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Nondestructive digital processing methods such as lab color mode (available in Adobe Photoshop) are emerging as alternative methods for forensic document examiners to use when attempting to differentiate writing instrument inks. Although these techniques appear to be viable, little data currently exists regarding the known or potential error rates associated with these techniques. Without adequate data, the validity and reliability of these techniques, including lab color, can not be established. In an attempt to begin to address these issues, 44 black ballpoint ink pens were obtained and used to create 990 pen-pair samples for analysis using established lab color mode techniques. No erroneous findings of "different" were reported following the examination of the known pen-pair combinations in which the same pen was used to create the samples (n = 44). Of the remaining 946 samples, 737 pen-pair samples were differentiated using the lab color mode method, while 209 samples were unable to be differentiated and were recorded as either being "similar" (n = 153) or "unsure" (n = 56). Comparison of the lab color mode results with the results obtained through additional testing using traditional infrared reflectance and infrared luminescence test methods showed that lab color differentiated 102 pen-pair samples (11%; 102/946) that were not differentiated using a VSC-4C.  相似文献   
Im Bereich voller Anwendbarkeit des MRG hat der Vermieter für eine Erhaltung des Mietgegenstandes "im jeweils ortsüblichen Standard" zu sorgen. Der vorliegende Beitrag versucht, dem unbestimmten Gesetzesbegriff der Ortsüblichkeit anhand der bisherigen Rechtsprechung Konturen zu verleihen sowie Kriterien für die bisher unklare Abgrenzung zwischen dem dynamischen Erhaltungsbegriff des § 3 MRG und der Verbesserung nach § 4 MRG herauszuarbeiten.  相似文献   
Eine im Geltungsbereich des MRG erfolgte einseitige gesetzliche Erh?hung des vor Inkrafttreten des MRG zul?ssig frei vereinbarten Hauptmietzinses ist nicht dem Fall gleichzuhalten, dass die Wertsicherungsvereinbarung auf den ursprünglich zul?ssig frei vereinbarten Hauptmietzins anzuwenden ist. Vielmehr liegt im Fall einer einseitigen gesetzlichen Erh?hung des Hauptmietzinses (hier aufgrund des Vorliegens des Tatbestandes des § 12 a Abs 3 MRG) eben keine auf ihre Angemessenheit nicht überprüfbare Vereinbarung in einem vor dem 1. 1. 1982 geschlossenen "Altvertrag" vor. Die "Kombination" dahin, dass der im Geltungsbereich des MRG gesetzlich erh?hte nunmehrige angemessene Hauptmietzins aufgrund der ursprünglichen Wertsicherungsvereinbarung unüberprüfbar erh?ht werden kann, also ein überschreiten der Angemessenheitsgrenze des § 16 Abs 1 MRG durch die Anwendung der alten Wertsicherungsvereinbarung nicht geltend gemacht werden kann, würde zu einem unbilligen Ergebnis führen.  相似文献   
Weil Vitrinen keine "sonstigen selbst?ndigen R?umlichkeiten" iSd § 2 Abs 2 WEG 2002 (§ 1 Abs 1 WEG 1975) sind, kann an diesen weder nach dem WEG 1975 noch nach dem WEG 2002 selbst?ndiges, sondern blo? Zubeh?r-WE begründet werden und bestehen. Ist dennoch nach dem WEG 1975 selbst?ndiges WE an Vitrinen im Grundbuch einverleibt worden, wird deshalb nicht die gesamte Begründung von WE an der Liegenschaft nichtig, da eine rechtskonforme, künftige Gestaltung (hier: der Vitrinen als Zubeh?r-WE) keine ge?nderte Summe der Nutzwerte/der Mindestanteile verlangt. Bis zur vertraglichen Gestaltung (= neuer WE-Vertrag samt Verbücherung des Zubeh?r-WE) ist das "WE" an den Vitrinen als schlichtes Miteigentum anzusehen. Zur Richtigstellung der Parteibezeichnung im Zivilprozess.  相似文献   
Sudden unexplained nocturnal death syndrome (SUNDS) is widely considered to be related to hereditary fatal arrhythmias. Hyperpolarization‐activated cyclic nucleotide‐gated channel 4 (HCN4) channels are widely distributed in sinus myocytes and play a profound role in generating pacemaker electro‐activity in cardiomyocytes. In the present study, the potential correlation between HCN4 gene variations and the occurrence of SUNDS was investigated. Genomic DNA was extracted from blood samples of both 119 unrelated SUNDS patients and 184 healthy individuals and screened for candidate HCN4 gene variants. One missense heterozygous variant c.1578C>T (Ala195Val) and four synonymous heterozygous variants c.1552C>T, c.2833C>T, c.3823C>T, and c.4189C>A were discovered in the SUNDS cases. The missense variant c.1578C>T (Ala195Val) was absent in 163 recruited controls and 105 persons of the Southern Han Chinese population, had in‐silico prediction indications as damaging, and was reported prevalent in sudden infant death, and is thus likely to be involved in SUNDS.  相似文献   
2‐(4‐Bromo‐2,5‐dimethoxyphenyl)‐N‐(2‐methoxybenzyl)ethanamine (25B‐NBOMe) is a substituted phenethylamine, which has become highly prevalent worldwide since 2014. Recently, in an autopsy case involving fatal 25B‐NBOMe intoxication, we found the postmortem increase of 25B‐NBOMe concentration in the cardiac blood approximately 2 days after death. The aim of this study was to investigate the distribution of 25B‐NBOMe and reproduce the postmortem redistribution using a rat model. Sprague‐Dawley rats were killed 30 min after intraperitoneal injection of 25B‐NBOMe (0.5 mg/kg) and left for 0, 3, 6, 9, 15, or 24 h (six rats at each time point). Postmortem 25B‐NBOMe concentrations in the cardiac blood increased by more than 10‐fold at 6‐h postmortem. 25B‐NBOMe accumulated primarily in the lung. Moreover, this postmortem redistribution occurred even in rats that had died 1 week following the 25B‐NBOMe administration. These findings indicate that attention should be paid to sample collection and data interpretation in the toxicological analysis of 25B‐NBOMe.  相似文献   
