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一、项目名称:子洲县黄芪(小杂粮)深加工项目 二、项目承办单位:子洲县鼎盛中药材有限责任公司 三、项目内容:项目占地10亩,年生产黄芪系列产品2000吨,小杂粮产品3000吨。将原来以原材料和初产品为主的内销改造为精细加工供出口外销,注重新产品开发,  相似文献   
1.篇名 一般不超过15个汉字且黑体,一般用小二以上字号。2.基金项目 凡须注明项目名称的,将项目内容、主持人、编号置于文章标题下,作者简介前。3.作者简介如:李二,武汉大学法学院,硕士研究生,研究方向:经济法。  相似文献   
一、标题(包括副题)附英语译文,获得基金资助用"*"号在标题后及页底注明基金项目名称和批准号,格式为:*本文为×××年度×××基金资助项目"×××"(批准号×××)的阶段性研究成果。二、作者简介置于标题页底,包括姓名、出生年、性别、籍贯、民族、单位全称、职务、职称、学位、详细通讯地址、邮政编码、联系电话和E  相似文献   
1.篇名一般不超过15个汉字且黑体,一般用小二以上字号2.基金项目凡须注明项目名称的,将项目内容、主持人、编号置于文章标题下,作者简介  相似文献   
一、标题(包括副题)附英语译文。获得基金资助刚“*”号在标题后及页底注明基金项目名称和批准号,格式为:*本文为×××年度×××基金资助项目“×××”(批准号×××)的阶段性研究成果。  相似文献   
The aim of the SMADITt project is not only to reduce the number of drunk drivers on the Swedish roads but also to reduce the number of repeated drunk driving offences. The SMADIT project is a three-way collaboration between the Swedish Police Force, the Swedish Road Administration and the Swedish Social Services. According to the guidelines the police should inform the suspected drunk drivers about SMADIT and ask if they want to be contacted by the Social Services. If they agree to take part in the project, then a member of staff from the Social Services will contact them within 24 hours. The purpose of this paper is to present the results from a qualitative study evaluating the effects of SMADIT. Thirteen male drivers and one female driver who agreed to take part in the SMADIT project were interviewed. The questions covered their experience of SMADIT, why they agreed to participate, what kind of help they received but also their attitudes towards drinking and driving in general and the event leading up to the conviction. The results showed that the initial contact with the police determined if they would agree to participate in the project or not. Both written and verbal information were essential An important aim with SMADIT project is the early contact with the Social Service. However, the results from this study showed that several informants needed time for reflection and to recover from the shock after being stopped by the police on suspicion of drunk driving. However, according to informants, it was important that not too many days passed before a contact was established. During the meeting with the Social Service, the informants were then offered different kinds of treatment. All of the informants were very pleased with this contact. According to the guidelines provided by the SMADIT project a consensus has to be reached, otherwise the Social Services cannot contact the person. In this study, we found that a person straight after the event does not always think clearly and therefore we propose that the SM  相似文献   
张政发[2011]2号各县(区)人民政府,市政府各部门,市直及省属驻张各单位:为进一步深化行政审批制度改革,根据《中华人民共和国行政许可法》和《甘肃省人民政府关于公布省级政府部门第七批取消和调整行政审批项目的决定》(甘政发[2010]54号),由市政务公开暨行政  相似文献   
赣府发[2013]14号2013年5月28日各市、县(区)人民政府,省政府各部门:为贯彻落实全省科技创新大会精神,推进协同创新,激发广大科技工作者创新积极性,加快创新驱动发展,根据《江西省科学技术奖励办法》的规定,经江西省科学技术奖励委员会评审,省政府研究决定:授予"微纳光学器件制作的基础理论及关键技术研究"成果省自然科学奖一等奖,"空间爆发现象和能量释放研究"等6项成果省自然科学奖二等奖,"负电子亲和势光阴极材料及其表征技术研究"等6  相似文献   
(渝办发[2012]264号2012年9月12日)各区县(自治县)人民政府,市政府各部门,有关单位:为推进决策的科学化、民主化,加强我市决策咨询研究工作,提高决策咨询研究成果的质量和水平,根据《重庆市发展研究奖奖励办法》,经市发展研究奖奖励委员会审定,市政府决定对评选出的"生产安全预警预报与控制研究"等46个获奖项目予以表彰。  相似文献   
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