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证据学是一门法学吗——以研究对象为中心的省察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对十年来我国证据法学研究在知识的增长方面进行量化的考察,结果显示:一方面,我国证据法学研究大部分仍然游离于法学与自然科学之间,这种研究既不能增长自然科学方面的知识,也无法增长法学方面的知识;另一方面,在有可能增长法学知识的领域,证据法学却又依附于法学的其他门类,从而丧失了自身独立存在的价值。方法论训练的缺乏及学术研究能力的有限,是造成这些现象的根本原因。因此,为使证据法学成为一门独立的法学学科,必须加强研究者的方法论训练,从而提高该学科在增进法学知识方面做出贡献的能力,并朝着建立统一的证据法学理论的方向努力。  相似文献   
自党的十六大明确提出“壮大县域经济”方针后,加快县域经济发展日益引起各级的广泛关注和重视,已成为国民经济的重要组成部分,对于实现城乡统筹发展、建设社会主义新农村、全面建设小康社会都具有十分重大的意义。《县域经济发展论》,着眼于马克思主义理论的运用,着眼于对实际问题的理性思考,着眼于新的实践和新的发展的创新,从理论、实践、对策三个层面,对县域经济发展进行了积极探索和研究。结合实践工作经验,认为:加快县域经济发展,必须摸清、吃透县情区情;必须创新变通,必须聚力突重;发展县域经济发展,必须具有运行的目的性,同时要加强领导。  相似文献   
21世纪初我国经济结构调整的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当前世界经济结构调整方兴未艾,我国的结构调整也势在必行。随着我国成为世贸组织成员国,我国经济结构调整面临许多新情况。我国应确定新原则和新战略,以应对出现的新情况。应坚持整体性、非均衡性、市场化和有序性原则,在所有制结构、产业结构、技术结构、地区结构、城乡结构方面进行调整,同时处理好经济结构调整和经济增长、制度创新与经济结构调整、经济结构调整中政府与市场的关系。  相似文献   
新加坡的民间创业与科技创新   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
新加坡在过去二十多年不断鼓励民间投资和支持以科技创新为基础的创业活动产生了两个效果:一是加强了民间中小企业尤其是科技创新型中小企业创业经济成分,逐步改变了其经济对政府关联企业和大公司的过份依赖;二是科技创新使产业结构出现了从传统制造业经济为主向知识经济为主的转变。这一经济结构和产业结构的调整有效地解决了其传统经济模式中的增长“瓶颈”问题,为抵御外部经济冲击和保持长期稳定增长奠定了坚实基础。本文从经济增长动力角度分析新加坡经济发展过程中存在的动力缺陷问题,并考察其政府采取的系列应对措施。  相似文献   
自福利经济学创立以来,福利标准被认为是评价宏观经济政策的重要依据。当前在我国备受推崇的凯恩斯需求管理政策却忽略了对增进福利的体现,短期看虽然保证了较高的经济增长率,但长期看对我国经济发展是极其不利的。  相似文献   
振兴东北老工业基地 造就东北亚区域经济合作关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
党和国家从全面建设小康社会的大目标出发,已经把振兴东北老工业基地提到日程。面对当今世界经济发展新态势,加大环渤海与图们江地区开发力度,以市场经济先导区拉动“大大连”建设,注重在内部与外部的结合上培育出中国第四大经济增长极、成长因素和良好氛围,才能有效地加快东北老工业基地的振兴进程,使之成长为东北亚区域的新兴工业基地、现代装备基地、生态农业基地和农畜产品出口加工基地。  相似文献   
Steven Ratuva 《圆桌》2017,106(2):165-173

The election of Donald Trump as the next president of the US has caused much international consternation and anxiety. Reactions have been based on distrust and rejection of Trump’s political ideology, behavioural disposition and unpredictable policy positions. His campaign speeches were filled with provocative utterances which were racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-environment and self-centred. This article examines some possible impacts of Trump’s presidency on the Pacific island countries (PICs). The first issue refers to how Trump’s proposed isolationist and militarisation policies may affect regional geopolitics. The two policies tend to contradict each other because while isolationism means pulling back on US economic and strategic presence in the Pacific, a reversal of the pivot to Asia-Pacific policy, militarisation implies greater strategic reach, regionally and globally. What does this seemingly contradictory approach mean for the PICs? Second, the article looks at the impact of Trump’s climate change denial stance and the responses by PICs, given the fact that climate change is the single most significant foreign policy and development initiative of the PICs since their independence. The third issue deals with the potential impact of Trump’s restrictive migration policies on remittance flow to the PICs and how these affect the small island economies and well-being.  相似文献   
“一带一路”建设是中国以新兴发展中大国的姿态建设性参与全球秩序重塑的过程。在此过程中,“一带一路”与既定地缘政治格局中某些国家的利益和战略之间存在一定程度的冲突和博弈。为此,本研究试图从“一带一路”与美俄印欧版“一带一路”之间的互动关系中,考察美俄印欧基于各自地缘政治经济利益而制定的地缘战略,以及客观上所形成的地缘挑战,提出中国的应对举措。本文认为,源自于特朗普弱化美国国际领导责任的地缘战略,“C5+1机制”对“一带一路”并不具有反制的地缘战略效果;中俄互信固然达到了前所未有的高度,然则受地缘政治变化带来的地缘战略不定性的影响,不可忽视欧亚经济联盟与“一带一路”之间存在地缘利益失衡的潜在风险;印度“印太构想”等互联互通战略和“大国梦想”背后的地缘战略考量,势必削弱“战略对接”在人们预想中的相关积极功能;欧版“一带一路”反映出欧盟试图通过所谓的“可持续”亚欧联通战略提升在亚欧大陆话语权的地缘战略考虑,但其内部的认知分歧,使其无法摆脱中国对其“分而治之”的疑虑。  相似文献   
Sir Ronald Sanders 《圆桌》2016,105(5):519-529

The UK Brexit referendum to leave the EU has created concerns internationally, particularly for countries that have formal trade, aid and investment treaties with the EU and none with Britain alone. The notion of a Commonwealth Free Trade Agreement (FTA) is a non-starter and would bring no benefits to the Caribbean. But, Britain outside the EU deprives the Caribbean of a sympathetic voice on a range of issues, including financial services, and alters the level of official development assistance that will be available from remaining EU members that have no historical relationship with the English-speaking Caribbean. The importance of the UK as a market for their goods and services make it imperative for Caribbean countries to start early ‘talks’ with London so as not to be crowded out by FTAs that the UK will conclude with countries larger and richer than the Caribbean. At the same time, Brexit provides an opportunity for the Caribbean to revisit its unsatisfactory Economic Partnership Agreement with the EU. Caribbean countries need to determine their objectives and take early initiatives to realise them.  相似文献   
A European scholar explores the changing dynamics of integration processes within the Eurasian Customs/Economic Union in the new context created by the Ukraine crisis. The article examines positions adopted by member states Russia, Kazakhstan, and Belarus before and after onset of the crisis in Ukraine. Several rationales for justifying the Union are derived from international relations theory and documented in the rhetoric of actors from these three countries. The evolution of conflicting rhetorical postures mirrors a slowdown of the Eurasian integration process and growth in the bargaining leverage of Belarus and Kazakhstan vis-à-vis Moscow.  相似文献   
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