The 4- Aminophenol (4-AP) colorimetric test is a fast, easy-to-use, and cost-effective presumptive assay of cannabis plant material producing different chromophores with THC-rich cannabis (blue color) and with CBD-rich cannabis (pink color). The main drawback of the 4-AP test is a brief observation window where the color rapidly changes to black, limiting the utility of the test. We now report for the first time, the identification of the product chromophores between 4-AP and CBD/THC as well as propose an explanation and a solution for the color degradation of the chromophores. The identification of the chromophores is provided by spectroscopic (UV–Vis), chromatography, and mass spectrometry (TLC and LC-QToF-MS). Oxidation of excess 4-AP (Reagent A) in the presence of NaOH (Reagent B) produces the black color observed for the previously reported 4-AP tests and reported in the literature. The adjustment of reactants concentrations and volumes of 4-AP:THC/CBD to a 1:1 ratio significantly reduces the black oxidation by-product and increases the observation window up to 2 h instead of the previously reported 5–10 min. For the first time, mass spectrometry and chromatography confirmed that the reaction of THC and CBD with 4-AP produced chromophores with m/z (M + H) = 420, consistent with proposed indophenol structures. The TLC method developed confirmed the separation between CBD and THC chromophores. The specificity of the test is also reported, showing false positive results for the presence of THC (blue color) for samples of thyme and oregano. LDA and SIMCA models showed that the optimized 4-AP procedure performs better than the previously reported 4-AP color test.  相似文献   
A frequent lament among researchers is that public policy makers should pay more attention to scientific and technical information (STI). If there is any single area where one might expect STI to be used in public policy making and agenda setting it is in science and technology policy. Many of the policy makers in science and technology policy are themselves scientists or researchers and presumably would prove especially receptive to STI. However, STI is only one of many types of information used in policy making and policy actors often differ in the extent to which they view STI as credible, particularly compared to other types of potentially policy‐relevant information. Research on credibility (the believability of information, information types, and media) has shown variance and policy makers’ “credibility maps.” Thus, some policy makers have preference for formal information generally and STI specifically, but others privilege raw data, personal experience, authority, history and anecdote, analogical reasoning, or conformance to ideology, to name just a few of the information choices. Here, we build on the current researchers’ previous bibliometrics‐based work and use data from 41 semi‐structured elite interviews with National Research Council (NRC) executives and staff and NRC committee members concerning the use of STI in reports issued by the NRC. Findings show that the use of STI in NRC reports varies according to the nature of the inquiry and the sponsor. Information used in the reports is based on not only the assessed credibility of information but also its perceived direct relevance and the availability of STI as compared to other types of information. In general, the amount of STI in the NRC reports tends to have modest effects on the likelihood that reports will be used in policy making or by the mass media. More important factors include the timing of the report with respect to political agendas, the party requesting the report, and the enacted roles of NRC staff members and committee chairs.  相似文献   
Policy termination is identified as a rare occurrence and thus difficult to study. However, one policy area, community water fluoridation, has seen an apparent increase in termination in recent years. We examine the specific case of termination in Calgary, Alberta in 2011 with a specific goal to apply Kingdon's Multiple Streams Approach to the policy termination framework. Our findings suggest that of key importance for the termination of water fluoridation was the impending need for an upgrade to the fluoridation infrastructure, the effectiveness of the local anti‐fluoridation activists, the speed of decision making, and a prominent framing of the issue in ethical terms. The opening of a policy window made possible by the 2010 Calgary municipal election, one that introduced a number of new members to council, as well as the presence of a policy entrepreneur who took advantage of the window's opening, were of specific importance to the success of policy termination.  相似文献   
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