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肖行  李记 《新长征》2009,(6):19-21
2009年4月20日的上海新国际博览中心注定要被聚焦,2009第十三届上海国际汽车工业展览会在这里拉开帷幕。中国一汽携解放、红旗、夏利、奔腾22款自主车型、11台发动机、3台变速器参展,这也是中国一汽首次以自主品牌阵容亮相国际车展。在这次车展上,一汽展出了自主研发的高端产品红旗SUV、B级车代表作奔腾B50、奔腾B50混合动力轿车、混合动力客车、  相似文献   
一款不用给油、也能起步的新型节能公交车日前亮相2009中国北京国际节能环保展览会。这种新型公交车在  相似文献   
今年4月30日至5月10日,在法国凡尔赛门展览馆举行了第108届巴黎国际发明展览会。会上,上港集团包起帆及其团队研发的“散货自动化卸船系统”和“散货自动化装船系统”一举收获两枚金奖。中国、美国、英国、波兰、意大利、西班牙等14个国家和地区的600多个发明项目参加了此次国际发明展览会,中国代表团最终获得了8项金奖、5项银奖和2项铜奖,创造了中国参加此发明展览会的最好成绩。  相似文献   
周春雨 《传承》2009,(21):4-6
60年一甲子,在人的一生中是漫漫岁月,在国家的历史长河中只是一瞬,一个开头而已。对于会展行业来说,60年是新中国的会展业从起步到逐步成熟的过程。尤其是近30年来,会展经济的迅速兴  相似文献   
吴琼 《西部社会》2002,(7):43-45
美国与中国远隔重洋,分属两个半球,两个大洲,位于太平洋的西岸,是发达的资本主义国家,因政治体制、意识形态、价值观念、审美情趣、行为准则、生活方式、风俗习惯、人文景观皆与中国不同,对于国人来说,提起美国,总有一股神秘之感。现在中美交流日趋频繁,往往可见归来者之感受见诸报端。本人2002年春节期间随中国文物代表团赴美出席中国西部文物精华展开幕式,并对美国文博事业进行了考察,遂撰写此文,略述本人赴美期间的经历和见闻。  相似文献   
汤成沅先生!你三回故里,我都无缘和你见上一面。曾为如东县政协文史委等单位筹编《天南海北如东人》(海外版)一书,我和你通了第一封信,约请你赐稿,信发出后,我期待着、盼望着……,一日又一日。终于,从北美南加州传来了你的讯息。捧读你饱恋乡情的来鸿,欣赏你三度回乡的回忆录,我不禁心潮激荡。透过这一字字、一行行,我分明看到了海外漂泊50年的八旬老人一颗炽热的爱国爱乡情,也使我了解了来自大洋彼岸的你的眷眷"金石"情结——你,早在弱冠之年就开始研习篆刻艺术,初习元朱文,进而喜粗放白文,篆刻生涯从未间断。曾镌刻60方《涤生纪  相似文献   
The photo festival has played a unique role in projecting our image, promoting our confidence, and boosting the overall development of our socioeconomic work; the festival has also been a factor in the building of a culture-strong province, the development of culture industry, and promotion of an advanced culture; and the festival has also been conducive and helpful to our understonding of foreign cultures in order to borrow what is good for us, the introduction of advanced management expertise so as to strengthen our capacities for reform and opening. The successful holding of the Pingyao International Photography Festival has created an opportunity for Shanxi to go international and for the world to get an understanding of Shanxi and to care more about Shanxi.  相似文献   
The 2003 Pingyao International Photography Festival was successfully celebrated belween September 16 and 22. More than 190 exhibitions, totaling some 10,000 photos, from 14 countries were on public view. Other highlights included the opening ceremony featuring a gala concert “Let‘s Meet in Pingyao”; four photography forums; the unveiling of Pingyao International Photography Museum; the award-giving ceremonies sponsored by two multinationals; a temple fair and Shanxi pasta show. Totally, 128 foreign guests and 3,480 domestic visitors from 20 provinces and municipalities as well as Hong Kong attended the festival. The 2003 Pingyao International Photography Festival has once again played an exemplary role in opening Shanxi wider to the outside world, raising its profile, boosting its tourist industry, and pushing Shanxi further on the road to a culture-strong province.  相似文献   
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