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社区戒毒是我国最新推出的戒毒形式,是一项集戒断、教育、帮助与挽救于一体的综合性戒毒措施。社区戒毒工作还处于试点阶段,必然会面临很多新问题,社区戒毒部门要以《禁毒法》为依据,创新工作制度,总结实践经验,完善工作措施,使社区戒毒工作规范有序。  相似文献   
As part of the European project, Impaired Motorists, Methods of Roadside Testing and Assessment for Licensing, otherwise known as IMMORTAL (Deliverable R4.2), the University of Glasgow was required to analyse 1396 oral fluid samples, collected from drivers, for a wide range of drugs. A previously described method to include 49 drugs and metabolites was used. To include cannabis in the study a separate extraction method was required because of interferences caused by the collection device. The study group included drivers who were stopped at random and participation was entirely voluntary. The results showed that out of the 1396 samples tested, 16.8% were positive for at least one drug. In the majority of positive cases (85%), monodrug use was found and the most commonly detected drug was 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine. This study showed that a significant number of the driving population are positive for at least one drug.  相似文献   
This paper reviews the methods for decontaminating hair exposed to external solutions of drugs of abuse. Exposure of hair to cocaine at 1 μg/ml for 5 min is sufficient to contaminate hair, yet decontamination is a very slow process. Using externally contaminated hair, a number of decontamination procedures were attempted, and none removed all the contamination. The percentage of external contamination removed depended on the hair type, with thick black hair being the most resistant to decontamination. Hair treated by dying incorporated externally applied drugs differently, depending on the hair type. Thick black hair became more absorbent whereas thin brown hair became less absorbent. Kinetic wash criteria are evaluated for their ability/inability to determine if hair has been contaminated from external sources. A theoretical framework for the incorporation and removal of drugs from hair is discussed, and the hypothesis that inaccessible domains exist in hair which trap drugs is critically examined. The results presented in this paper strongly suggest that much more information on the decontamination of hair and the differentiation of exogenously and endogenously incorporated drugs is needed before hair analysis can be employed in most forensic applications. We propose that the radioactive tracer methods discussed herein are well suited for evaluating any new decontamination or extraction technique.  相似文献   
Research Summary: The present experimental study examined parole outcomes and arrests for 1,958 California Youth Authority parolees, randomly assigned to levels of routine drug testing ranging from “no testing” to two tests per month. Results showed no improved outcomes from more frequent drug testing. Early positive drug tests, however, indicated increased risk of recidivism. Policy Implications: Although limited in its scope, this study provided experimental evidence that little crime‐reduction benefit of routine drug testing above a minimum level exists for regular parolees. However, drug testing may serve as a relatively straightforward risk assessment procedure for future criminal behavior.  相似文献   
云南省解放初期禁毒形势比较严峻,经过禁种、禁运、禁售、禁吸等措施的实施,最终从源头上堵住了烟毒的泛滥,基本上解决了建国初期云南的烟毒问题,维护了社会安定,净化了社会风气,促进了社会的发展与稳定。今天云南省面临的禁毒形势依然很严峻,总结历史成功的经验对今天的禁毒工作有一定启示作用。  相似文献   
我国现行法律对毒品的界定存在语义重复、容易混淆、外延过窄等重大缺陷,不利于我国新型毒品打击工作的开展,因此在审视我国毒品定义基础上,参考境外国家(地区)的毒品定义,建议将毒品定义重构为:"毒品,是指任何毒理效果大于或相似于鸦片、海洛因、甲基苯丙胺(冰毒)、吗啡、大麻、可卡因等麻醉药品、精神药品的物质。"同时,建议将我国麻醉药品和精神药品分级并列明每一级的种类和相应的量刑指导意见;国家禁毒委员会每年定期审查、更新《麻醉药品品种目录》和《精神药品品种目录》,并在《禁毒报告》中公布更新结果。  相似文献   
美国毒品控制史可主要分为"古典时期(Classic Era)"与"毒品战争(War on Drugs)"时期①。"联邦麻醉品局"与"联邦缉毒署"则是这两个不同毒品控制时代的代表性执法机构,二者既有历史的连带性,又富有特殊的时代特色。不同时期的法理依据及其所处时代的美国内政外交因素在不同程度上左右了二者的地位与影响力变化。联邦禁毒执法机构的历史性演变,一方面显示了美国毒品控制的曲折进程,另一方面也展现了不同时期执法机构存在的必然性以及各自的能动作用。  相似文献   
近年来,我国艾滋病监测资料显示,吸毒者共用针具是现阶段艾滋病流行的主要原因。课题组对普洱市和西双版纳州两个地区艾滋病流行与毒品蔓延情况进行了调研。1.静脉吸毒的人员越多,感染艾滋病的比率越高;2.不同地方、不同高危人群感染艾滋病的主渠道和比率不同。  相似文献   
艾滋病的流行与毒品的蔓延,特别是与共用注射器吸毒具有直接相关关系。调研组对云南省德宏州和临沧市边境地区进行了调研,艾滋病流行与毒品蔓延问题令人担忧。1.云南边疆地区艾滋病流行趋势与毒品犯罪的总趋势密切相关;2.零星贩毒是导致吸毒泛滥和艾滋病流行的最直接因素;3.吸毒仍是云南边疆地区传播艾滋病的主渠道。  相似文献   
有鉴于毒品“合法化”观点在国际社会的迅速发展蔓延的现实。我国的禁毒决策部门应该高度重视毒品“合法化”观点的现实危害,切实采取措施,避免毒品“合法化”对禁毒工作的负面影响和冲击。  相似文献   
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