的形成。风险社会中的风险有着向下层聚集的特点。以转基因技术为例,在转基因商品化和产业化的过程中,利益被发达国家、跨国公司、生产企业和科学家等获得,而风险却集中在发展中国家的普通消费者尤其是农民身上。根据可持续发展原则,在科技发展中,利益集团有能力也有义务承担更多风险,并在保障普通大众的基本权益不受损害的前提下,优先考虑大众的利益。  相似文献   
贵州国有资源型企业,是全省工业经济中高能耗、高污染的重要主体。基于生态文明视野,贵州资源型国企转变发展方式,对全省转变工业经济发展方式和实施经济社会发展战略,具有极其重大意义。针对贵州资源型国企转变发展方式存在的问题,提出强化对全省资源型国企的约束,促使其转变发展方式的对策建议。  相似文献   
非传统安全研究反对国家中心主义与国际关系中的零和思维,与强调国家间竞争甚至对抗关系的地缘政治具有难以调和的内在张力。然而,当前世界正处于自冷战结束以来地缘政治回归且不断强化的时期:美国视中国为系统性竞争对手并在“印太战略”名义下采取广泛的对华遏制措施,俄乌冲突成为冷战结束以后规模最大的一次地区战争,世界还见证了新一轮巴以冲突的突然爆发。地缘政治的回归对非传统安全领域产生了深刻的影响,原来更多强调合作与非零和关系的国际贸易、环境保护、科技合作、能源安全等非传统安全议题,越来越被传统安全逻辑所影响、扭曲甚至控制,非传统安全议题成为大国博弈工具,非传统安全合作举步维艰。通过检视自2014年以来的中国非传统安全研究成果可以发现,少量成果意识到了非传统安全问题的“传统安全化”,但多数研究仍然对非传统安全概念与范式抱有过度乐观的期待,对地缘政治的回归重视不够,对非传统安全及其研究所受到的影响估计不足。根据总体国家安全观统筹传统安全与非传统安全的要求,未来的非传统安全研究必须更具现实感和针对性,通过重新发现安全事实和完善分析框架,强化对地缘政治变量的重视,进一步提升自己的学术意义与现实价值。  相似文献   
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