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刑事和解在司法实践中的适用虽已初步形成思路,但在具体适用范围上尤其是在死刑案件能否适用刑事和解方面仍尚无定论,以致其在司法界的大胆尝试和学界的谨慎保留中处于尴尬境地.现阶段,死刑案件适用刑事和解纵然有其合理之处,然其终究难以避免与公权力的权威、公平正义和平等观念之间的冲突.笔者认为,死刑案件中被告人与被害人之间的和解并不符合刑事和解的本义,其实为国家救济制度建立之前的一种迫不得已的救济措施.因此,刑事和解不应延伸适用到死刑等重罪案件领域,国家应尽快建立国家救济制度以代替刑事和解在死刑案件中对被害人及其亲属的救助作用.  相似文献   
In Afghanistan, there has been much talk about, and international support for dealing with past injustices by developing transitional justice mechanisms. Reconciliation is being promoted as a nation-building strategy. This article argues that the implementation of transitional justice poses several challenges. First, a significant component of such a strategy is based on reconciliation taking place internally among competing armed groups and ethnic identities with the goal of transforming Afghan society. This assumes the cause of past conflicts to be internal and along ethnic divisions which limits the accountability for war crimes. It also considers violence and crimes of war as a thing of the past, ignoring the present situation. Furthermore, given the ongoing war between the US-led forces and the Taliban, insecurity and escalating levels of violence one has to question whether transitional justice can take place during a war. This article concludes that transitional justice is interconnected to perceptions of security and stability. The analysis of the present situation in Afghanistan poses critical questions as to whether memories of victims can be considered as the past in the midst of war.  相似文献   
This article examines Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela’s political life and legacy from the perspective of critical decolonial liberation ethics, which privileges a paradigm of peace, humanism and racial harmony and opposes the imperial/colonial/apartheid paradigm of war, racial hatred and separation of races. This system emerged in the 15th century and was driven by the desire to conquer, dispossess, colonise, exploit and segregate people according to race and, alongside imperatives of primitive accumulation, it informed the colonisation of South Africa and the imposition of apartheid. Mandela was a liberation fighter who provided an antidote to the colonial ideology of racial profiling and hierarchisation. What distinguished him from other freedom fighters was his commitment to the cause of human rights as early as the 1960s, long before it attained its status as a constitutive part of global normative order. When Mandela became the first black president of a democratic South Africa, his practical and symbolic overtures to whites and his reconciliatory politics aimed to call them back to a new inclusive humanity. Critical decolonial ethics logically enables a tribute to Mandela that privileges his commitment to a post-racial society and new humanism.  相似文献   
刑事和解制度与中国语境   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
以恢复正义与纠纷解决多元化理论为基础的刑事和解制度具有重大的实践价值和意义。但是,作为西方经验的产物,它与中国的语境诸如传统观念、国家本位价值观、实在法的基本原则、制度环境等存在着一些冲突,因此,要成功移植刑事和解制度,就必须对上述的冲突进行必要的协调。  相似文献   
何婧  荆长岭 《政法学刊》2008,25(1):50-53
我国司法机关在对"刑事和解"进行摸索并取得不少成功经验过程中,既得到了一定程度的认可,同时也遭受着诸多质疑。我们认为刑事和解符合刑法的三大基本原则和刑罚的目的、功能,与我国"宽严相济"和"严打"等主要刑事政策也不相冲突,应作为一种新制度和新理念加以确立。  相似文献   
刑事和解在实施过程中存在着加害人与被害人达成协议后反悔的情况,此时如何发现当事人达成和解的真实意思表示,成为司法机关具体认定原有刑事和解协议效力及其履行行为的关键,由此延伸出司法机关审查刑事和解协议的一般标准,具体包括加害人与被害人对和解的后果是否"明知"、对事实的认知是否同一、加害人是否作有罪答辩并真诚悔过、协议的达成是否基于加害人与被害人的自愿、对被害人的经济赔偿是否体现加害人的悔罪意思、和解协议是否注意关注了被害人的精神需要等。  相似文献   
刑事和解的理论依据主要是依据契约理论和人权保障理论。它强调在当事人自愿的前提下,以当事人认同的方式解决刑事纠纷,以便从根本上保障受害人和加害人的利益,修复被犯罪破坏的社会关系,实现社会秩序的和谐稳定。  相似文献   
修订后的民事诉讼法涉及面广、内容丰富,特别在民事检察监督领域修改颇多,完善了民事检察监督职能,给基层民事检察工作带来了良好的发展机遇,也带来了严峻的挑战。应构建民事检察息诉和解机制,以科学合理地解决纠纷,维护当事人利益,创造和谐社会。  相似文献   
在交通肇事犯罪案件中适用刑事和解具有有利于及时弥补被害人或其家属的损失、缓和当事人之间的矛盾并促进社会和谐的积极效果,但也伴随有弱化刑罚预防犯罪功能、违背适用刑法平等原则、损害当事人利益的消极影响。为更好地发挥刑事和解化解矛盾的优势,应采取多种措施,实现被害人、加害人以及社会公共利益的动态平衡。  相似文献   
在构建社会主义和谐社会的过程中,所有有利于解决社会矛盾与纠纷、促进社会的繁荣与稳定的制度设计,都应当受到人们的密切关注。刑事和解这一兴起于西方发达国家的制度,在保护被害人合法权益、教育改造加害人以及维护社会稳定方面,能弥补我国刑事法律制度的不足,因此构建中国特色的刑事和解制度便成了必然选择。在检察院提起公诉阶段的刑事和解的范围和内容等问题的立法完善,更是整个刑事和解制度的重中之重。  相似文献   
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