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The roots of armed conflicts that spread over the territory of the Former Yugoslavia in 1990's had been largely connected with the religious differences among members of the Orthodox Church (Serbs and Montenegrins), the Catholic Church (Croats) and Muslims (Bosniaks). During the time of war in the involved States (Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Montenegro), the media significantly contributed to spread hatred and intolerance among religious groups. In the post-war period, the situation has gradually improved. So nowadays, there is a complex network of laws and rules intended to protect and respect the rights of religious minorities in Croatia. Moreover, a wide range of laws regulate the rights of religious minorities access to the Croatian public television and radio. However, despite a well-defined legal framework, religious minorities continue to be dissatisfied with the way the media deal with religion and relevant issues in practice. Their plea for impartial and neutral media is easy to undarstand if we take into consideration the fact that the media have an utmost importance in raising public awarness in the area of rights of religious minorities, the improvement of their status and tolerance of majority population in that respect.  相似文献   
左娅 《欧洲研究》2006,24(4):27-38
欧盟东扩是欧洲一体化进程中的重要一环,不仅对欧盟和中东欧国家意义重大,对21世纪的欧洲乃至世界格局的变动也将产生重大影响。随着保加利亚和罗马尼亚入盟时间的确定,西巴尔干成为欧盟东扩进程中的最后一环。而它作为一个西巴尔干国家,既有着与其他西巴尔干国家相似的历史背景,又有着与中欧国家相同的文化传统。而它在地理、历史和文化上的特殊性使其在加入欧洲一体化的过程中呈现出不同于其他国家的独特之处。本文系统梳理了克罗地亚与欧盟关系的发展历程,分析了其入盟的文化、经济、政治和安全因素,并通过同其他西巴尔干国家“达标”情况的对比,阐释了克罗地亚领先于这些国家的原因。  相似文献   
和静钧 《先锋队》2011,(7):56-57
2010年12月27日,克罗地亚女总理亚德兰卡.科索尔一口气撤换了四名关键部门的部长,包括国防部、财政部、文化部及负责环保、规划、城管、城建的"建设部"等部长。走马换将是内阁人事变动的常事,但一次"下岗"这么多权倾朝野的内阁大员,  相似文献   
This paper presents the results of empirical research conducted during the summer 2007 on the Dalmatian coast in Croatia about how much tourists used the Internet as a source of information. Precisely, because tourism is an important part of Croatian economy, it is in everyone's interest for information about Croatia as a tourist destination to be available to potential guests. A variety of media are used in achieving that aim--starting with conventional speech and conversation amongst friends, through radio, television and the press, and now the Internet. This paper has the aim of exploring the share of Internet usage as a source of information compared to other media and showing some characteristics of tourists who have used the Internet as the main source of information and spent their vacations in Croatia in July and August in 2007. The main hypothesis is the continuing problem of the generation and education gap and that the Internet does not jeopardize direct communication.  相似文献   
南斯拉夫分裂为几个国家之后,各国就爆发了内战,人数最多的信仰东正教的塞族、各族穆斯林、信仰天主教的克罗地亚人之间相互混战。穆斯林和克罗地亚人都得到了西方的支持,塞族则只有俄罗斯的精神支持。塞国只能吞下苦果。在塞国前总统米洛舍维奇被捕病故之后,捉拿卡拉季奇就成为西方下一个目标,但塞国政府的庇护在13年里阻止了这个目标的实现。  相似文献   
4月1日奥运火炬抵达阿拉木图,开始历时一个月、传经五大洲19个国家的全球传递。 4月2—4日北约成员国首脑会议在罗马尼亚首都布加勒斯特举行。会议邀请克罗地亚和阿尔巴尼亚加入北约,乌克兰和格鲁吉亚未获邀请。 4月5日联合国新一轮气候变化谈判在泰国曼谷结束,160多个与会国家代表同意年内分别在德国、加纳和波兰举行三轮谈判。  相似文献   
2013年7月1日克罗地亚正式加入欧盟,成为第一个完成入盟进程的西巴尔干国家。这不仅在本国历史上具有里程碑式意义,而且对于其他西巴尔干国家也有重要的借鉴意义。本文系统梳理了克罗地亚与欧盟关系的发展历程、西巴尔干国家欧洲一体化的现状,详细分析了克罗地亚入盟对西巴尔干国家的启示作用。  相似文献   
许謇华 《南风窗》2014,(10):75-76
<正>无论是拿下前总理并一判再判,还是将军队大蛀虫绳之以法,对国家来说都不过是蜕层皮而已;真正需要的脱胎换骨的司法改革,目前还停留在表面。乌克兰激进派急于加入欧盟,总统亚努科维奇临时变卦,酿成内乱。这里固然有俄罗斯施加贸易压力和金融援助诱惑的因素,而从欧盟设置的人权、善治门槛来看,亚努科维奇变卦也有其必然性。倘若乌克兰成为欧盟准成员国,免不了此后要追究亚努科维奇家族腐败和监禁政治对手季莫申科的责任。这在新加入欧盟的克罗地亚身上,已经发生了类似的故事。  相似文献   
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