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姚远 《传承》2009,(21):12-14
1957年4月15日,第一届中国出口商品交易会在广州举行。从此,每年都在广州举办春秋两届交易会,每届会期1个月。它是我国历史最长、规模  相似文献   
何立波 《传承》2009,(21):7-9
新中国成立初期,党和政府为了推动工农业生产、对外贸易和各项社会事业又好又快地发展,举办了一系列展览会。这些展览会的举行,成为建国初期社会主义建设成就的缩影,为改革  相似文献   
Small as it is, Pingyao is more often than not mentioned by people with blue eyes, blond hairs and strong noses as Pingyao has become the haunt of foreigners. “Going out” and “Coming in” are the two “wings” of reform and opening, with either of which missing, it is impossible to fly. Now the people of Pingyao, a people of a magnanimous character and open mind, have flung open the city gate, welcoming photographers from all corners of the world and receiving their cultural achievement. At the same time these visiting photographers or exhibitors will bring their work out to the world and subsequently bring Pingyao and its fame to the outside world.  相似文献   
The three editions of Pingyao International Photography Festival have opened a window into Shanxi as the festival has increasingly become a distinctive cultural trademark as showcasing not only the intemational modem photographic art but also introducing Shanxi itself. It is an opportunity for the world to steal a glance at the dynamism and latent potential that Shanxi has in its reform and opening-up drive. The third festival, which had the architectural photography forum and photojournalism forum held separately in Mount Wutai and Hukou Waterfall, two famous scenic spots, was a well-intended move to spread the influence of the Pingyao International Photography Festival to other tourist destinations in the province.  相似文献   
Pingyao is a symbol of civilization in human history: Its city, listed as a World Heritage Site, is the best-preserved an-cient city of the Han ethnic group with its unique structure and historical landmarks packed with philosophical meanings and showing a brilliant civilization. The "Rishengchang" is where the first Qing money shop in China was located; the "Ming-Qing Street", still bustling today, is a showcase of the glory of Shanxi mer-chant culture in the golden days of yore.Pingyao p…  相似文献   
1938年1月1日至3日,延安市工会和工人合作社,举办了延安工人制造品竞赛展览会。这是陕甘宁边区举办展览会的第一次尝试。为了办好展览会,毛泽东等人捐款捐物赞助。  相似文献   
1956年6月,中央外贸部驻广州特派员兼省外贸局长严亦峻,深感我国社会主义建设缺乏外汇进口紧缺物资,在时任广东省委书记兼省长陶铸的支持下,向外贸部发出了“建议在广州举办全国出口商品展览交流会”的电报。在那个西方国家严密封锁我国的年代,首办新中国大型对外展览会事关重大,周总理高瞻远瞩,亲自批准创办“中国出口商品展览会”(即广交会前身,被称作“中国第一展”)。  相似文献   
<正>宁夏六盘山连片特困区域拟增加到12个县(区)12月9日,宁夏六盘山连片特困地区县级区域发展与扶贫攻坚规划编制工作会议召开,原州区和西吉、隆德、泾源、彭阳、同心、海原七县(区)进入国家确定的六盘山连片特困地区,成为今后10年国家扶贫开  相似文献   
<正>上海世博会将是中国向世界说明自己,让世界更加理解中国的绝佳机会,将是继北京奥运之后中国公共外交的又一个大舞台。13亿中国人民勇敢地面对各种挑战,辛勤劳动,迅速改变着960万平方公里广袤领土的面貌;外国公众将看到晨曦夕阳下中国老人们锻炼的剑影和舞步;将看到花前月下中国恋人们流连忘  相似文献   
72年前的1月1日,在中国共产党领导的陕甘宁边区根据地延安,举办了一个“延安工人制造品竞赛展览会”,这是陕甘宁边区举办的第一个展览会。抗日战争期间,为了及时总结成绩,鼓舞斗志,战胜困难,各个革命根据地几乎每年都要举行规模不等的各种展览会。据不完全统沌从1937到1949年共举办过展览会193个,其中陕甘宁边区就办过74个,居于首位。  相似文献   
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