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价值观教育课程是美国大学价值观教育的“核心”,它不仅包括通识教育课程和专业学术课程等显性课程,还包括大学规章制度、服务学习活动、师生互动、仪式庆典、宗教活动、学生咨询服务等隐性课程。目前,美国大学价值观教育课程具有课程目标稳定性和可操作性、课程实施方式的综合化和多样化以及课程内容的隐身化等特点。研究美国大学价值观教育课程,至少可以在课程设置、课程目标、课程内容以及课程实施等四个方面对我国大学价值观教育课程变革提供启示与借鉴。  相似文献   
北京警察学院公安管理学专业建设时间不长,需要开展大量工作,而在所有工作中课程体系建设尤为重要。在大量调研的基础上,按照首都公安需要,着眼职业岗位能力,设计了模块化的课程体系;同时设计了实践教学体系,体现专业的实践特色。  相似文献   
治安学本科专业课程体系经过多年的建设,得到了长足发展,积累了宝贵经验,但也面临发展定位和发展思路不明确等诸多问题,尤其是在公安学被增列为法学门类下的一级学科、治安学成为公安学下设二级学科的背景下,治安学本科专业课程建设更要突出其在治安学学科建设和治安学专业建设中的正确定位,发挥载体作用,以公共基础课、专业基础课、专业课和专业选修课构建为着力点,完善课程体系建设,为培养合格的治安管理应用型人才服务。  相似文献   
笔者通过亲历实践,在课程设计、课堂行为、案例分析、数据报表和总结研究等活动中,将游戏与教学这两种互为补充的形式整合起来,实现对教学内容、材料的优化选择和环境的合理创设,培养学前儿童的画画兴趣,调动其参与活动的积极性,让学员充分体验活动的快乐,从而促进其审美能力的发展。  相似文献   
《侦查思维》是一门旨在提高学生科学思维水平,塑造良好职业思维品质的课程。有必要对开设这门课程的思路、设想等进行研究,以期推动《侦查思维》课程的建设和发展。  相似文献   
刑事科学技术是我国公安技术中最具特色的学科专业之一,并且在我国执法办案过程中发挥了积极作用,而美国在法庭科学领域各方面技术起步较早,在国际上属领先地位。美国法庭科学的课程体系对我国的刑事科学技术教育具有借鉴意义。针对我国刑事科学技术教育体系中存在的问题,应从学科体系、课程设置、专业设置、实验室建设四个方面对其进行改革。  相似文献   
当前经济侦查专业教学存在着学科定位不明确、重技能轻基础、重专业轻联系、授课方式呆板等问题,需要增加法学课程和学时比重,加强学科基础以及与其他学科的联系,改革教学方法,对现有的教学模式进行重构。  相似文献   
There is a world of difference between teaching negotiation theory, which pertains to conceptual understanding, and teaching negotiation skills, which pertain to actual behavior in real‐world situations. The principle of reflective practice is widely used for theoretical instruction. Deliberate practice, however, is a more powerful model for skills training. Cognitive scientists have discovered that subjects will learn skills best when they perform well‐defined tasks at appropriate levels of difficulty, and when they are given immediate feedback, an opportunity to correct their errors, and an opportunity to practice until the tasks become routine. To satisfy the deliberate practice conditions for large graduate‐level negotiation courses (some as large as seventy students), students were assigned to use webcams with their laptop computers to video record their negotiation exercises. Before each exercise, students were assigned to prepare for and to concentrate on performing two or three well‐defined tasks. Students reviewed these recordings and commented on their performances in a journal before uploading the videos and journals to an assigned network folder. The instructor and teaching assistants then reviewed the journals and specified portions of the videos and provided individual written feedback to the students. The instructors found that student negotiating skills have improved significantly using this new system. In comparison with earlier semesters, students also felt they were involved in a more intense and personal learning experience. A majority of students reported they intend to apply the principles of deliberate practice in their professional lives after graduation. The authors have found this method continues to challenge their ability to identify and describe the skills used by expert negotiators. As an addition to this new methodology, two of the authors have spearheaded the development of video annotation software, known as “MediaNotes,” to help students and instructors review, comment upon, and learn from video recordings of negotiations. Based on their experiences using the software to support deliberate practice, the authors expect this tool to initiate a significant advance in our ability to recognize and describe expert negotiation behavior and in students’ ability to improve their negotiating skills.  相似文献   
教师要熟悉教材内容、洞悉课程特点,研究教学规律,多方收集多媒体素材,选择适当的媒体整合平台,优化运行方式,不断根据教学反馈进行修改、完善,才有可能制作出一个良好的CAI课件。  相似文献   
教育学存在两种不同的形态:作为学科的教育学和作为课程的教育学.从学理上讲,两种形态的教育学既相互独立,又相伴相生,彼此有着极为深刻的影响.现实中的教育学课程形态主要表现为:教师教育体系中的教育学课程;教育科研体系中的教育学课程;基础教育、成人教育体系中的教育学课程.据此,未来的教育学可能分化出三种品格:其一是大众教育学;其二是"临床"教育学;其三是人文教育学.无论是大众化还是精英化,无论是实用性追求还是超越性追求,我们的旨趣都在发展人、生成人.因此,只要"成人"之需要存在,教育学就不会终结,教育学的课程形态也将不断演变、发展乃至走向相对意义的完善.  相似文献   
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