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Boehmer begins by outlining suggestive parallels between the doubly orientalizing reception of an Indian woman poet, Sarojini Naidu, in 1890s London, and the publicity and critical enthusiasm surrounding the appearance of Arundhati Roy's first novel, The God of Small Things , in the 1990s. Building on these century-broad connections, she goes on to observe how, despite its liberatory agendas, certain constructions within postcolonial criticism appear to emerge virtually intact out of the colonial discourses of the past: in particular, the conflation of biology and biography in representations of the writing of the South, and constructions of a singular oriental femaleness, and an extravagant oriental style. The second part of the essay examines more closely these seemingly 'neo-orientalist' underpinnings of postcolonial literary criticism located in the West, and then considers resistances to these, both in terms of cultural contextualization and verbal recalcitrance.  相似文献   
On 6 October 2004, viewers went “Around the world with Oprah” and received a rare glimpse inside the lives of 30-year-old women from 17 different countries. When Oprah turned her gaze (and that of middle-class American housewives) eastward, she highlighted South Korean women's penchart for plastic surgery. Oprah's “trip” to South Korea is emblematic of Western discourse surrounding South Korean Women's plastic surgery consumption, most of which focuses on cosmetic eyelid surgery or the sangapul procedure as it is called in South Korea. Given its widespread popularity, the sangapul procedure has come to signify South Korean women's acquiescence to not only patriarchal oppression but racial oppression as well. This essay goes beyond the psychologization of South Korean women in order to ask what such psychological musings obscure about the very political nature of beauty itself. Using “Around the world with Oprah” as a starting point, then, this essay examines beauty at the intersection of race, technology, and (geo)politics in order to show that, in an era of neoliberalism, plastic surgery is often rationalized as an investment in the self towards a more normal, if not better future. As this essay suggests, such a framing of plastic surgery is contingent on Oprah's production of neoliberal feminism based on liberal notions of choice. Given her global reach, these neoliberal feminist subjects are not produced equally, however, but are discursively constructed along a First World/Third World divide.  相似文献   
关于中菲南海争端强制仲裁一案,菲律宾向仲裁法庭提出的诉求可合并为针对中国南海传统断续线的诉求、针对南海中中国部分岛礁的诉求和针对中国南海行使管辖权的诉求.对此,中国在应对上可选择向仲裁法庭行使“初步反对的权利”或其他合法方式发表其没有管辖权的理由,并通过反对申请书的可接受性力争结束仲裁.  相似文献   
明清以来形成的江南文化以诗性精神为内核,由物质文化资源、社会文化资源和审美文化资源构成,主要类型有古镇文化资源、农桑文化资源、饮食文化资源、都市文化资源、工业文化资源、运河文化资源、园林和戏曲文化资源.这些文化资源已经成为江南地区再发展的重要基础.对江南文化资源进行系统梳理和价值研究,探索其在城市化和后现代社会背景下的...  相似文献   
桂静 《当代韩国》2014,(2):51-63
随着全球气候变暖,北极的各种利益优势正在显现,而且超越区域范畴而成为全球的问题,因此对于非北极国家也具有重要意义。韩国出于国内和国际两方面的长远考虑,综合采取法律、政治、经济、行政、科学、科技等多种手段,拓展其北极利益。中国同样在北极有着重要战略利益。当前,及时跟踪北极相关国家政策动态并加以分析,对中国北极战略利益的实现不无裨益。  相似文献   
易制毒化学品是海洛因以及冰毒等新型毒品“生产”的必要条件,是防止易制毒化学品流入境外毒源地,是“四禁并举”标本兼治的根据。只有遏制易制毒化学品原料非法出境,才能从源头上减少毒品犯罪。在强调积极查处案件、及时移交运输制毒物品案件的同时,还应当保障执法单位缴获的制毒物品能及时鉴定、涉案制毒物品依法及时处理(回收、拍卖、变卖或销毁)。  相似文献   
改革开放分为三个阶段,分别处于抬脚起步阶段、大脚快步阶段和合脚正步阶段。较之于前两个阶段的改革开放,当前的改革开放可以预见和不可预见的困难将会更大,矛盾也更为集中。改革开放仍然是中国发展红利,要拿出壮士断腕的勇气推进改革开放。  相似文献   
1992年邓小平南方谈话和2001年江泽民"七一"讲话,贯穿着同样一个主题,就是解放思想,与时俱进;体现着同样的价值向度,就是大胆地进行马克思主义理论创新,提出并回答社会主义发展的时代性课题;产生了同样的社会实践效应,就是推动了中国思想解放的大发展.重温南方谈话、学习"七一"讲话,对深刻理解"三个代表"的重要思想,紧跟当代中国马克思主义创新发展的时代步伐,推动大连市干部群众进一步解放思想,抢抓机遇,开拓大连工作的新局面,具有十分重要的意义.  相似文献   
邓小平在认真总结我国社会主义革命和建设的经验教训的同时 ,对“什么是社会主义、怎样建设社会主义”这一根本问题进行了艰辛的探索和历史性的思考 ,并且对一系列重大问题做出了科学的、创造性的新概括、新表述。江泽民同志“三个代表”重要思想 ,不仅回答了面向新世纪建设一个什么样的党、怎样建设党的问题 ,而且回答了面向新世纪怎样认识社会主义、如何发展社会主义的问题。为我们党在21世纪全面加强党的建设 ,不断推进理论创新 ,赢得建设有中国特色社会主义的新胜利奠定了科学的思想基础 ,提供了正确的行动指南。  相似文献   

Many of the struggles that emerged in the wake of the 2008 global economic crisis eventually experienced decomposition in the face of multiple internal and external threats. While movement composition and decomposition are inevitable in the natural cycle of popular struggles, this article argues that what David Theo Goldberg has termed “the threat of race” constituted one important factor that brought about the eventual demise of these popular mobilizations. By drawing on the cases of US Occupy Wall Street, European anti-austerity protests, and South African struggles against xenophobia, it points to global continuity in anti-blackness across disparate geographies. As these same regions currently confront the threat of righting authoritarianism, this article argues we must also take a self-reflexive look at the seeds of reaction embedded in otherwise progressive and left-wing formations in order to achieve a more sobering account of our present predicament.  相似文献   
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