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随着自媒体行业的快速发展,网络信息的传播呈现新的传播态势。自媒体自身的特点及其独特的传播方式使大量有关公安工作的负面信息得以滋生和流转,对公安机关的形象产生了消极影响,进而削弱了警察权威,降低了执法公信力,不利于公安工作的顺利开展。对此,公安机关应从抓好自身建设做起,加强网络监管,做好舆论引导,及时有效地处理好公安形象危机问题,重树公安机关良好形象,更好地为人民服务。  相似文献   
当前,我国正处于经济转轨和社会转型的关键时期,种种因素引发的社会矛盾和社会问题日益凸显,由此引发了一些突发事件.公安机关因其自身所具有的国家强制性等特点,在应对、管理、处置突发事件过程中占有重要地位.本文从突发事件处理过程中公安机关与媒体关系的现状、良好合作的重要性和公安机关应采取的沟通方法三个方面展开论述,以期充分发挥媒体的正面导向功能,更好地维护社会稳定.  相似文献   
Spanish law on personal data protection regulates (among other issues) the legal bases that permit the processing of data in a way that is similar to that set out in Directive 95/46/EC. Consent constitutes the general rule although data may be processed without it if necessary for administration functions, within the framework of a contractual relationship, in order to safeguard the vital interests of the data subject or if they are included in sources accessible to the public. However, unlike the Directive, legitimate interest is not recognised as an independent reason for processing data, whereas a legal ground that is not set out in community law is included, i.e., sources accessible to the public. This paper analyses these two cases, taking as its starting point consent, along with the consequences that the ECJ Judgment of 24 November 2011 regarding the interpretation of Article 7 of Directive 95/46/EC may have and giving attention to the revision of this Directive itself.  相似文献   
研究传媒与政治的关系绕不开社会政治背景.具体到中国,从建国至今,中国社会最明显的一个分水岭就是改革开放,在两个明显不同的阶段,媒体的扮演的角色也不尽相同.在毛泽东时代,媒体的功能主要是宣传党的路线方针和政策;而进入改革开放新时期以后,媒体不仅受到政治因素的制约,还受到市场和公民社会以及西方各种社会思潮的多重影响.  相似文献   
新媒体与传统媒体最大的区别在于它改变了传统的传播状态,使传播形式由一点对多点变为多点对多点,也使传播主体大众化、传播内容多元化。在两岸交流中,网络等新媒体对两岸旅游业的进一步发展升级有促进作用,对两岸经贸合作与交流有提升作用,对构建便捷文化通道、增进两岸文化认同有重要作用,对开创两岸交流的新格局也有推动作用。  相似文献   
新媒体环境下党的群众工作方式受到挑战,一方面传统自上而下的信息传递方式与新媒体的特点不适应;另一方面在新媒体环境下仅依靠党的力量开展群众工作无法达到良好的效果。而治理与善治理论为新媒体环境下做好党的群众工作提供了一种创新的方式。首先,治理理论所主张的公众协商理念为党运用新媒体来加强党与群众的沟通协商、互动交流,鼓励群众积极参与公共事务指明了方向;其次,多中心治理理念引导党引入多元化的社会组织为做好群众工作共同努力;最后,管理善治理念引导党加强自身的建设,树立良好的形象,为党的群众工作奠定良好的基础。  相似文献   
大众传媒是传播和塑造区域形象的重要因素。国家权威传媒对区域形象的传播与塑造起关键性作用。人民日报社的两报在加强福州海西形象在海外塑造的同时,却弱化了福州海西形象在国内的传播。福州需要加强对国内受众的海西形象特别是宜居宜业优势形象的宣传。  相似文献   
新媒体的出现为公安典型宣传工作带来了机遇和挑战,传统的宣传推送模式已无法适应新传媒环境的需要。公安机关应当与时俱进,在宣传思路上紧跟市场,在宣传手法上贴近心灵,在宣传方式上注重策略,切实提升公安典型宣传的成效。  相似文献   
This paper examines the Cold War rhetoric in US–Russia relations by looking at the 2008 Russia–Georgia war as a major breaking point. We investigate the links between media, public opinion and foreign policy. In our content analysis of the coverage in two major US newspapers, we find that the framing of the conflict was anti-Russia, especially in the initial stages of the conflict. In addition, our survey results demonstrate that an increase in the media exposure of US respondents increased the likelihood of blaming Russia exclusively in the conflict. This case study helps us understand how media can be powerful in constructing a certain narrative of an international conflict, which can then affect public perceptions of other countries. We believe that the negative framing of Russia in the US media has had important implications for the already-tenuous relations between the US and Russia by reviving and perpetuating the Cold War mentality for the public as well as for foreign policymakers.  相似文献   
本文在对越南1986年革新开放以来的新闻传媒发展历程进行梳理的基础上,从其人民论坛观点的理论与实践以及依法治业两个方面分析其对社会主义新闻传媒发展的启示。  相似文献   
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