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19世纪未开始的美国禁毒运动主要以州或市为单位进行,《1914年哈里森麻醉品税法》颁布后,联邦层面上的禁毒活动方告正式启动。在半个世纪后,尼克松总统挟超级大国之威,以“毒品战争”(WaronDrugs)的全新禁毒理念,从外交、法治及治疗等方面对毒品施以全方位的围剿。至今仍在进行的“毒品战争”是美国百年禁毒史上的一个不可分割的阶段,给美国乃至整个国际社会禁毒运动都烙上了深刻的印记。无论其成败如何,观其成因并借鉴其经验与教训对制定今日的禁毒政策无疑具有重要的参考意义。  相似文献   
十多年来 ,尽管世界上毒品更新换代 ,品种不断翻新 ,但鸦片这种传统毒品仍不断从境外渗透入境 ,危害着红河州乃至更广阔的地区。与前几年相比 ,当前的鸦片犯罪在毒品来源、贩运手段等方面发生了一些变化。现将这种变化及原因作简要分析 ,以便在严厉打击精制毒品犯罪的同时 ,采取针对性措施 ,遏制鸦片烟毒的发展和蔓延 ,创造良好的社会环境  相似文献   
新精神活性物质更新快,种类繁多,缺乏国际条约的监管,列入联合国管控目录困难,加之一些国家和国际社会对大麻等毒品管控降低,给我国在新精神活性物质类毒品的监管带来困难.具有成瘾性和社会危害性的新精神活性物质才能成为列管对象,毒物分析技术人员在列管程序中扮演极为重要的角色.我国对新精神活性物质的监管法规规定了相关列管程序,毒...  相似文献   
抗日战争时期,晋察冀边区政府开展了大规模的禁烟禁毒斗争。边区民主政府制定法律,地方领导高度重视,广大民众积极参与。在禁烟禁毒运动中,实施禁毒与生产相结合,积极筹建戒烟所等有效措施,取得了可喜的成绩,为禁毒斗争总结了一些成功经验。  相似文献   
吸毒人员的群体特征:海洛因和新型毒品的比较分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在我国毒品问题从海洛因向新型毒品演变的背景下,本文使用上海的调查数据,从人口特征、吸毒行为模式、人际交往网络、性行为与艾滋病风险四个方面,对海洛因和新型毒品两类吸毒人员的群体特征进行了系统的比较分析.结果发现,两类毒品的滥用流行具有相当大的差异性.  相似文献   
近年来,利用人体藏毒实施毒品犯罪的案件较为突出,虽然单宗体内藏毒的案件涉及的毒品数量较少,但此类案件数不断增多,被基层禁毒民警形象地称为“蚂蚁搬家”,给缉毒工作增添了难度和工作量。要打好打赢这场人民禁毒战争,我们决不能抓大放小,低估“蚂蚁搬家”式的体内藏毒案件。在多年的实战中,我们总结了一套行之有效的专门查处体内藏毒的方法,通过对体内藏毒案件的特点进行剖析,以供同行参考并指正。  相似文献   
The testing of oral fluid for drugs of abuse has increased significantly over recent years and is now commonplace in drug rehabilitation clinics, the workplace, prisons and custody suites. The global problem of identifying drugged drivers has also led to an increase in oral fluid testing at the roadside. The main requirements for the implementation of roadside drug testing are a rapid sample collection time, collection of a known sample volume and recovery of drugs from the collection device. We report here the development of the Cozart® DDS oral fluid collector, an oral fluid collector that combines rapid and adequate sample collection with satisfactory drug recovery. Oral fluid was collected from drug users (n = 134) and drug-free individuals (n = 137), using the Cozart® DDS oral fluid collector. The mean time for the completion of collection (full coloration of the sample presence indicator) was 34 s for drug-free individuals and 44 s for drug users. The average volume collected was 0.34 mL (n = 271). No chemical stimulant (to induce salivation) was used to achieve the collection times observed in either the drug-free or the drug-taking sample populations. Drugs were extracted from the collector using the Cozart® DDS buffer and drug recovery was determined by Cozart® enzyme immunoassays. The recovery studies showed that for amphetamine, Δ9THC, cocaine, methadone, methamphetamine, morphine and temazepam over 90% of the drug in the sample was eluted from the collector. The Cozart® DDS oral fluid collector provides a reliable mechanism for the collection of oral fluid at the roadside that achieves the rapid collection times required.  相似文献   
Because the hair neonates are born with grows during the last 3 months of pregnancy, the presence of drugs (e.g. cocaine) or environmental toxins (e.g. nicotine) reflects fetal exposure to such compounds. In the case of cocaine, hair measurement are several fold more sensitive than maternal history or urine measurements. Measurements of cotinine in neonatal hair are capable of distinguishing between fetal exposure to passive versus active smoking. Because most cocaine users also smoke cigarettes, neonatal measurements of both cocaine and cotinine will allow cumulative quantification of fetal risk.  相似文献   
When examining concentration relationships of doses it must be taken into account that hair growth is irregular. Hair growing from the shaved skin after a single dose of a certain drug cannot possibly contain the same concentration as hair after the same dose that has not been cut over a long period. Concentrations can even change during the hair growth in cases where the hair had been cut a couple of months before the hair sample was taken. The variations in the expected concentrations can exceed 20%. On the other hand, the evaluation of a hair tuft which has grown after the last drug consumption may be important in forensic cases where the hair which has grown earlier is not available. This may lead to misinterpretations at low concentrations. Expected concentrations are calculated assuming a telogen part of 10%.  相似文献   
我国禁毒工作面临的形势十分严峻,毒品来源多元化、毒品滥用多样化和制毒吸毒一体化日趋明显。因此,必须充分认识到禁毒工作的长期性、艰巨性和复杂性,从而采取强有力的措施,宏观处着眼,微观处入手,使禁毒工作取得新突破。  相似文献   
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