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刘文良 《思想战线》2005,31(1):130-135
中国的文学批评要继续生存和发展,要在全球化时代中有所作为,就需要重树它的浩然之气。面对文坛大腕,不瞎捧;面对名利诱惑,不媚俗;面对"权威"的棒喝,不低头;面对西方强势话语,不盲从。批评家的这种刚正不阿的独立人格,是文学批评充溢浩然之气的前提;批评家丰厚扎实的学识素养和良好的理性思辨能力,是文学批评浩然之气的保障。  相似文献   
90年前,在中国共产党的正确领导下,诞生了一个全新的以马克思列宁主义为行动指南的中国优秀青年组织——中国共产主义青年团。中国共产主义青年团的诞生,给中国青年带来了深刻、久远的影响,而且也使得中国青年有了自己的组织。当代青年要以共青团组织的历史精神承载起民族复兴的重任。  相似文献   
Educational freedom, rightly understood, depends upon the freedom to shape - and (for individuals) to choose to study in or teach in - distinctive educational institutions. This implies an obligation upon faculty who have chosen to commit themselves to such an institution to teach in a way that engages positively with its educational project. Policies which provide scope and encouragement for schools and universities to represent distinctive and coherent viewpoints are an essential condition of educational freedom in a pluralistic society. These issues are discussed with reference to the ‘values project‘ of Free University in Amsterdam and to debates, in the Netherlands and the United States, over the distinctive character of schools. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
中国共产党肩负文化使命是实现初心和使命的内在要求,是提高党的执行能力的重要途径,也是进行国际文化交往的必然举措。中国共产党是具有优秀特质的政党,能够运用马克思主义来解决文化问题,能够根据实践主题的转化推进文化建设,这是党足以承担文化使命的独特优势。在百年历程之中,中国共产党始终坚持以马克思主义作为文化建设的指导思想,坚持把“以人民为中心”作为价值旨归,注重把握时代发展脉搏和文化发展规律,保持党的使命意识和危机意识,这既是党在实践中总结出的宝贵经验,也为开展新时代文化建设提供了重要启示。  相似文献   
优秀企业家群体的涌现,是以提升企业家的哲学素养为前提的。企业家只有具备了深厚的哲学素养才能以执着的精神献身企业,才能具有伟大的人格魅力凝聚员工,才能最终站在哲学的高度把握企业经营,使企业发展壮大。企业家应充分认识自己所肩负的责任,勤奋学习,并在全社会创设出尊重企业家、崇尚理性的文化氛围,这是提升我国企业家哲学素养的有效途径。  相似文献   
自2011年末金正日病逝至今,金正恩接掌朝鲜政权时间已过半年。在这半年时间里,朝鲜政局基本稳定,金正恩通过"三步曲"接掌朝鲜最高权力,并开始履行国家最高领导权;外交方面,金正恩也展现出比以前更加积极的姿态,呈现出远交近攻之特点;经济发展方面,朝鲜已进入缓慢的复苏之中。总的来说,现今朝鲜的国情远比金正日时代开启之初的情况好得多。执政半年里金正恩处变不惊,措施得当:行孝道以取民心;造时势以立英雄;承祖训以示正统。当前,朝鲜已来到一个十字路口:朝鲜想怎么走,应该怎么走,能怎么走,引人关注。笔者认为,金正恩政权的使命是注重发展,解决民生问题;对其未来发展,给出了三阶段时间表与路线图予以描绘。  相似文献   
大学生有效政治参与是我国公民政治参与的重要组成部分,对实现中国梦具有重要意义。当前我国大学生有效政治参与仍存在不平衡性、实用主义等现实问题,通过发挥国家调控、学校引领、个人自律等方面的力量,解决大学生有效政治参与存在的现实问题,为实现中国梦尽一份力。  相似文献   
王冲 《青年论坛》2013,(6):56-63
知识分子是一个众说纷纭的话题.既涉及到概念本身的界定厘清,又关联着知识分子阶层的一言一行.发展中国,更离不开绵延数千年的文化传统,加之近几十年历史的风云变幻、政策更迭,知识分子研究越加莫衷一是.但也充分表明了知识分子在一个社会中是何其重要,百年来跌宕起伏的中华民族复兴史诗即是明证.而青年知识分子在这一历程中所展现的决心、意志和能力,必将使知识分子的内涵再添亮色.当代青年知识分子既承继先驱精英所遗留的宝贵财富,又抹不去“知识”赋予人们的天然印记,更面临着遽然变化的世情、国情、党情,何去何从便成了一个至关重要的问题.因此,通过把握知识分子内涵,认清青年知识分子所承担的历史使命和历史责任,从而塑造知识分子的全新形象,是他们这一代终究绕不开的现实命题和未竟之任.  相似文献   
Undergraduate students (218 women, 57 men) attending a Roman Catholic, suburban university with a Franciscan charism tradition completed open-ended items assessing their perception on the mission, vision, and values of their university. However, only 41 lower division, first-year students (33 women, 8 men) and 29 upper division students (22 women, 7 men) actually wrote about different aspects of their school's identity. Qualitative themes emerged in regard to students' assessment of their school identity, such as university mission activities are perceived important, and overall support for different institutional values within the university community.  相似文献   
Since modern times, in the historical process of national liberation, Chinese youths have dared to shoulder the historical mission and made outstanding contributions in the history of modern China. Inheriting the historical mission entrusted by the predecessors and carrying the ideal of the Chinese people in pursuit of a better life, the contemporary Chinese youth is becoming a force that cannot be ignored in the practice of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Under the unprecedented material conditions and institutional advantages, only through “establishing lofty ideals”, “raising courage to struggle” and “practicing excellent skills” can the unity of ideality and reality be realized. Only by “loving the great motherland”, “taking the responsibility of the times”,and “refining moral character” can the unification of personal and social values be realized. Since the 18th National Congress of the CPC, with the continuous improvement of China's educational system, under the guidance of the socialist core value system, Chinese youths in the new era have begun to show patriotism, determination, diligence, moral cultivation, innovation, and pragmatism.This will certainly promote the contemporary youth to gradually grow into talents who can adhere to their ideals and keep pace with the times.  相似文献   
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