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新冠肺炎疫情信息公开存在的不足,引发对中央与地方关系、科学与政治关系、公民与政府关系的法治反思。应对疫情信息公开制度的僵化与冲突,须充分发挥中央与地方“两个积极性”,完善中央直管和属地管理相结合的疫情信息公开机制。针对疫情信息公开中科学与政治关系之争议,应合理定位科学家与政治家的角色,促进科学系统与政治系统的相互协同。面对疫情信息公开中公民话语权的保障,应从权力导向转向权利导向,防止政府对公民话语权的不当克减。  相似文献   
王进喜 《证据科学》2020,(1):113-129
法律上的披露问题主要集中在检控方向辩护方提供或者隐瞒了哪些证据。在本文中,我们将披露的概念扩展到更广泛的情境下,在这种情境下,披露失误可能导致误判。我们引入了一个概念模型,即“法证信息披露”,它涉及哪些信息应该披露给法证检验人员,以及法证检验人员应当披露哪些信息。本文全面概述了四类利益相关者的动态交互:法证服务、调查、法律和外部利益相关者。我们通过五个问题讨论了法证信息披露模式的有效实施,即如果要向法证检验人员或者由法证检验人员提供最好的信息,以提高法证决策质素,并尽量减少偏差,则什么时候进行披露?披露什么?如何披露?向谁披露?为什么披露?  相似文献   
行政机关过程性信息系指,行政机关在做出行政决策或完成具体行政行为的职责中制作或获取(已经收到或被送达)的,对外部不产生直接约束力的调查、讨论、处理过程中的非终极性信息.《中华人民共和国政府信息公开条例》对此未做任何规定,一些地方立法已就过程性信息做了规定,但彼此间存有差异,司法解释对此予以回避,以致实践中各种分歧,故利用制定行政程序法、修订《条例》之契机,在豁免公开的范围内增列“行政机关过程性信息”事项,在结构上分为豁免公开与准予公开两部分,在内容上主要考虑“损害标准”与“豁免公开限制条件”两方面.  相似文献   
以2008—2010年媒体公开报道的诉讼案例为素材,对影响政府信息公开公众满意度的主要因素进行分析。通过分析发现,在信息公开领域因政府回应性问题、不作为问题以及由于法律理解不同而造成的公开争议所引起的公众诉讼占整个诉讼案件的比重较大,建议政府加强涉及民生等关键领域的信息公开推进工作,提高政府和公民对信息公开的认识,以提高信息公开的公众满意度。  相似文献   
解决中小企业板块监管进退维谷的问题 ,应该做到 :兼顾近期和长远利益 ,逐步改进中小企业板块监管体制。主要是规范投资利益群体 ,适当调整会计信息披露内容和数量 ,将政府的管制与会计信息需求市场引导相结合  相似文献   
随着市场与信息技术的发展,近年来,一些上市公司董事、监事、高级管理人员及实际控制人的婚变、离职、犯罪、健康问题等私人事件的发生影响到了上市公司的股票交易价格,但这些事件并未包括在我国相关法律列举必须在临时报告里公开进行信息披露的"重大事件"之中,进而对投资者的利益产生了影响。本文通过分析对此类事件进行信息披露的必要性与合规性,阐述其中股东知情权与公司高层管理人员隐私权的冲突与协调,研究有关事件中信息披露的边界划分,并提出相应的制度完善建议。  相似文献   
The rise of direct‐to‐consumer genetic testing is challenging the rules and expectations of the fertility industry concerning donor anonymity. While ethicists debate whose rights should prevail, many donor conceived people, recipient parents and donors are currently sharing their genetic information, along with methods to identify genetic links, in vast online communities, invalidating donor anonymity and providing a platform for those who advocate globally for legislative change to support donor‐linking practices. This article looks at why it is important to access this information in relation to identity and kinship formation and how the Family Court Community can apply this knowledge in order to achieve better outcomes for children and families.  相似文献   
刘杰  张建锋  张祺 《公共管理学报》2012,9(4):21-28,123
深入推进政府信息公开存在多方面难题.本文从政府运行的视角,分析了政府运行对信息公开存在多种天然的内在抵触力量,本文称之为逆动力.这种逆动力包括三个维度,一是政府运行对外部约束的抵触,包括对行政过程受制和网络舆情多变两个方面的抵触;二是政府运行内部惯性的顽固保持,包括管理的非精细化和保持黑箱惯性两个方面;三是政府和社会信息通道的接口尚不匹配,即内外有别和保密问题.因此,推进信息公开,要更多地深入政府运行的内部深处,更多地思考其行动逻辑.  相似文献   
If during precontractual negotiations a person deliberately keeps quiet about facts which he knew or should have known were of particular importance to the other party that party may avoid the contract on the ground of deceit if, and only if, a duty of disclosure can be found to exist. What are the conditions that must be satisfied to assume the existence of such a duty of disclosure? The European legal systems merely offer vague formulas with little or no operational power. Can economic theory provide more precise criteria? The general principle should be that a negotiating party must proffer information in his possession which is material to the other party's decision. However, economic analysis suggests that a party should be allowed to withhold material information if the information is “productive” and was costly to obtain unless its acquisition and disclosure were owed under a contract for value. These rules are discussed in the light of a number of cases from various European jurisdictions.  相似文献   

The observed mortgage denial rate (ODR), calculated from Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) data, is often used to measure mortgage credit availability, but it does not account for shifts in applicants’ credit profiles. In this article, we develop an additional tool, which we call the real denial rate (RDR), as a way to account for credit differences and hence more consistently measure denial rates and mortgage credit accessibility. We match HMDA data with CoreLogic proprietary data to obtain both borrower demographic information (e.g., income and race and ethnicity) and mortgage credit characteristics (e.g., loan-to-value ratios, debt-to-income ratios, and credit scores). We account for shifts in applicants’ credit profiles by considering only the denial rate of low-credit-profile applicants. Our RDR results show that conventional mortgages have higher denial rates than government mortgages do, racial and ethnic differences are smaller than the ODR indicates but are not eliminated, and small-dollar mortgages have higher RDRs, particularly in the government loan channel.  相似文献   
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