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A Call for Peace     
CHINESE President Xi Jinping attended the 3rd Nuclear Security Summit (NSS) and visited the Netherlands, France, Germany and Belgium, including the UNESCO and EU headquartersfrom March 22 to April 1. A momentous diplomatic event, the president's trip to Europe attracted world at- tention, yielding welcome results. History will prove this to be a milestone in China-EU relations, and its value in boosting the bilateral ties.  相似文献   
志杰 《江淮法治》2014,(8):48-50
正索马里最庞大的海盗形成固然有特殊原因,可是,再凶悍的罪犯也难逃法网。哈桑一手推动索马里海盗走向鼎盛,也直接导致它走向衰落。纵横于海洋之上的凶徒,却随着明星梦的破碎落入法网,只留下他的财富和传说任后人评说52岁的穆罕默德·阿布迪·哈桑是被联合国报告定为索马地区"最臭名昭著、最具影力"的海盗,有着"海盗国王"之称。他推动索马里海盗向现代化转型,最终演  相似文献   
应挪威总工会(以下简称“挪总”)和比利时天主教工联(以下简称“天主教工联”)的邀请,中华全国总工会书记处书记苏立清率领的中国工会代表团一行14人,于1999年10月8日至23日考察了挪威和比利时的工会工作,我有机会参加这次考察,感想许多,体会颇深。  相似文献   
臣泰  郭红 《今日山西》2002,(4):21-22
ABelgian9-memberdelegation,headedbyMr.CarlDecaluwé,CouncilorofRegionofFlandersvisitedShanxifromJune25toJune28,2002.ThedelegatesarecomposedofnotedentrepreneursfromBelgianfurniture,textileandfoodsectors.ThankstothehelpofZhangWenmin,counselorfromChineseEmbassyinBelgiumandtheChineseDiplomaticMissiontoEC,andeffortsmadebyShanxiInternationalCulturalExchangeAssociationandotherorganizations,thisvisitachievedgreatsuccess.ShenWeichen,PresidentofShanxiInternationalCulturalExchangeAssociatio…  相似文献   
CRISIS has been one of the most frequently uttered words since the second half of 2008. Bad 'news came out of the box in an endless stream - bankruptcy, unemployment and bad debts. Due to intense efforts to stimulate global financial machinery, the economy finally started to see signs of recovery by late 2009. Now many observers are still pondering how the economic system went so awry, and Guy Verhofstadt, former Belgian Prime Minister, is one of them.  相似文献   
Good morning,
ladies and gentlemen,
I am very delighted to be here at the Vrije Universiteit Brussels, a prestigious and privileged university in this beautiful country of Belgium, to discuss the issue of human fights pro- tection with you today. Human fights are great, and respect for and protection of them have been a long-cherished common aspiration and pursuit of the peoples of all nations in the world. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, issued 61 years ago, proclaims the protection of human fights to be "a common standard of achievement for all peoples and all nations."  相似文献   
钟晶晶 《党建文汇》2008,(10):50-50
托马斯·伯特伦·兰斯的著作《爱德华三世》里,描述了一个比利时公爵雷纳德三世的故事。雷纳德通常被称为“克莱斯”,这个绰号在拉丁语中是“肥肉”的意思。雷纳德和他的弟弟爱德华发生一次激烈的争吵,结果,在一次起义后,爱德华成功地推翻了雷纳德的统治。可是他没有处死雷纳德,反而在城堡中建造了一座特别的屋子,把哥哥囚禁在里面。同时,爱德华承诺给哥哥重获自由的机会,只要哥哥能自己走出这间囚室。  相似文献   
阿平 《学理论》2008,(13):16-16
十四世纪,在现今比利时一带,有一位名叫雷纳德三世的国王。后来他的弟弟爱德华发动政变,夺取了王位。  相似文献   
青山 《农村青年》2008,(8):31-34
2008年5月4日,一个巨大的喜讯从比利时鲁门镇传来,中国选手李振强通过马术资格比赛,顺利地获得了2008年北京奥运会马术障碍赛的入场券。从一位普通农民到建筑商.再从建筑商到奥运会参赛选手,如同跨越了重重障碍一样,李振强用不可思议的时间完成了人生的三级跳。  相似文献   
一风 《江淮法治》2007,(8X):54-55
一对喜好极限跳伞运动的密友爱上了同一个男人,在这场爱情“保卫战”中,其中一个女人竟动了杀机,她精心策划了一起意外的跳伞“事故”:让情敌从3700米的高空坠地身亡。这桩离奇的谋杀案令比利时举国震惊,2007年1月24日,比利时最大的报纸《晚报》详细披露了案情的经过,一段情场恩怨浮出水面……  相似文献   
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