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经济全球化:发展中国家的机遇与挑战   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
杨争光 《思想战线》2000,26(2):26-29
经济全球化已成为不可阻挡的世界性潮流,不管我们喜欢它也好,不喜欢它也好,它都实实在在地影响和改变着我们的生活,任何国家、民族都无法独立于经济全球化之外.由于经济全球化是资本主义主导下的历史进程,是资本主义生产方式的必然延伸,因此,广大的发展中国家在这一过程中处于相对不利的地位,面临较大困难.但它们必须成为这个过程的一部分,抓住机遇、迎接挑战,扬长避短、趋利避害.此外别无选择.  相似文献   
赵书虹 《思想战线》2000,26(5):62-65
在云南少数民族服饰与地理、历史、文化关系的研究中,服饰作为传统文化的重要组成部分,相对集中地表现了民族文化、性别文化以及民族的装饰艺术,同时也沉淀了历史、民族、自然的信息,是非言语交流的途径之一.同时,妇女在保护和传承民族服饰文化中发挥着重要作用.  相似文献   
冷战结束尤其是2014年后,美国对亚洲安全事务的影响和作用总体有所降低,中国参与、贡献和引领亚洲安全新格局构建的地位和作用上升。中国、美国及地区国家深度博弈,多数国家期待建立一个全面、有效、可被广泛接受的亚洲安全新格局。当前,亚洲安全格局存在着时空错位、理念分歧、结构冲突、机制分散等四大关联交互的突出问题,导致亚洲安全面临系统困境。从区域公共产品视角看,亚洲安全公共产品供求矛盾日益突出,亟待探索构建亚洲安全新格局。中国应抓住历史机遇,积极发挥在亚洲安全新格局建构中的角色作用,加强理念和方向引领,加强同世界主要力量在地区安全问题上的协调合作,妥善处理地区安全热点问题,加强文明交流互鉴,推动亚洲安全治理机制建设,大力推进亚洲安全合作,努力实现从安全公共产品的消费国向供给国转变,为自身建设发展营造良好外部环境,也为亚洲安全建设和构建亚洲命运共同体、迈向人类命运共同体贡献更大力量。  相似文献   
This study analyzes transformations of historiography and identity discourses by focusing on the Memory House of Ali R?za Efendi (the father of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk) as a “site of historical consciousness” which was reconstructed in the western part of the Republic of Macedonia. The House, referred to by the villagers as the “Memory House of Atatürk,” was opened in 2014 in a Muslim village, Kocac?k, with the support of the Turkish state. Through material and textual representations of Atatürk’s life, the House speaks to the Turkishness and Turkish presence in the Balkans. The Turkishness, however, is imagined through the neo-Ottoman and Islamic prisms. The House thus becomes the locus of alternative interpretations of the past, and, consequently, narratives of Muslims’ identity and origin in the region. Moreover, as it is reconstructed at the nexus of the local and the transnational, the House is also called a symbol of the “politics of brotherhood” between Macedonia and Turkey. In this way, the institution embodies the reconstruction of the past not only at the local and national levels, but also at the international level.  相似文献   
张晋藩 《法学杂志》2020,(3):1-6,92
马克思主义理论的科学性源于辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义的世界观和方法论,为我们认识世界、改造世界提供了强大思想武器,中华法文化的历史发展也证实了马克思唯物史观的科学性。一是中国法律的起源摆脱了宗教神学的束缚,反映了法是表现统治阶级共同利益的国家意志;二是中国法制历史的发展体现出一般规律与特殊规律的统一,需要从实际出发,具体问题具体分析;三是法律作为社会意识形式能动地作用于社会存在;四是红色政权与法制的发展充分显示了马克思主义的实践性。  相似文献   
Race and Class     
《Labor History》2012,53(4):486-494
This article examines the rise of the Independent Workers Union (IWU) in Ireland, North and South, in relation to the bifurcation of trade unionism on the Island, from 1900 until the demise of the so-called Celtic tiger in the early years of the twenty-first century. It is argued that two competing ideological and political trajectories defined the major divisions in the Irish labour movement and where given added impetus with the formation of two separate states after 1920. One tradition was committed to an idea of a progressive British empire, while the other was born of a movement linking together trade union, class and national autonomy. A trade union with a long history and recent past, the IWU represents a labour movement formation whose tradition extends the latter: it is committed to developing forms of opposition to state and capital. If more subdued since the partition of the island, this tradition was reignited with the implosion of Social Partnership in the South and the rise of the new sectarianism in the North. Neoliberalism, with its consequent assault upon labour and its various institutions more broadly, provided additional impetus to the creation of the IWU in 2004. The article also assesses its various alternative union and community organising strategies.  相似文献   
随着中国走向市场经济,没有任何问题能比马克思主义的历史命运更能引起人们的关注。本文结合《资本论》三大手稿.以与传统哲学教科书不同的方式,围绕以下十二个问题,展示马克思历史哲学的当代意义:关于市场经济的历史地位;商品经济的两大历史阶段;商品经济的重要历史作用;货币的历史地位;资本的文明面;关于交往方式;关于资本的有限性;关于竞争;关于社会主义所有制;关于重建个体所有制;关于共产主义的历史前提;关于历史唯物主义。我的结论是,马克思是研究市场经济的第一人,他的无穷的思想遗产依然是我们改革开放的指路明灯,马克思在当代依然是不可超越的。  相似文献   
在国企体制改革中出现的由企业党政副职兼任工会主席的现象与工会改革的理论相违 ,也不符合党对工会工作的指导方针。这种存在的客观性说明 ,目前的企业工会缺乏独立承担社会任务的能力条件 ,但现实条件下的这种存在有利于工会工作。中国工会对市场经济的适应是一个历史的过程。当前是在党政扶持下加强和提高工会组织能力、素质及社会影响 ,为工会实现群众化、民主化、法治化的历史性转变准备社会条件所必须经历的时期。  相似文献   
何成学 《桂海论丛》2007,23(1):24-26
马克思主义中国化具有历史必然性:即是中国革命、建设和民族复兴的需要;是马克思主义理论自身发展的本质要求和实现我们党的历史使命的客观需要;马克思主义与中国传统思想文化中的进步要素具有价值契合点;中国共产党的正确领导是根本保证。  相似文献   
With nine main theses that are interspersed with each other, this paper explores and articulates some of the most important questions in natural law theory. The theses include: I. In investigating facts, one finds reasons to choose an honest self-discipline; II. Deliberating, one finds reasons similarly directing one to other intrinsic goods; III. Taken integrally, these goods and principles acquire the force of moral precepts; IV. Those precepts, natural moral law, depict our nature (humanity) in its flourishing; V. Nature and natures are best explained by free, intelligent transcendent creation; VI. Creation and other gifts past and present deserve our gratitude; VII. Natural moral law and historical revelation are two channels of information; VIII. Secular and spiritual communities are distinct and respectfully self-governing; IX. Natural moral law defines human rights but rightfully extends beyond them.  相似文献   
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