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刘树桥 《政法学刊》2003,20(4):37-38
我国作为WTO的正式成员,涉及经济和法律等诸多方面要和国际接轨。因此如何摆正我国在经济世界中的位置是至关重要的。我国应充分享有组织成员国应享有的权利,并承担应承担的义务。同时,鉴于我国的诸多领域与WTO规则不一致,所以要在充分维护我国利益的基础上,对国内的一些规则作出调整,特别是对经济体制和法律制度作出调整。此外,针对涉外经济纠纷,我国要以自己的基本法律制度为依据,而不能直接运用WTO规则。  相似文献   
社会学视野中的城市化新市民   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
聂洪辉 《桂海论丛》2004,20(5):53-55
城市化的实质是农民市民化。在城市化过程中,总是伴随大量的农民失去土地从而变成市民。城市化新市民在转变为合格市民的过程中,因为外界环境条件和他们的心理都会发生剧烈变化,所以必然要面临各种冲突和社会失范。通过社会调适城市化新市民的角色冲突,改变他们的文化、生活方式和建立新社区等可以使他们能尽快地适应城市生活,早日转变为合格的城市居民。  相似文献   
This article evaluates the effects of terrorism on interventions into civil wars. Considering civil wars from 1970–1999, this study analyzes how the use of terrorism as a tactic affects external interventions on behalf of opposition groups, interventions on behalf of governments, and diplomatic interventions. While some authors would suggest that groups might utilize terrorism as a tactic to gain external support, this study finds little evidence that groups are actually successful in gaining such support. In fact, terrorism that targets civilians appears to actually decrease the likelihood of military interventions on behalf of opposition groups. Furthermore, in civil wars with high numbers of terrorist attacks there is a greater likelihood of economic intervention on behalf of governments, further weakening the potential benefit for groups in utilizing terrorism as a tactic. While this is certainly a welcome finding, a consideration of five case studies of suicide terrorism (Lebanon, Sri Lanka, Iraq, India, and Turkey) provides evidence that the use of suicide terrorism within civil wars may have decreased the likelihood of external interventions on behalf of the government and of diplomatic interventions. These results are more troubling and suggest potentially grave consequences for mediating many of these conflicts.  相似文献   
对涉外劳动合同的法律适用,我国学术界存在很大的争议,司法实践也存在不同的做法。主要有适用《合同法》第126条与适用劳动法两种观点。从劳动合同的本质来看,应该承认涉外劳动合同中存在法律冲突。为了更好地保护劳动者,要进行法律的相应完善,这可以从对当事人的意思自治进行限制,引入保护弱者利益原则和直接适用的法理论来着手。  相似文献   
商标使用的动态性、商标注册审查制度的必然漏洞、信赖保护原则和禁止重复诉讼原则是自己注册商标侵权抗辩的正当性理由,欧盟和日本相关立法佐证了自己注册商标侵权抗辩的合理性和可行性。自己注册商标侵权抗辩制度之目的是维持注册取得商标权和商标集中授权制度的稳定性并避免注册商标成为商标侵权的工具。自己注册商标侵权抗辩的构成条件包括注册商标与他人的注册商标存在冲突、用以进行侵权抗辩的注册商标有效且属于善意注册或虽非善意但已超过商标法规定的无效宣告期限、注册商标在被控侵权之前已实际使用并有一定影响、注册商标善意使用且使用方式符合商业习惯。注册商标侵权抗辩包括对损害赔偿责任和停止侵害责任的抗辩,在后商标的注册时间及冲突商标的使用状况将影响注册商标侵权抗辩的成立。对于无法被宣告无效或撤销且正常使用的注册商标可以通过附加区别标志来减轻消费者混淆的可能性。  相似文献   
The paper focuses on two largely understudied and interrelated aspects of the post-2008 economic crisis: how the politics of austerity influences the dynamics of environmental conflict and how the environment is mobilized in subaltern struggles against the normalization of austerity as the hegemonic response to crisis. We ground our analysis on two grassroots conflicts in Greece: the “no-middlemen” solidarity food distribution networks (across Greece) and the movement against gold mining in Halkidiki (northern Greece). Using a Gramscian political ecology framework, our analysis shows that by reciprocally combining anti-austerity politics and alternative ways of understanding and using “nature,” both projects challenge the reproduction of uneven society–environment relations exacerbated by the neoliberal austerity agenda.  相似文献   
A large literature argues that ethnic voting is detrimental to democracy. Ethnic voting may have at least three effects: (1) it can reduce uncertainty over electoral results; (2) it may increase the winner-take-all character of elections; and (3) it can lead to a process of ethnic outbidding. However, few studies have tested the effect of ethnic voting on democracy using large-N quantitative analysis. Previous tests instead look at whether ethnic fractionalization hinders democracy. Yet, ethnic diversity does not necessarily lead to the politicization of ethnicity, and it is only when ethnicity is activated as a vehicle of political mobilization that it can destabilize democracy. This article tests the effect of ethnic voting in 58 democracies worldwide between 1992 and 2015. On balance, the evidence suggests that democracies with high ethnic voting levels tend to see the quality of their democracy reduce over time relative to those with less ethnic voting. Ethnic and religious fractionalization, however, have little effect.  相似文献   
建立健全防止利益冲突制度是从源头上治理腐败,推动廉政建设纵深发展的必然选择,而利益观教育则是从思想源头上预防和治理腐败的基础,加强利益观教育,有助于增强防止利益冲突制度反腐败的效果。利益观教育是上个系统工程,需要多方面形成合力:应牢固树立马克思主义利益观,始终把人民群众的利益摆在第一位,把实现好、维护好、发展好最广大人民的根本利益作为全部工作的出发点和落脚点;应建立健全具有中国特色的利益观教育体制机制,拓展教育内容,创新教育方法;应深化干部人事制度与分配制度改革,运用利益激励机制,提高党员干部廉洁奉公的积极性。  相似文献   
陶红武 《青年论坛》2010,(6):101-105
作为一种互联网络的新生事物,域名在其产生之初,由于法律制度对其缺乏规范和管理,导致了域名与商标产生权利的碰撞,引发了二者的权利冲突。要解决域名和商标的冲突问题就要分析矛盾发生的原因,并从域名的注册管理入手,完善域名与商标的权利冲突的预防机制,并且调整现行法律法规,促进现实社会和网络虚拟世界的和谐发展。  相似文献   
梳理农村房屋拆迁过程中职务犯罪的高发坏节,整理近年来该领域的重要案件,立足于检察机关职务犯罪预防的职能作用,创新社会管理化解农村社会矛盾,找出农村拆迁过程中职务犯罪预防的现状和不足,提出改进和完善之道,力图使职务犯罪预防工作在农村房屋拆迁领域起到积极作用,从而化解社会矛盾为农村社会健康稳定发展保驾护航。  相似文献   
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