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Husbands' and wives' reports (n=97 couples) of engaging in or experiencing marital aggression were compared to determine congruence. Congruence was defined as spousal agreement on whether either spouse had been nonviolent, mildly violent, or severely maritally violent within the past year. Whereas approximately equal numbers of clinic couples were incongruent for husband and for wife violence (32% vs. 31%), only incongruence for husband violence (H W) was found to correlate with reports of affective and relationship functioning. Incongruent H W wives were more likely to be depressed and angry. H W incongruent wives were also more negative about the inter-spousal communication and rated the relationship as more unsatisfactory for them than did congruent wives. Incongruent H W husbands also perceived the relationship more negatively, but their levels of depression and anger did not differ from congruent H W husbands. These findings were not replicated for spouses who were incongruent for wife violence. Our results support the conclusion that spousal disagreement about H W violence has a more negative impact than does disagreement about wives' level of aggression.  相似文献   
从收继婚风俗看明代的律例   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
明代的律例严格禁止收继婚,可是,严厉的法律不但没有根除收继婚,收继婚反而作为社会一种风俗习惯而普遍存在。为什么法律严格禁止却根除不了收继婚?为什么收继婚普遍存在而法律却显得苍白无力?这其中有政府对法律推行不力的原因,也有传统风俗习惯沉积的原因,更有伦理道德方面的因素。用法律去禁止近乎人情和社会基本认同的事情,固然有移风易俗方面的功效,但法律的公正性和严肃性必然要受到挑战,而有禁不止所带来的副作用,更合使法律的尊严受到破坏。  相似文献   
根据我国现行刑法的规定,奸淫幼女构成犯罪的,应定为强奸罪;奸淫幼女既遂的认定标准应采取"插入说";奸淫幼女构成犯罪应以明知奸淫的对象是幼女为要件。刑法有必要增设独立的奸淫幼女罪。  相似文献   
由于儿童具有特殊的生理和心理,对于其作证资格,历来有许多争议。但儿童证人资格属于证明能力问题,而儿童证言可信性则属证明力的问题。由于儿童各方面发育还未完全成熟、稳定,在儿童作证时,有必要采取适当的保护措施,以减轻儿童作证的压力,且可保障儿童证言的质量。  相似文献   
This article outlines the law enforcement response to online child sexual exploitation and identifies two key areas of research that would benefit from an academic focus—the link between online and offline child sexual exploitation offending, and the psychological health and wellness of online child sexual exploitation investigation employees. While there are several areas in need of research, these two areas demonstrate a unique opportunity for collaborative work. Also highlighted is a joint international research partnership among law enforcement, practitioners and academia that demonstrates the benefits of linking academic research interests with the practical needs of law enforcement. Last, are several suggestions for operationally relevant collaborative research in this area. Such opportunities bring together various areas of expertise, which will advance our understanding of the needs of victims, and improve victim support services.  相似文献   
论同性婚姻合法化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李霞 《河北法学》2008,26(3):101-104
随着医学、伦理学和社会学对同性恋现象的深入研究,对同性恋者婚姻家庭权利予以法律保障的全球化立法运动此起彼伏。同性恋者追求永久结合的诉求具有正当性,应当予以立法保护。鉴于同性婚姻和异性婚姻毕竟存在着很多不同,应当区别对待。借鉴世界上其他国家的立法模式,结合我国的具体国情,我国同性恋者的结合宜采"同性伴侣"的立法模式,其成立要件、效力、同性伴侣财产制度也有别于婚姻制度。  相似文献   
我国现行《婚姻法》对于婚姻存续期间夫妻关系的法律调整适用的是离婚损害赔偿的民事救济,对不涉及离婚的夫妻之间人格侵权纠纷的民事责任的追究却没有作出明确的规定。在婚姻关系尚未破裂之时,当事人只想用民事惩罚措施,使加害人更加明确承担法律义务的强制性和严肃性。因此,建立婚内侵权的民事责任即可弥补法律规范之空白,有效地阻止夫妻间侵权行为发生,也是维护稳定及和睦婚姻家庭生活的积极有效途径。  相似文献   
嫖宿幼女罪自其设立之时就在学者中间存有争议,近年来发生的几起影响较大的嫖宿幼女案,更将争论推向社会各界。在这些争论中,更多的意见是废除嫖宿幼女罪,将嫖宿幼女并人奸淫幼女,以强奸罪论处。从国际公约的视角来看,嫖宿幼女罪的罪名确属不当,然而,将嫖宿幼女合并于奸淫幼女的意见也值得商确,事实上也难以实现。综合考虑各种因素,建议废除嫖宿幼女罪,将嫖宿幼女当作强迫幼女卖淫,以强迫卖淫罪论处。  相似文献   
A comparison of three groups of Title IV-E child welfare workers revealed significant differences among all groups on job expectations and career goals. New workers reported most positive expectations for their jobs, and greatest interest in child welfare careers and in pursuing educational goals. Seasoned workers expressed least positive expectations and least interest in future child welfare careers and educational goals. Findings may assist universities in student selection and curriculum. Child welfare agencies may benefit in areas of recruitment, training, and policies. Realistic job previews might moderate high expectations for new workers and reduce unmet expectations for experienced workers.  相似文献   
和丽军 《时代法学》2013,11(4):66-75
根据我国《继承法》,不仅丧偶儿媳或女婿对公婆或岳父母尽了主要赡养义务后能成为第一顺序继承人,继兄弟姐妹间、旧社会形成的一夫多妻家庭中子女与生母以外的父亲的其他配偶间形成扶养关系的,也均互有继承权,该规定直接突破了世界通行的继承权仅在血亲及配偶范围内的传统基础。无论从继承权产生的基础,还是从姻亲继承产生的源流上分析,我国基于赡养扶助行为授予姻亲继承权都是对继承权基础的直接违背,也是对现实生活中民众继承习惯的背离。通过对姻亲的赡养扶助行为与继承权关系的分析,找出合理的路径与渠道对其实施赡养扶助行为后的权益进行补偿,始为正确的选择。  相似文献   
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