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Focusing on the development of travel between the borderlands of Ukraine and Soviet satellite states in Eastern Europe, this article explores what it meant to be Soviet outside the Russian core of the USSR between the mid-1950s and the mid-1980s. The cautious opening of the Soviet border was part of a larger attempt to find fresh sources of popular support and enthusiasm for the regime's “communist” project. Before the Prague Spring of 1968 in particular, official policies and narratives of travel thus praised local inhabitants who crossed the Soviet border for supposedly overcoming age-old hatreds to build a brighter future in Eastern Europe. By the 1970s, however, smuggling and cultural consumption discredited the idea of “internationalist friendship.” This encouraged residents of Ukraine to speak and write about the continuing importance of the Soviet border. The very idea of Sovietness was defined in national terms, as narratives of travel emphasized that Soviet citizens were inherently different from ethno-national groups in the people's democracies. Eastern Europe thus emerged as an “other” that highlighted the Soviet character of territories incorporated into the USSR after 1939, helping to obscure western Ukraine's troubled past and leading to the emergence of new social hierarchies in the region.  相似文献   

The diversification of allegiances with several more powerful states is seen as a way for minor actors to improve their strategic position in the international system. The result, however, could become less than desirable when these relations are both essential and contradictory. This article intends to examine the challenges for Transnistrian foreign policy through the concepts of bandwagoning and balancing. It uses alternative neorealist perspectives to identify various types of alignment and then examines how this landlocked territorial entity attempts to use relations with Russia and Ukraine to protect its statehood and identity in the context of the ongoing threat from Moldova. This article identifies that twice in the last decade (after the Orange Revolution and Euromaidan), the strategy of ‘dual alignment’ failed. It claims that recent attempts by both the EU and Ukraine to weaken Russia’s position in the region by isolating Transnistria has led to a further strengthening of ties between this actor and Moscow.  相似文献   
国共两党的党军机制源起于黄埔建军。国民党党军机制发育不全,1927年清党后分崩离析,陷入以军制党、以军干政的误区。中国共产党扬弃并发展了黄埔军校的党军传统,坚持党指挥枪,把红军建设成为新型的人民军队。两党党军机制的不同走向,与国情、政治目标密切相关。  相似文献   
50 年来训练中的政治工作在实践过程中得以丰富和发展, 大体经历了六个发展阶段:文化教育为训练中心中的政治工作; 正规训练中的政治工作; 军事训练中政治工作的曲折发展; 保证把教育训练提高到战略地位时期的政治工作;市场经济条件下的军事训练中政治工作; 研究未来战争条件下军事训练中政治工作。五十年的实践使我军训练中政治工作逐步形成了具有自身特色的优良传统。  相似文献   
印尼军队的改革主要是解决军队“双重职能”的问题。印尼军队的改革随着国家领导人的更迭以及军队内部派系斗争而呈波浪形轨迹发展,但总的趋势是往“军队非政治化与政治过程非军事化”的方向发展。军队的改革经历了哈比比与瓦希德执政时期的混乱,以及梅加瓦蒂时期的停滞不前之后,随着倾向于改革的苏西洛成为总统再一次提上日程。到目前为止已经在军政关系、军队职能立法、军队结构重组等方面取得了不少成就。影响印尼军队改革因素主要是印尼政府与军队以及军队内部之间的权力斗争、国内族群冲突与地区分离主义运动、军队经费不足、军队参与政治的传统等。  相似文献   
警察,是国家打击犯罪、管理社会秩序以巩固国家政权的一种武装性的特殊的国家公共权力。军队和警察由于职能对象的性质不同,它们不可能合二为一成所谓“军警不分”。中国古代国家执行国家“公共权力”的警察职能机构与职官设置是独立的专门机构与人员。不要混淆中国古代国家的行政监督执法与刑事执法。警察职能不是“警政合一”,而是“政刑不分”。  相似文献   
<中国人民解放军现役军官职务任免条例>把规范军官职务任免程序作为一条主线贯穿始终.认真贯彻落实<条例>,必须强化"程序即是法规"的意识,克服简化程序、削减程序、颠倒程序、变通程序等各种违反程序的现象,充分发挥程序在军官任免工作中的作用.  相似文献   
军队要像军队的样子,这是习近平主席非常关注的邓小平同志的一句话。追本溯源,我军样子的基础性设计是由古田会议作出的。正是因为有了古田会议及其决议,我军才脱胎换骨、破茧为蝶,从面子到里子都真正成为了一支人民军队。古田会议对我军样子的基础性设计主要体现在:确立了党对军队绝对领导的原则和制度;完备了我军政治工作的架构;明确了我军必须坚持的政治观点和必须担负的政治任务;确立了我军处理内外部关系的基本原则;为我军形成独具特色的优良作风和革命纪律奠定了基础。  相似文献   
新泉整训正值毛泽东上井冈山开辟党领导的第一个革命根据地两年之际.这两年既可视为红军初创时期,也是党的幼年时期.以毛泽东为代表的中国共产党人在探索中国革命道路的同时,也开始了对红军的党的建设和军队建设的探索.从井冈山斗争到新泉整训,再到古田会议,探索在总体上是顺利的,最后在不同意见争论基础上和党中央的引导下形成共识,红四军党的建设和军队建设走上了马克思主义轨道.新泉整训为伟大的古田会议的成功召开,使之成为党和人民军队建设历史上的重要里程碑起了奠基作用,功不可没.  相似文献   
Transnational solidarity and comprehensive critiques of colonial legacies and patriarchal systems united the cultural responses created during the campaigns for reproductive justice in Ireland and Chile in 2018. This article considers the performance piece ‘Abortistas’ by the Yeguada Latinoamericana in Chile and the poem ‘Granuaile’ by Róisín Kelly in Ireland. Taking a decolonial feminist approach, this comparative study explores the interstices of art form and geopolitically distinct territories to examine how the creative practitioners' discursive construction of insurgent bodies aids critique of the lived experiences of women and pregnant people under the restrictive reproductive laws of both countries.  相似文献   
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