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自 198 9年成立以来 ,APEC虽然已经在诸多合作领域取得了令人瞩目的重大进展 ,但它毕竟不是一种成熟的经济一体化模式 ,在许多方面仍然处于不断探索之中。随着国际政治经济环境的变化和加深区域经济一体化新需要的不断出现 ,APEC的官方经济论坛性质、推动地区贸易与投资自由化和便利化的原则、原定的经济合作方向和目标以及发展进程与地位都面临着严峻挑战。  相似文献   
亚太地区是当今世界经济最活跃的地区,亚太经济合作组织是这一地区级别最高、影响最大的区域性经济组织.本文分析了亚太经济合作中取得的成就和存在的困难,认为亚太经济合作必须坚持开放性、渐进性和推进内部的次区域经济合作.中国作为亚太地区的大国,必须积极参与亚太经济合作,处理好一系列相关问题,做到有所作为,发挥更大的建设性作用.  相似文献   
以韩国女子高等院校为考察对象,通过分析整理梨花女子大学的专业设置、选择专业的形式、教养课程(国内的公共课)的设置,可以得出如下结论:其教育的首要目标是培养女性的人格和创造力;其人才培养和女性人才的定位符合社会的需求;其教育目的完全融入了专业与课程设置;其选择专业制度灵活,公共课程内容丰富,符合当代女大学生的需求。这些可为国内女子高等院校办学提供参考。  相似文献   
After withdrawing from the Kyoto Protocol, the US Bush Administration and the Australian Howard Government pursued an international climate change policy focussed on voluntary international agreements outside the UN climate negotiations. This strategy included the formation of several climate agreements directed at technology development, including the 2005 Asia Pacific Partnership on Clean Development and Climate (APP). The APP provides a model for international climate change policy directed at voluntary national greenhouse gas intensity targets, technology development through sectoral public–private partnerships and technology diffusion through trade. This article situates the APP within these US and Australian inspired climate agreements formed outside the UN negotiations. Bäckstrand and Lövbrand’s (in M. Pettenger (ed.) The social construction of climate change: power knowledge norms discourses, 2007) discourse analysis in relation to the international climate negotiations is used to explore differences between the APP and UN climate treaties. We find the APP embodies a discourse of what we call ‘deregulatory ecological modernisation’ that promotes limited public funding to ease informational failures in markets for cleaner technologies and management practices. The deregulatory ecological modernisation discourse is a deeply intensive market liberal approach to international climate change policy, which contests binding emission reduction targets and the development of a global carbon market. The USA, Australia, Japan and Canada represented a core group of countries that used the APP to promote the deregulatory ecological modernisation discourse and thereby contest any deepening of developed nations' emission reduction targets for the post-2012 period. However, with changes of leadership and new parties in power in the USA and Australia, it appears that the deregulatory ecological modernisation discourse has lost ground compared to a reengagement with discourses supportive of developed country emission reduction targets and equity-based adaptation and technology transfer assistance for developing nations.  相似文献   
浅议法学本科精英型人才培养模式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
郑茜 《行政与法》2010,(4):82-84
目前,我国高等教育法学本科人才培养模式已不适合我国未来发展的需要,更难适应全球化趋势对法学专业人才的要求,因此,必须反思现行的法学人才培养模式中存在的问题,从根本上改变教学观念,实事求是地分析法学人才培养上的障碍性因素,借鉴发达国家的法学人才培养经验,立足于我国国情提出可行的改进方法。本文认为,精英型人才是我国高等法学教育的培养目标,应以此为方向改进法学本科人才的培养模式。  相似文献   
The APEC Privacy Framework was developed from 2003, adopted by APEC in 2004 and finalised in 2005. It was intended as a means of improving the standard of information privacy protection throughout the APEC countries of the Asia–Pacific, and of facilitating the trans-border flow of personal information between those countries. In 2007 a number of ‘Pathfinder’ projects for cross-border data transfers were launched under the Framework. In the five years since the process commenced, what has it achieved, and what is it likely to achieve? This paper argues that the APEC Privacy Framework has had many flaws from its inception, including Privacy Principles that are unnecessarily weak, and no meaningful enforcement requirements. Since its adoption in 2004, little attempt has been made to encourage its use as a minimal standard for privacy legislation in developing countries (which might have been useful), and it is having little impact on the significant number of legislative developments now taking place.  相似文献   
《Local Government Studies》2012,38(6):893-912

Today’s political ambitions are based on the neoliberal aspiration to diminish the state’s role and responsibilities, and to transfer those responsibilities to local communities and individuals in ways that idealise those communities, promising to ‘give power to the people’. Instead of highlighting individualism, neoliberalism now celebrates communities and participation. This article deals with the effects of this ideology with regard to Finnish rural policy objectives. Drawing on Finnish village action programmes as data, we argue that these ideological views aim to transform individuals and create new moral actors. Our research indicates that Finland’s rural policy objectives invoke actors that are responsible for their communities, have an ‘enterprising spirit’, and are change-friendly and innovative. However, the ideology disregards the economic and social preconditions and resources necessary for building affluent communities and villages, which are difficult to attain when there is less government involvement. Thus, rural communities face increasing demands and less government involvement.  相似文献   
俄罗斯不同时期有其不同的转型任务与力求达到的目标:解决制度变迁与确立市场经济体制框架问题;普京执政时期通过实行修补与整治等政策,使三权分立的宪政制度完善,使混乱无序的市场转向有序;梅普组合后俄罗斯向国家现代化方向转型。俄罗斯经济发展前景在很大程度上取决于国家现代化的进程。  相似文献   
法学教学中的案例法或案例研究在本质上均属于案例教学,判例教学方法在英美法系法学教育中则是一种以案例为中心,重在提高学生综合职业能力的一种教学方法。我国的法学教育采取的基本是学术教育的模式,案例教学涉及课堂教学和实习二个不同阶段。教学中,不同层次的人才培养目标意味着教学案例的不同选择,同时,在不同的教学方法中,案例的选择与处理方式也应有所不同。  相似文献   
从高职综合英语课程定位起笔,着重从教学目标、教学环境、教学活动和教学评估等方面,分析高职综合英语学科教学应以构建学生实际综合素质,培养英语语言技能和思维习惯等为出发点和落脚点。通过建设重实效重建构的精品课程来实现这些教学策略与目标。  相似文献   
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