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关于外商直接投资对收入分配的影响效果,学界存在分歧.本文从中国省域内收入分配效应角度入手,选取1995-2010年中国省际面板数据,运用固定效应变截距模型,实证检验现有观点在中国的适用性.结果显示:外商直接投资扩大中国居民收入差距.究其原因是:外资企业采取“两头在外”和技术封锁的经营战略,低技术层次的内资企业难以融入外资企业的产业链,收入分配制度改革遇阻,内、外资企业薪酬制度差异.鉴此,本文提出:中国应提高外资企业的在华根植性,鼓励外资公司转让关键技术,适当限制过高收入,完善社会保障制度,实行财政转移支付制度,大力推进教育培训事业和国内外交流合作,健全知识产权制度.  相似文献   
在我国体制转型过程中,出现了一个新的群体——一城市低收入群体。研究这些低收入群体的特征对我国政治经济的健康稳步发展具有一定的现实意义。本文从区域性、阶段性等六方面详尽论述了城市低收入群体的经济特征。  相似文献   
信息、劳动、资本和能源都是十分重要的经济资源。但用SPSS软件对我国有关统计数据进行回归分析 ,结果发现能源和资本对我国经济增长的贡献最大 ,劳动力的增长对经济增长的作用统计上明显 ,而信息资源的增长与我国的经济增长呈负相关。  相似文献   
刘明 《中国发展》2014,(3):23-28
该文通过构建结构相似系数、产业需求弹性系数以及比较劳动生产率等统计量,探寻甘肃省装备制造产业发展演化过程中的特征和规律。研究发现,甘肃省装备制造产业结构整体上呈现出趋同性,但也有部分产业与其他产业间存在分化的迹象;金融制品产业市场容量存在进一步缩小的趋势,交通运输设备制造业在多数年份的市场容量均较小;产业内部的劳动生产率存在明显的差异性,且其变动趋势也不尽相同。  相似文献   
近十几年来,我国经济的发展出现了"高增长、低就业"的不协调局面,失业问题越来越突出.直接原因是就业弹性系数大幅度下降.就业弹性系数下降的主要原因,又在于第三产业的发展滞后,阻碍了第一、二产业的过剩劳动力向第三产业转移.因此,要解决我国就业问题,要害之点是要提高就业弹性系数,着力点则是要大力发展城乡第三产业.  相似文献   
目的高速公路上追尾事故时有发生,事故责任判定常要求鉴定被追尾车的车速,尤其对超载货车的车速鉴定。方法本文利用车辆动力性与车速的关系对发生追尾事故的事故车车速计算问题进行了研究。结果应用此法明确了功率平衡方程中主要参数的不同取值对最终车速计算误差的不同影响程度。结论研究表明,滚动阻力系数与坡度两者的取值误差对车速计算结果影响明显,应予高度重视。  相似文献   
泥沙恢复饱和系数是泥沙数学模型中一个非常重要的参数,其取值合理与否将直接关系到利用泥沙数学模型进行河床演变及相关研究的成败.基于三峡水库蓄水后长江中游荆江河段的实测水沙资料,以本河段三峡水库蓄水前多年平均输沙水平作为泥沙输移方程中的挟沙能力,对水库下游非均匀沙恢复饱和系数进行了率定与分析,并在总结其规律的同时从多个方面对率定结果的合理性进行了讨论.研究结果表明,水库下游非均匀沙恢复饱和系数的数量级一般可达10-3~10-1,并且一般随着泥沙粒径的增大而减小,随着河床冲刷历时的增加和床沙粗化程度的提高而呈递减的趋势.  相似文献   
The emergence of new psychoactive substances (NPS) has raised many issues in the context of law enforcement and public drug policies. In this scenario, interdisciplinary studies are crucial to the decision-making process in the field of criminal science. Unfortunately, information about how NPS affect people's health is lacking even though knowledge about the toxic potential of these substances is essential: the more information about these drugs, the greater the possibility of avoiding damage within the scope of a harm reduction policy. Traditional analytical methods may be inaccessible in the field of forensic science because they are relatively expensive and time-consuming. In this sense, less costly and faster in silico methodologies can be useful strategies. In this work, we submitted computer-calculated toxicity values of various amphetamines and cathinones to an unsupervised multivariate analysis, namely Principal Component Analysis (PCA), and to the supervised techniques Soft Independent Modeling of Class Analogy and Partial Least Square-Discriminant Analysis (SIMCA and PLS-DA) to evaluate how these two NPS groups behave. We studied how theoretical and experimental values are correlated by PLS regression. Although experimental data was available for a small amount of molecules, correlation values reproduced literature values. The in silico method efficiently provided information about the drugs. On the basis of our findings, the technical information presented here can be used in decision-making regarding harm reduction policies and help to fulfill the objectives of criminal science.  相似文献   
Although fentanyl and a small number of derivatives used for medical or veterinary procedures are well characterized, physiochemical properties have not been determined for many of the newer fentanyl analogs. Partition coefficients (Log P) were determined for 19 fentalogs using the shake-flask method and liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry (LC–MS/MS). Experimentally determined partition coefficients were compared with computationally derived data using six independent software sources (ACD/LogP, LogKOWWIN v 1.69, miLogP 2.2, OsirisP, XLOGP 3.0, ALogPS 2.1). Fentalogs with a wide variety of structural modifications were intentionally selected, yielding Log P values ranging from 1.21 to 4.90. Comparison of experimental and computationally derived Log P values were highly correlated (R2 0.854–0.967). Overall, substructure-based modeling using fragmental methods or property-based topological approaches aligned more closely with experimentally determined Log P values. LC–MS/MS was also used to estimate pKa values for fentalogs with no previously reported data. Lipophilicity and pKa are important considerations for analytical detection and toxicological interpretation. In silico methods allow the determination of physicochemical information prior to certified reference materials being readily available for in vitro or in vivo studies. Computationally derived data can provide insight regarding physiochemical characteristics of future fentalogs and other classes of synthetic analogs that have yet to emerge.  相似文献   
基于重心模型与泰勒系数的陕西省空间差异   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
文章通过重心模型以及泰勒系数对陕西省1989—2006年区域增长格局与地区差距进行了实证分析。分析结果表明,国家西部大开发战略实施以后陕北地区增速明显加快,区域增长重心持续向东北转移;通过泰勒系数及其分解的演变显示,三大地区间差距持续不断扩大,并且地区间差距的扩大快于总体经济差距的扩大。地带内的差距一直是影响陕西区域差距的主要影响力量,但是各地带内部地区经济差距在1995年之后呈现不同的特征。通过分析我们也注意到在1999—2006年陕北地区迅速崛起的同时,伴随区域增长格局“热点”的转移。热点区域内的地区差距会存在一个缩小的趋势,但是局部实证的结论能否适用于更大的范围区域内还需要进一步的检验。  相似文献   
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