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This article compares property transfer contracts between generations in two Prussian parishes where marital law differed significantly in the 19th century. Our sources focus on two critical phases in peasants' life cycles at the time. Whereas young people could find the resources to settle down, the older generation had to plan for their retirement. Although sons had a better chance of inheriting the farm, female successors were not rare. A peasant daughter's overall prospects of becoming a peasant by inheriting her parent's farm or marrying a farm successor were almost as good as her brother's. The situation for older women, however, was subject to their legal standing with regards to marital property. When couples held joint marital property, men and women had the same opportunities to arrange for retirement. In contrast, when couples held separate marital property and male succession prevailed, older women were at an evident disadvantage.  相似文献   
A central aspect of the demographic transition model is discussed: the “chain between inheritance and reproduction,” which many historical demographers claim has kept population and resources in balance during the preindustrial period. The basic mechanism is well known: Economic space is thought to be divided into a limited number of self-sufficient positions or niches; since marriage required possession—usually by inheritance—of one such niche, overpopulation was avoided. The existence of this chain in preindustrial continental Europe has generally been taken for granted, although little is known about its actual workings. As a discussion of classical and current research shows, the chain should not be understood as encompassing entire demoeconomic systems at any time or place. Rather, niche mechanisms are relevant for the behavior of specific social groups and as communal or other political strategies. The need for alternative explanations of sociobiographic inequality—such as the impact of kinship on life-course decisions and chances—is emphasized.  相似文献   
作为中国人,认同进而热爱本土文化,认同进而热爱国家与民族,是理所当然、无可选择的。对本土文化、对国家与民族的感情,来自对历史与文化的了解与理解。如果把中华文化比作多幕大戏而我们是观众的话,要看懂这场多幕大戏,我们就要知道剧目(中华、文化、中华文化等概念)、熟悉演员(主角与配角)、明了舞台(历史中国与现代中国的地理空间)、掌握剧情(中华文化的变与不变问题)、懂得道具(中华文化的象征),只有这样,我们才能感触、品味中华文化,从而真正地融入剧中。  相似文献   
First, the background of the islands in early modern history is provided, and customary law that regulated the system of property transmission is discussed. Second, present knowledge about the Cycladic family is summarized, and present problems that prevent documented generalizations are highlighted. The article concludes by suggesting a way to proceed systematically with the research using data retrieved from the notarial acts, from which most information about early modern island societies have been derived.  相似文献   
史载的"饭稻羹鱼",是古代百越民族主要的生计方式,这种生计方式在今天贵州都柳江流域的百越民族后裔中不但得到了良好的传承,而且文化上还有所发展,人们将种稻与养鱼巧妙安排在同一季节同一生产场域内进行,不仅传承了百越民族"饭稻羹鱼"的生计方式,也赋予了山区梯田稻作农业在生态维护与农耕生产方面的新生态文化内涵。  相似文献   
本文结合经验事实和实证研究,通过对湖南的典型分析,探讨规模日益庞大的穷二代大学生群体的生存态势、职业发展和地位提升问题,并从公平正义、代际流动与社会分层视角进行思考。研究发现,穷二代大学生群体的职业发展状况不乐观,就业质量不高,非正规就业居多,职业地位低,职业提升机会少。  相似文献   
传统中国的女子继承权非常薄弱,直到清末民初也未得到实质性的改善。国民革命开始后,女子继承权作为男女平等的一项重要内容受到重视。妇女运动决议案承认女子有继承权,但最高法院在解释中只将继承权赋予未出嫁女子。后来中央政治会议对此进行纠正,特别制定了《已嫁女子追溯继承财产施行细则》,保护已嫁女子继承权。近代中国继承领域男女平权的实现是革命与法律相互作用的结果。  相似文献   
关于建立贵州多元民族民间文化传承发展机制的思考   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
当前,贵州多元民族民间文化的价值正日益显现,与此同时,对这些珍贵资源的开发利用正面临传承发展问题的困扰和挑战。因此,全面、创造性地探索建立传承发展的长效机制已刻不容缓和势在必行。  相似文献   
So far, China is in possession of 33 World Inheritances, being the third one among all the countries in the world. However, as the experiences in protecting the inheritances are concerned, China is not as successful as some other countries. As China is in the construction of modernization and large-scale infrastructure construction and over-exploitation has become a great threat to the inheritances, its present condition in China is not satisfying. This article tries to put forward some countermeasures of law to enhance the protection work in China by using for reference the successful experiences of foreign countries in world inheritance protection.  相似文献   
中国古代有发达的行政法规范,但无现代意义的行政法,更无行政法学。现代意义上的行政法学源于一个世纪前对日本法学的继受,1949年新中国建立后,废除旧六法,行政法学一时沉寂。20世纪50年代一度改弦更张学习苏维埃法,但不久行政法学教育和研究陷于全面停顿,30年前在改革开放的背景下得以恢复并迅猛发展。行政法学自身枯荣与国家命运休戚相关,行政法学的历程折射了时代的变迁。  相似文献   
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