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新型毒品违法犯罪现象在甘肃省日趋严重,已给和谐社会的构建带来极大危害.甘肃省作为全国毒品问题严重省份之一,必须引起高度重视.加强对新型毒品违法犯罪的研究,提高防范和打击力度,已成为甘肃省禁毒执法部门亟须解决的问题.  相似文献   
Driving under the influence of drugs of abuse (DRUID) is prosecuted in France since 2001. Biological controls are performed according to a 2-step procedure: urine immunoscreening followed, in case of positivity, by a blood analysis using a separative technique coupled to mass spectrometry. This paper presents a 2-year (2005–2006) retrospective review of blood analyses performed in this framework at the Medico-Legal Institute of Strasbourg, France. Over this period 611 subjects were controlled on request of the authorities. Of this population, 532 (87.1%) were male. Mean age was 31.7 ± 14.4 years, 57.9% of subjects were in the range 15–29 and 31.1% in the range 20–24. On the 611 drivers, 296 (48.4%) were found positive for at least 1 drug using a preliminary blood immunoassay (ELISA). Among them, 254 were positive for cannabis, 81 for opiates, 22 for cocaine and 8 for amphetamine derivatives. Psychoactive medications were additionally tested in 278 drivers, and detected in 53 (19.1%). Benzodiazepines were the most frequently identified. On the 254 subjects tested positive for cannabis by ELISA, 202 had detectable levels of THC in blood (which is mandatory for engaging prosecution against the drivers). THC concentrations were in the range 0.1–49.9 ng/ml. Our results clearly illustrate the huge prominence of cannabis among substances involved in DRUID. This study also highlights some pitfalls of the DRUID repression policy currently followed by France, especially interpretation of low concentrations of drugs of abuse (in our study, 28.2% of drivers found positive for cannabis at the immunoassay screening had blood THC levels < 1 ng/ml): since no minimum threshold for blood concentrations has been defined in our country the fate of arrested drivers is prone to vary depending on the sensitivity of techniques employed from one laboratory to another, which might contradict the principle of equality of citizens before the law.  相似文献   
十多年来 ,尽管世界上毒品更新换代 ,品种不断翻新 ,但鸦片这种传统毒品仍不断从境外渗透入境 ,危害着红河州乃至更广阔的地区。与前几年相比 ,当前的鸦片犯罪在毒品来源、贩运手段等方面发生了一些变化。现将这种变化及原因作简要分析 ,以便在严厉打击精制毒品犯罪的同时 ,采取针对性措施 ,遏制鸦片烟毒的发展和蔓延 ,创造良好的社会环境  相似文献   
Although saliva or oral fluid “lacks the drama of blood, the sincerity of sweat and the emotional appeal of tears”, quoting Mandel in 1990 [I.D. Mandel, The diagnostic uses of saliva, J. Oral Pathol. Med. 19 (1990) 119–125], it is now meeting the demand for inexpensive, non-invasive and easy-to-use diagnostic aids for oral and systemic diseases, drug monitoring and detection of illicit use of drugs of abuse, including alcohol. As the salivary secretion is a reflex response controlled by both parasympathetic and sympathetic secretomotor nerves, it can be influenced by several stimuli. Moreover, patients taking medication which influences either the central nervous system or the peripheral nervous system, or medication which mimic the latter as a side effect, will have an altered salivary