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This article describes, evaluates and reflects upon student creation of cloud-based digital flashcards as an authentic formative and summative assessment task designed for the deep learning of constitutional law. The usefulness of digital flashcards in online legal education is explored. The undergraduate law student participants in the study responded differently to the assessment task depending upon the constitutional law topic they were assigned, the perceived relevance of constructing digital flashcards to professional practice and how they reacted to this creative task. Building digital flashcards provides a potentially powerful authentic assessment task for the study of constitutional law provided it is designed to support semester long creation, validation and sharing of digital flashcards that students perceive as professionally relevant and educationally useful. Student recommendations for designing an assessment task involving the creation of digital flashcards are evaluated.  相似文献   
Widening access to higher education is a challenge currently under discussion in Australia and the United Kingdom. The increasing number of alternative entry programs offered by universities has made tertiary study, including law study, more accessible. One concern with widening access to legal education is the ability of students entering law school through means other than very high academic scores to undertake a law degree successfully. Students who enter law school are generally referred to as “high achievers”, having qualified through an admission policy based on competitive rankings. The implementation of equitable access programs in some Australian universities has resulted in a number of places being made available to final year high school students who meet the eligibility criteria. Lowering the entry requirements to some courses provides opportunities for students whose circumstances have affected their ability to attain competitive ranking scores. The Principals’ Recommendation Scheme (PRS) is one of these programs. The University of Technology Sydney in New South Wales, Australia commenced the PRS in 2012. UTS:Law was one of the first Faculties to develop a strategy to support these students. The Faculty is committed to resourcing all students in their study and, as a result, is engaged in the ongoing evaluation of the academic and co-curricular programs provided to students. This paper explains the implementation of the PRS and the relevant support infrastructure available to students. It also considers the research into student retention and academic success and makes a preliminary assessment that, to date, the PRS students are succeeding in the transition from secondary education to law school, and that the existing infrastructure is accommodating the needs of these students. The PRS is an alternative entry scheme that provides a model for consideration by other law schools, committed to widening access to legal education.  相似文献   
Law schools attempting to prepare students for a more global practice are generally advised to tailor a law curriculum to their individual resources. When offering comparative perspectives, some law school programmes have pedagogical advantages arising out of a mixed legal heritage, such as McGill Faculty of Law’s transsystemic approach. What does the transsystemic approach entail, and can aspects of the transsystemic approach, which is grounded in Québec’s bijural and bilingual context, be practised at national-focus law schools? In order to consider this question, the author observed classroom dynamics in first year transsystemic courses. The McGill experience cannot be imported, but its pedagogy offers key lessons for common law national-focus law schools, including the need to make alternative visions of law necessary for understanding.  相似文献   
龚向和 《河北法学》2005,23(10):23-26
受教育权的可诉性及其程度受到两个层次的理论和实践的深刻影响,一是国际法关于自由权和社会权的划分,二是国内法关于宪法权利和法律权利的区分。受教育权作为宪法权利,在自由权层面及形式平等方面具有直接的法律效力,具有可诉性;但在社会权层面,只有义务教育阶段的入学升学权和免费就学权具有可诉性。受教育权作为法律权利,其可诉性程度大大提高。平等主体之间的受教育权纠纷可由双方提起民事诉讼予以解决;但行政相对人向行政主体提起的行政诉讼则同样受到被侵害的受教育权性质的影响。  相似文献   
公安院校信息安全专业特色化建设研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
保障网络世界的信息安全,构建良好的信息安全保障体系,需要大量的信息安全专业人才,高校开设信息安全专业培养专业人才是非常重要的。本文论述了培养信息安全人才的迫切性,信息安全专业的现状,重点阐述了公安院校信息安全专业特色化建设的若干问题。  相似文献   
公安院校素质教育再思考   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
培养和训练高素质的人民警察,是公安院校一切工作的出发点和落脚点,而要实现这一目标,必须全面推行素质教育。公安院校素质教育有其独特的内涵,即强调培养具有专业知识的实用性人才,强调培养崇高的职业道德和职业精神,强调培养良好的身心素质和职业素养。公安院校实施素质教育必须注意的问题:把德育放在首位,注重学生个性发展,培养学生良好的心理素质,培养学生的创新能力,建设高素质的教师队伍和学生管理干部队伍。素质教育的根本目的:要使学生学会做人,学会做事。  相似文献   
陈云同志干部教育培训思想内容十分丰富,涉及干部教育培训的各个方面。主要包括要从事关革命与建设事业兴衰成败的高度来看待干部教育培训,把为革命和建设事业提供高素质的人才保证作为干部教育培训的出发点;要以培训革命化、年轻化、知识化、专业化的党政领导干部作为干部教育培训的目标;要坚持理论联系实际原则,“不唯上,不唯书,只唯实”。干部教育培训要把提高干部的马克思主义基本理论水平作为首要任务;要根据党的工作中心,从基层单位到中央,一齐动手抓干部教育培训;不仅要注重干部教育培训的层次性和针对性,还要注重干部教育培训方式方法的灵活多样性。陈云干部教育培训思想,对搞好新时期大规模培训干部工作具有重要的现实意义。要继承和发展陈云干部教育培训思想,从事关全局的战略高度做好大规模培训干部工作,以提高执政能力为重点,发扬理论联系实际的优良传统,不断改革干部教育培训的方式方法,建立健全干部教育培训运行机制。  相似文献   
进入20世纪90年代之后,日本高等教育改革出现了明显的变化.主要改革体现在两个方面一方面是高等教育法制的变化,主要包括大学教师任期制的引入、大学评价制度的建立和国立大学法人化等;另一个方面就是提高高等教育质量的政策展开,包括高等教育研究体制的弹性化、采用认证评价制度、建立大学评价的第三者机构等.通过上述一系列的变化,日本高等教育在探讨21世纪的发展方向、提高高等教育质量上迈出了重要一步.  相似文献   
对大学生而言,理想信念教育是非常重要的。在分析目前大学生理想信念教育薄弱之原因的基础上,提出如下改善理想信念教育的方式:引导大学生通过自己的独立思考,自觉地树立正确的理想信念;引导大学生通过为人民服务和为社会做贡献,实现自己的理想和人生价值;在尊重大学生个性特征的基础上,引导他们自觉树立正确的理想信念;在理想信念教育中帮助大学生提高鉴别力,坚持真、善、美,拒绝假、恶、丑;引导大学生从现实出发,通过艰苦奋斗实现人生理想。与此同时,还要发挥哲学社会科学学科优势,进一步拓展理想信念教育的空间。  相似文献   
在青少年思想道德教育中植入和普及"感恩"的观念,是帮助其确立正确人生观的基础;在青少年思想道德教育中牢固树立"尊重生命、热爱生命"的观念,是帮助他们确立正确价值观的根本;在青少年思想道德教育中牢固树立"习得关爱、学会包容"的观念,是帮助他们建立正确世界观的前提.  相似文献   
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