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缅甸军人与政治关系的现状与趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在从1948年1月4日独立至今的68年间,缅甸军人直接掌权或由其扶持的政党执政的时间共约56年。2015年11月8日,昂山素季领导的全国民主联盟在大选中获得压倒性胜利,军方扶持的联邦巩固与发展党惨败。2016年3月30日,民盟资深成员吴廷觉总统领导的新政府宣誓就职,取代退役将领吴登盛领导的巩发党政府。缅甸军人长期直接或间接执政的历史暂告结束,这是缅甸民主转型的里程碑。但依照缅甸宪法,军人仍保留诸多权力,是与民盟政府并立的另一权力中心,军人与民盟政府关系好坏将是影响缅甸政治发展的关键因素。缅甸军人完全退出政治尚需时日,不排除其再度干政的可能。  相似文献   
National security planners have begun to look beyond reactive, tactical cyber defense to proactive, strategic cyber defense, which may include international military deterrence. The incredible power of nuclear weapons gave birth to deterrence, a military strategy in which the purpose of armies shifted from winning wars to preventing them. Although cyber attacks per se do not compare to a nuclear explosion, they do pose a serious and increasing threat to international security. Real-world examples suggest that cyber warfare will play a lead role in future international conflicts. This article examines the two deterrence strategies available to nation-states (denial and punishment) and their three basic requirements (capability, communication, and credibility) in the light of cyber warfare. It also explores whether the two most challenging aspects of cyber attacks – attribution and asymmetry – will make cyber attack deterrence an impossible task.  相似文献   
In recent years Myanmar underwent drastic political changes. While many see these changes as first tentative steps towards democratization, we argue that the current political transformation is not a deliberate process of liberalization, but a survival strategy of the military regime. Using arguments of the ‘new institutionalism’ as a theoretical foundation, this article explores the hypothesis that the high degree of professionalization of the Burmese military creates the incentive to institutionalize power-sharing among the ruling elite. Our empirical analysis finds evidence for both a highly professionalized military and institutions that by securing the military's continuing dominance serve the purpose of institutionalizing military power- sharing. These results imply that further democratization is unlikely as it must be initiated from within the still dominating military itself.  相似文献   
时至今日,对军事法制概念在军事法学界仍未作出统一、准确的界定。军事法制应定义为调整涉及国家军事利益社会关系的法律制度以及保证其创制、实施的有关法律制度的总和。军事法制体系是由不同层次、不同方面和不同环节的军事法律制度组成的有机整体。  相似文献   
The increased burden placed upon the UN Security Council in the post-Cold War era in respect of its discharge of its primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security has fuelled calls for the greater use of regional arrangements as agents of the Council, to relieve its burden. However, the various agendas and capabilities of different arrangements make it difficult to adopt a uniform template of the role which regional arrangements can play as conductors of peace support operations authorised by the Security Council. This article attempts to provide a framework against which the potential role of different arrangements as viable agents to which the Security Council can entrust military enforcement operations, before going on to assess how selected African and European organisations fare against this framework. It will be demonstrated that when assessed against this framework, the organisations selected for comparison are remarkably similar.
Gary WilsonEmail:
日本战略走向与中日关系前景   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
进入新世纪,伴随日本政治的右倾化,日本对外战略也发生着深刻的变化。2005年以来小泉内阁加紧推行“右倾化大国路线”,造成日本同中国等亚洲邻国关系更趋恶化。中日关系的改善还需两国付出长期不懈的共同努力。  相似文献   
新中国成立后,中国逐渐形成了以军事、政治安全为主的传统安全观。传统安全观指导下的中国军事外交的对象较为有限,形式和内容较为单一,军事援助的计划性不强,军事安全环境不容乐观,展示军队形象的窗口较为有限。冷战结束后,中国提出要摒弃带有冷战思维的旧安全观,树立新型安全观。新安全观自提出后,对中国军事外交的指导性作用日益加深。同时,军事外交也不断丰富着新安全观的内涵,成为践行新安全观的重要方式。回顾新中国军事外交的发展历程,可谓波澜壮阔、成就辉煌。特别是20世纪90年代以后,中国军事外交不断突破,逐渐形成全方位、宽领域、多层次的良好格局,  相似文献   

This paper examines the determinants of military expenditures in eight East Asian countries from 1983 to 1993. In a pooled cross-sectional time-series analysis, it finds that the security threats (either external or internal) have not been a factor in determining the governments' defence burdens. Instead, economic and bureaucratic budgetary factors are better predictors of their defence decision-making. Military corruption and subsidized defence industries are the main domestic elements driving up the budgets; but this bureaucratic 'irrationality' is checked and balanced by economic rationality, for the defence burdens generally correlate with the availability of economic resources.  相似文献   
对国家安全利益的认识 ,具有显著的国家本位主义特征。在概念上 ,国家安全利益是国家利益中关系到主权独立、领土完整、基本制度的稳定、民族团结、经济繁荣等国家生存利益的部分 ,它是国家利益的主要成分和重要基础。在目前和今后的一段时间内 ,我国的安全利益着重体现为 :1、主权独立、领土完整与国家统一 ;2、基本制度与文化意识形态的保持 ;3、反对民族分离势力和宗教极端势力 ,保障各民族和睦共处 ;4、维护经济安全。中国国家安全利益主要集中在亚太地区 ,是多元化的 ;既有传统的安全利益 ,同时新型安全利益正在变得越来越突出。从内容看 ,政治安全利益、军事安全利益、经济安全利益是中国在亚太地区安全利益的核心成分。政治安全利益内容广泛 ,包括政治稳定、主权独立、国家统一、民族关系稳定等 ;军事安全利益着重表现为维护领土完整、捍卫祖国统一、防范军事威胁以及军控和防止核扩散 ;经济安全利益涵盖金融安全、稳定的资金来源和良好的投资环境、资源安全特别是能源安全、市场安全、运输线安全、海外投资安全等  相似文献   
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