composition and salivary volume. Patients suffering from certain systemic diseases may present the same salivary alterations. The circadian rhythm determines both the volume of saliva that will and can be secreted and the salivary electrolyte concentrations. Dietary influences and the patient's age also have an impact on composition and volume of saliva. The latter implies a wide variation in composition both inter- and intra-individually. Sampling must therefore be performed under standardized conditions. The greatest advantage, when compared to blood sample collection, is that saliva is readily accessible and collectible. Consequently, it can be used in clinically difficult situations, such as in children, handicapped and anxious patients, where blood sampling could be a difficult act to perform.  相似文献   
我国现行法律对毒品的界定存在语义重复、容易混淆、外延过窄等重大缺陷,不利于我国新型毒品打击工作的开展,因此在审视我国毒品定义基础上,参考境外国家(地区)的毒品定义,建议将毒品定义重构为:“毒品,是指任何毒理效果大于或相似于鸦片、海洛因、甲基苯丙胺(冰毒)、吗啡、大麻、可卡因等麻醉药品、精神药品的物质。”同时,建议将我国麻醉药品和精神药品分级并列明每一级的种类和相应的量刑指导意见;国家禁毒委员会每年定期审查、更新《麻醉药品品种目录》和《精神药品品种目录》,并在《禁毒报告》中公布更新结果。  相似文献   
柬埔寨地处东南亚,与世界主要毒源地"金三角"毗邻。虽然柬埔寨不是传统意义上的毒源地,却也是金三角毒品外流的"毒品过境国",也深受毒品的危害。近年来,柬埔寨加大了禁毒举措,即:一是成立专门禁毒机构;二是明确禁毒工作的"五项标准"及划分"三个地带;"三是建立禁毒工作竞争机制;四是加强禁毒执法官员的职业培训;五是加强立法;六是加大对毒品危害的宣传力度;七是重视禁吸戒毒工作;八是加强国际交流与合作。  相似文献   

In 1940 Mexico implemented a new revolutionary strategy in its fight against drug trafficking and addiction with a policy that legalized the sale of morphine to opiate addicts. While this approach to drug addiction was not entirely new or unique, it was strongly opposed by the United States, which responded by declaring an embargo on narcotic shipments to Mexico. As a result, Mexico was forced to abandon the plan just a few months after it was implemented. Often seen as a moment when Mexico might have gone in a different, less prohibitionist drug-policy direction, this episode has been overwhelmingly interpreted as an early and striking example of U.S. drug-control imperialism in Latin America. While such interpretations are not incorrect, they have missed an equally critical element of the story—a series of catastrophic diplomatic failures on the Mexican side which undermined various opportunities Mexico had to salvage the policy in some form. The episode thus stands in contrast to more well-known diplomatic challenges during the period in which Mexico’s diplomats have been lauded for outmaneuvering their U.S. and European counterparts.  相似文献   
多年来,云南省打击"金三角"地区毒品走私,遏制毒源的基本经验主要有四个方面:一是以根除毒源为战略突破口,遏制"金三角"毒品生产,整体推进禁毒人民战争;二是以堵源截流为重点,遏制"金三角"毒品渗透,重点推进禁毒人民战争;三是以禁吸戒毒为着力点,遏制"金三角"毒品消费市场,全力推进禁毒人民战争;四是以预防教育为本,遏制"金三角"毒品的危害,全面推进禁毒人民战争。  相似文献   
云南新型毒品违法犯罪形势与对策研究   总被引:3,自引:6,他引:3  
2006年《中国禁毒白皮书》指出:“在我国,滥用冰毒,氯胺酮,摇头丸等新型毒品人数不断增多,已形成传统毒品与新型毒品交叉滥用的局面”。云南由于受境外传统毒品与新型毒品渗透的不断加剧,致使吸食新型毒品人数逐年增加,给云南禁毒斗争增加了新的难度,禁毒工作面临着新的课题和困难。为此,治理新型毒品违法犯罪。首先,要加强禁毒宣传教育,提高全民防范意识;二是要加强打击力度,不断地开展专项斗争;三是要加强立法,尽快出台有关司法解释;四是要切实加强对娱乐场所的管理;五是加强禁毒队伍培训,提高打击能力;六是继续加强国际合作。  相似文献   
贩毒人员利用消化道藏毒,毒品极易在消化道内破裂,导致贩运毒品的人死亡。对于从边境地区进入内地、在长途卧铺车、旅社、宾馆等地死亡,且尸表无明显机械性损伤的人员,应特别注意,这些人极有可能是人体藏毒群体。  相似文献   
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